一个asp.net OOM问题

(兄弟,再抓dump的时候,不要用debugdiag 的memory leak选项了,你可以直接用adplus -hang来弄。如果搞好了,再发给我一份。)

一哥们今天发mail给我,它的系统怀疑有Memory Leak的问题,从他的链接上down下来dump后,开始分析。

对于memory问题,一般强烈建议用debugdiag来分析,如我这等半懂不懂的人,用这个正合适,嘿嘿。对于如eparg等大牛,他们用windbg或者单纯用脑子想,就能搞定了。so,打开debugdiaggoogle一下这个关键字:debugdiag download,第一个就是msdn的下载地址),按照memory模式,把这个dump加上去。分析了N久后,有这么一个报告:


webengine.dll is responsible for 92.64 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations. The following are the top 2 memory consuming functions:

webengine!BufferPool::GetBuffer+4a: 92.54 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations.
webengine!MemAlloc+22: 94.81 KBytes worth of outstanding allocations.


WARNING - DebugDiag was not able to locate debug symbols for oracommon9.dll, so the reported function name(s) may not be accurate.

oracommon9.dll is responsible for 63.85 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations. The following are the top 2 memory consuming functions:

oracommon9!sktsfMalloc+14: 63.85 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations.




Allocation type

  Heap allocation(s)

Heap handle


Allocation Count

  3056 allocation(s)

Allocation Size

  92.54 MBytes

Leak Probability


GetBuffer方法,有41%的可能性存在泄漏。call stack类似于这样:



















System.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathProvider.GetCacheDependency(System.Web.VirtualPath, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.DateTime)



System.Web.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.DateTime)



System.Web.Compilation.MemoryBuildResultCache.CacheBuildResult(System.String, System.Web.Compilation.BuildResult, Int64, System.DateTime)


  System.Web.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.DateTime)

System.Web.Compilation.BuildResultCache.CacheBuildResult(System.String, System.Web.Compilation.BuildResult, System.DateTime)



System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCacheInternal(System.String, Boolean, System.Web.VirtualPath, Int64)


  System.Web.Compilation.BuildResultCache.CacheBuildResult(System.String, System.Web.Compilation.BuildResult, System.DateTime)



  System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCacheInternal(System.String, Boolean, System.Web.VirtualPath, Int64)

System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(System.Web.VirtualPath, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)



System.Collections.Hashtable.KeyEquals(System.Object, System.Object)






System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpContext, System.AsyncCallback, System.Object)

































郁闷的是,看不到自己的代码在里面。没办法,重新用windbg,硬着头皮看吧!首先看看dump大小,文件是452M,然后看看managed heap大小,!eeheap -gc结果如下:
Number of GC Heaps: 4
Heap 0 (000df710)
generation 0 starts at 0x03625d34
Large object heap starts at 0x12980038
 segment    begin allocated     size            reserved
12980000 12980038  1308d530 0x0070d4f8(7,394,552) 018f2000
Heap Size  0x1a261b4(27,419,060)
Heap 1 (000e07c8)
generation 0 starts at 0x07588e34
Large object heap starts at 0x14980038
 segment    begin allocated     size            reserved
14980000 14980038  14da4f50 0x00424f18(4,345,624) 01bdb000
Heap Size  0x1549d40(22,322,496)
Heap 2 (000e1c48)
Large object heap starts at 0x16980038
 segment    begin allocated     size            reserved
16980000 16980038  17040628 0x006c05f0(7,079,408) 0193f000
Heap Size  0x1a88720(27,821,856)
Heap 3 (000e3138)
Large object heap starts at 0x18980038
 segment    begin allocated     size            reserved
18980000 18980038  18ea0548 0x00520510(5,375,248) 01adf000
Heap Size  0x15f4a2c(23,022,124)
GC Heap Size  0x5fed040(100,585,536)

