Spring 是如何保证事务获取同一个Connection的

Spring 的事务管理是基于 JDBC 的事务的,如果要保证事务正确的执行,必须保证与数据库的链接是同一个



public <T> T execute(StatementCallback<T> action) throws DataAccessException {
        Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null");

        Connection con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(getDataSource());
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            Connection conToUse = con;
            if (this.nativeJdbcExtractor != null &&
                    this.nativeJdbcExtractor.isNativeConnectionNecessaryForNativeStatements()) {
                conToUse = this.nativeJdbcExtractor.getNativeConnection(con);
            stmt = conToUse.createStatement();
            Statement stmtToUse = stmt;
            if (this.nativeJdbcExtractor != null) {
                stmtToUse = this.nativeJdbcExtractor.getNativeStatement(stmt);
            T result = action.doInStatement(stmtToUse);
            return result;
        catch (SQLException ex) {
            // Release Connection early, to avoid potential connection pool deadlock
            // in the case when the exception translator hasn't been initialized yet.
            stmt = null;
            DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, getDataSource());
            con = null;
            throw getExceptionTranslator().translate("StatementCallback", getSql(action), ex);
        finally {
            DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, getDataSource());

获取链接是由 DataSourceUtils 管理的:

public static Connection getConnection(DataSource dataSource) throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException {
        try {
            return doGetConnection(dataSource);
        catch (SQLException ex) {
            throw new CannotGetJdbcConnectionException("Could not get JDBC Connection", ex);
* Actually obtain a JDBC Connection from the given DataSource.
* Same as {@link #getConnection}, but throwing the original SQLException.
* <p>Is aware of a corresponding Connection bound to the current thread, for example
* when using {@link DataSourceTransactionManager}. Will bind a Connection to the thread
* if transaction synchronization is active (e.g. if in a JTA transaction).
* <p>Directly accessed by {@link TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy}.
* @param dataSource the DataSource to obtain Connections from
* @return a JDBC Connection from the given DataSource
* @throws SQLException if thrown by JDBC methods
* @see #doReleaseConnection
public static Connection doGetConnection(DataSource dataSource) throws SQLException {
Assert.notNull(dataSource, "No DataSource specified");

ConnectionHolder conHolder = (ConnectionHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(dataSource);
if (conHolder != null && (conHolder.hasConnection() || conHolder.isSynchronizedWithTransaction())) {
if (!conHolder.hasConnection()) {
logger.debug("Fetching resumed JDBC Connection from DataSource");
return conHolder.getConnection();
// Else we either got no holder or an empty thread-bound holder here.

logger.debug("Fetching JDBC Connection from DataSource");
Connection con = dataSource.getConnection();

if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) {
logger.debug("Registering transaction synchronization for JDBC Connection");
// Use same Connection for further JDBC actions within the transaction.
// Thread-bound object will get removed by synchronization at transaction completion.
ConnectionHolder holderToUse = conHolder;
if (holderToUse == null) {
holderToUse = new ConnectionHolder(con);
else {
new ConnectionSynchronization(holderToUse, dataSource));
if (holderToUse != conHolder) {
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(dataSource, holderToUse);

return con;

注意方法 getConnection 的注释:

Is aware of a corresponding Connection bound to the current thread, for example
* when using {@link DataSourceTransactionManager}. Will bind a Connection to the thread
* if transaction synchronization is active (e.g. if in a JTA transaction).

如果使用了事务,则把当前获取的链接 bind 到当前线程,看下 TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(dataSource)的源码:

static Object getResource(Object key) { Object actualKey = TransactionSynchronizationUtils.unwrapResourceIfNecessary(key); Object value = doGetResource(actualKey); if (value != null && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Retrieved value [" + value + "] for key [" + actualKey + "] bound to thread [" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]"); } return value; } /** * Actually check the value of the resource that is bound for the given key. */ private static Object doGetResource(Object actualKey) { Map<Object, Object> map = resources.get(); if (map == null) { return null; } Object value = map.get(actualKey); // Transparently remove ResourceHolder that was marked as void... if (value instanceof ResourceHolder && ((ResourceHolder) value).isVoid()) { map.remove(actualKey); // Remove entire ThreadLocal if empty... if (map.isEmpty()) { resources.remove(); } value = null; } return value; }



private static final ThreadLocal<Map<Object, Object>> resources =
new NamedThreadLocal<Map<Object, Object>>("Transactional resources");


在某个线程第一次调用时候,封装Map资源为:key值为DataSource生成actualKey【Object actualKey = TransactionSynchronizationUtils.unwrapResourceIfNecessary(key);】value值为DataSource获得的Connection对象封装后的ConnectionHolder。

posted @ 2017-02-22 11:27  Just4Me  阅读(6938)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报