不大,一共才100M而已,而整个dump452M,那么我们有理由怀疑是unmanged code占用了内存,或者是有内存碎片。如果是碎片,那么我们可以看一下是否因为compilation debug=true的开关造成的,可以看看!eeheap -loader,还好,看到的modules不多,几十个而已。
看一下gcheap上面有啥:!dumpheap -stat的结果如下
0:023> !dumpheap -stat
Using our cache to search the heap.
0x7a763d20          1            12 System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection
0x7a762f14          1            12 System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions
0x6639cb2c     36,789     1,030,092 System.Web.FileMonitorTarget
0x000deee0        224     1,109,336      Free
0x7912dd40     13,390     1,131,392 System.Char[]
0x7912d9bc      4,367     1,974,312 System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket[]
0x7912d8f8     46,674     3,357,592 System.Object[]
0x79131b20      2,489     5,127,340 System.Decimal[]
0x7912dae8     39,144    33,776,232 System.Byte[]
0x790fd8c4    110,981    41,137,936 System.String
Total 558,319 objects, Total size: 100,552,792

比较有意思的是,一共100Mmanaged heapbyte + string就占了84M,这有点太多了。。。so,我们需要看一下这些bytestring都是啥。因为这两者数量都很大,一个是39,一个是11万,那么我们需要做点取舍,比如说,只看20K以上的东西。

!dumpheap -mt 0x7912dae8   -min 20000,这个输出很大,我们节略看一下:

0:000> !dumpheap -mt 0x7912dae8   -min 20000


Heap 0

 Address       MT     Size

02a8ce9c 7912dae8    22952    

02a9618c 7912dae8    22952    


0360c990 7912dae8    23008    

total 207 objects


Heap 1

 Address       MT     Size

06aa8b34 7912dae8    22952    

06abd458 7912dae8    23356    


07551d7c 7912dae8    23000    

14a64bf8 7912dae8   131088    

total 200 objects


Heap 2

 Address       MT     Size

0aa7fabc 7912dae8    32780    

0aae77ac 7912dae8    23008    


0b64a5f4 7912dae8    24064    

0b6a93ac 7912dae8    24064    

total 225 objects


Heap 3

 Address       MT     Size

0ea819f0 7912dae8    65548    


0f73160c 7912dae8    22896    

0f825cd8 7912dae8    22968    

0f9389c8 7912dae8    20044    

total 223 objects


total 855 objects


      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

7912dae8      855     20442324 System.Byte[]

Total 855 objects


[24044] 0b6af1a0

[24045] 0b6af1a1

[24046] 0b6af1a2

[24047] 0b6af1a3

[24048] 0b6af1a4

[24049] 0b6af1a5

[24050] 0b6af1a6

[24051] 0b6af1a7


0:000> dc 0b6a93ac

0b6a93ac 7912dae8 00005df4 683c0a0d 206c6d74 ...y.]....<html

0b6a93bc 6e6c6d78 68223d73 3a707474 77772f2f xmlns="http://ww

0b6a93cc 33772e77 67726f2e 3939312f 68782f39 w.w3.org/1999/xh

0b6a93dc 226c6d74 3c0a0d3e 64616568 3d646920 tml">..<head id=

0b6a93ec 61654822 3e223164 7469743c 0d3e656c "Head1"><title>.

0b6a93fc 96e6090a 96b8e4b0 e9aabae7 94e58094 ................

0b6a940c 91bde7ae 2f3c0a0d 6c746974 6d3c3e65 ......</title><m

0b6a941c 20617465 656d616e 6261223d 61727473 eta name="abstra


0b6a942c 20227463 746e6f63 3d746e65 8094e922 ct" content="...

0b6a943c e2ae94e5 80e29480 b096e694 e796b8e4 ................

0b6a944c 95e5aaba a18ae586 20423242 e491bde7 ........B2B ....

0b6a945c bae48ab8 9398e6a4 e582b8e5 2022ba9c .............."

0b6a946c 6d3c3e2f 20617465 656d616e 6f63223d /><meta name="co

0b6a947c 69727970 22746867 6e6f6320 746e6574 pyright" content

0b6a948c 6126223d 633b706d 2079706f 34303032 ="&amp;copy 2004

0b6a949c 3030322d 31202037 ffffffff ffffffff -2007 juqiang.

0:000> dc

0b6a94ac 726f4320 61726f70 6e6f6974 646e6120   Corporation and

0b6a94bc 73746920 63696c20 6f736e65 202e7372   its licensors.

0b6a94cc 206c6c41 68676972 72207374 72657365 All rights reser

0b6a94dc 2e646576 3e2f2022 74656d3c 64692061 ved." /><meta id

0b6a94ec 6564223d 69726373 6f697470 6e20226e ="description" n

0b6a94fc 3d656d61 73656422 70697263 6e6f6974 ame="description

0b6a950c 3e2f2022 74656d3c 64692061 656b223d " /><meta id="ke

0b6a951c 726f7779 20227364 656d616e 656b223d ywords" name="ke

0:000> dc

0b6a952c 726f7779 20227364 2f3c3e2f 64616568 ywords" /></head

0b6a953c 200a0d3e 3c202020 6b6e696c 65726820 >..    <link hre

0b6a954c 68223d66 3a707474 74732f2f 2e656c79 f="http://style.

0b6a955c ffffffff    ffffffff  687a2f6d 2f6e632d juqiang./zh-cn/

0b6a956c 5f707041 2f626557 61666544 2e746c75 App_Web/Default.

0b6a957c 22737363 70797420 74223d65 2f747865 css" type="text/

0b6a958c 22737363 6c657220 7453223d 73656c79 css" rel="Styles

0b6a959c 74656568 3e2f2022 20200a0d 6c3c2020 heet" />..    <l

0:000> dc

0b6a95ac 206b6e69 66657268 7468223d 2f3a7074 ink href="http:/

0b6a95bc 7974732f 312e656c ffffffff    ffffffff /style.juqiang.

0b6a95cc 2d687a2f 412f6e63 575f7070 772f6265 /zh-cn/App_Web/w

0b6a95dc 65686265 632e6461 20227373 65707974 ebhead.css" type

0b6a95ec 6574223d 632f7478 20227373 3d6c6572 ="text/css" rel=

0b6a95fc 79745322 6873656c 22746565 0d3e2f20 "Stylesheet" />.

0b6a960c 2020200a 696c3c20 68206b6e 3d666572 .    <link href=

0b6a961c 74746822 2f2f3a70 6c797473 3631ffff   "http://style.ju

0:000> dc

0b6a962c ffffffff  2f6d6f63 632d687a 70412f6e qiangom/zh-cn/Ap

0b6a963c 65575f70 53552f62 4f435245 4f52544e p_Web/USERCONTRO

0b6a964c 49445f4c 70412f56 62655770 6e61425f L_DIV/AppWeb_Ban

0b6a965c 2e72656e 22737363 6c657220 7453223d ner.css" rel="St

0b6a966c 73656c79 74656568 79742022 223d6570 ylesheet" type="

0b6a967c 74786574 7373632f 3e2f2022 20200a0d text/css" />.. 

0b6a968c 6c3c2020 206b6e69 66657268 7468223d    <link href="ht



0x790fd8c4    110,981    41,137,936 System.String

这个!dumpheap –stat的信息中,string一共41M,我们看一下:

!dumpheap –mt 0x790fd8c4   -min 100000



Heap 0

 Address       MT     Size

129921f8 790fd8c4   131096    

129f1e40 790fd8c4   262168    


130725f0 790fd8c4   110384    

total 38 objects


Heap 1

 Address       MT     Size

14980048 790fd8c4   131096    

149a0070 790fd8c4   131096    


14d44f00 790fd8c4   131096    

14d64f28 790fd8c4   262168    

total 28 objects


Heap 2

 Address       MT     Size

16980048 790fd8c4   262168    

169c0070 790fd8c4   131096    


16fa05c0 790fd8c4   262168    

17020610 790fd8c4   131096    

total 37 objects


Heap 3

 Address       MT     Size

18980048 790fd8c4   131096    

189a0070 790fd8c4   262168    


18e404f8 790fd8c4   262168    

18e80520 790fd8c4   131096    

total 32 objects


total 135 objects


      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

790fd8c4      135     22903416 System.String

Total 135 objects


0:000> !do -nofields 12c91f18

Name: System.String

MethodTable: 790fd8c4

EEClass: 790fd824

Size: 131090(0x20012) bytes


String: <P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 宋体;">适用于各种大型作业、施工现场和建筑物立面等场所的大范围照明,也可满足工程机械、设施以及城市景观等照明需要。。。。。后面从略

很明显,这也是一个html页面的内容。Html页面是asp.net engineserver端生成的,那么如果该页面或者该页面的某些信息被放到了session里面,并且session没有被清除,那么这些页面就会对系统内存使用产生影响。而session是放到System.Web.Caching.Cache里面的,so,我们需要看System.Web.Caching.Cache是不是有什么东西。在上面的dumpheap –stat结果中,我们能找到这么一条:

6639d878        1           12 System.Web.Caching.Cache

Ok,我们look一下:!dumpheap –mt 6639d878,结果如下:

0:000> !dumpheap -mt 6639d878


Heap 0

 Address       MT     Size

total 0 objects


Heap 1

 Address       MT     Size

total 0 objects


Heap 2

 Address       MT     Size

0a99a408 6639d878       12    

total 1 objects


Heap 3

 Address       MT     Size

total 0 objects


total 1 objects


      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

6639d878        1           12 System.Web.Caching.Cache

Total 1 objects


0:000> !objsize 0a99a408

sizeof(0a99a408) =     32764788 (   0x1f3f374) bytes (System.Web.Caching.Cache)


0:023> !do 0a99a408

Name: System.Web.Caching.Cache

MethodTable: 6639d878

EEClass: 6639d808

Size: 12(0xc) bytes



      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

6639e2c8 4001391        4 ...ing.CacheInternal 0 instance 0a99a4f0 _cacheInternal

7910c878 400138f      1b8      System.DateTime 1   shared   static NoAbsoluteExpiration

    >> Domain:Value 000c8c48:NotInit 000ff288:0a99e8b4 <<

7911228c 4001390      1bc      System.TimeSpan 1   shared   static NoSlidingExpiration

    >> Domain:Value 000c8c48:NotInit 000ff288:0a99e8c4 <<


0:023> !do 0a99a4f0

Name: System.Web.Caching.CacheMultiple

MethodTable: 6639dc9c

EEClass: 6639dc24

Size: 24(0x18) bytes



      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

6639d7a4 40013bc        4 ...ching.CacheCommon 0 instance 0a99a328 _cacheCommon

79102290 40013d3        c         System.Int32 1 instance        0 _disposed

7912d8f8 40013d4        8      System.Object[] 0 instance 0a99a508 _caches

79102290 40013d5       10         System.Int32 1 instance        3 _cacheIndexMask


0:023> !da -details 0a99a508

Name: System.Web.Caching.CacheSingle[]

MethodTable: 7912d8f8

EEClass: 7912de6c

Size: 32(0x20) bytes

Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 4, Type CLASS

Element Methodtable: 6639dd2c

[0] 0a99a528

    Name: System.Web.Caching.CacheSingle

    MethodTable: 6639dd2c

    EEClass: 6644183c

    Size: 76(0x4c) bytes



          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

    6639d7a4 40013bc        4 ...ching.CacheCommon 0 instance 0a99a328 _cacheCommon

    79101fe4 40013c3        8 ...ections.Hashtable 0 instance 0a99a574 _entries

    6639df10 40013c4        c ...hing.CacheExpires 0 instance 0a99a5b8 _expires

    6639e100 40013c5       10 ...aching.CacheUsage 0 instance 0a99b218 _usage


    >> Domain:Value 000c8c48:NotInit 000ff288:NotInit <<

[3] 0a99d0f0

   Name: System.Web.Caching.CacheSingle

    MethodTable: 6639dd2c

    EEClass: 6644183c

    Size: 76(0x4c) bytes



          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

    6639d7a4 40013bc        4 ...ching.CacheCommon 0 instance 0a99a328 _cacheCommon

    79101fe4 40013c3        8 ...ections.Hashtable 0 instance 0a99d13c _entries

    6639df10 40013c4        c ...hing.CacheExpires 0 instance 0a99d174 _expires

    6639e100 40013c5       10 ...aching.CacheUsage 0 instance 0a99ddd4 _usage

    790fd0f0 40013c6       14        System.Object 0 instance 0a99df4c _lock

    79102290 40013c7       20         System.Int32 1 instance        0 _disposed


>> Domain:Value 000c8c48:NotInit 000ff288:NotInit <<


!do 0a99d13c

0:023> !do 0a99d13c

Name: System.Collections.Hashtable

MethodTable: 79101fe4

EEClass: 79101f74

Size: 56(0x38) bytes



      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

7912d9bc 400092b        4 ...ashtable+bucket[] 0 instance 0b04f858 buckets

79102290 400092c       1c         System.Int32 1 instance      596 count

79102290 400092d       20         System.Int32 1 instance      517 occupancy

79102290 400092e       24         System.Int32 1 instance      794 loadsize

7910790c 400092f       28        System.Single 1 instance 0.720000 loadFactor

79102290 4000930       2c         System.Int32 1 instance     4601 version

7910be50 4000931       30       System.Boolean 1 instance        0 isWriterInProgress

79107ef8 4000932        8 ...tions.ICollection 0 instance 00000000 keys

79107ef8 4000933        c ...tions.ICollection 0 instance 00000000 values

79116ef8 4000934       10 ...IEqualityComparer 0 instance 0a99a5ac _keycomparer

790fd0f0 4000935       14        System.Object 0 instance 00000000 _syncRoot

79111df0 4000936       18 ...SerializationInfo 0 instance 00000000 m_siInfo


// Nested Types
    private struct bucket
        public object key;
        public object val;
        public int hash_coll;


0:023> !da -details 0b04f858

Name: System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket[]

MethodTable: 7912d9bc

EEClass: 7912da74

Size: 13248(0x33c0) bytes

Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 1103, Type VALUETYPE

Element Methodtable: 791021d8

[0] 0b04f860

    Name: System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket

    MethodTable 791021d8

    EEClass: 79102154

    Size: 20(0x14) bytes



          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

    790fd0f0 4000937        0        System.Object 0 instance 02e8370c key

    790fd0f0 4000938        4        System.Object 0 instance 02e8370c val

    79102290 4000939        8         System.Int32 1 instance -618753223 hash_coll


[1101] 0b052bfc

    Name: System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket

    MethodTable 791021d8

    EEClass: 79102154

    Size: 20(0x14) bytes



          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

    790fd0f0 4000937        0        System.Object 0 instance 07332234 key

    790fd0f0 4000938        4        System.Object 0 instance 07332234 val

    79102290 4000939        8         System.Int32 1 instance 426306189 hash_coll

[1102] 0b052c08

    Name: System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket

    MethodTable 791021d8

    EEClass: 79102154

    Size: 20(0x14) bytes



          MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name

    790fd0f0 4000937        0        System.Object 0 instance 02f3a36c key

    790fd0f0 4000938        4        System.Object 0 instance 02f3a36c val

    79102290 4000939        8         System.Int32 1 instance -1416280683 hash_coll




0:023> kb 200

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child             

1bf99e0c 7c957d0b 71a819d6 00000634 00000001 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet

1bf99e10 71a819d6 00000634 00000001 1bf99e38 ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xc

1bf99e4c 71a8c517 00000634 00000c0c 00000002 mswsock!SockWaitForSingleObject+0x3a

1bf99ec4 71b694e5 00000c0c 1bf99f24 00000001 mswsock!WSPRecv+0x203

1bf99f00 619156b4 00000c0c 1bf99f24 00000001 ws2_32!WSARecv+0x77

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

1bf99f34 61912fc1 00000c0c 1bb1136e 00000810 orantcp9!nttini+0x4694

1bf9ebfc 1bc40802 00000000 00000000 00000000 System_Data_OracleClient!System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.Execute(System.Data.OracleClient.OciStatementHandle, System.Data.CommandBehavior, Boolean, System.Data.OracleClient.OciRowidDescriptor ByRef, System.Collections.ArrayList ByRef)+0x3e5

App_Code_nz6nfqpz!EC168CH.OracleDAL.DataPaging.GetRecordsByPaging_v6_2(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal)+0x663

1bf9ee98 1b00bf8b 00000000 00000000 00000000 App_Code_nz6nfqpz!EC168CH.OracleDAL.DataPaging.GetRecordsByPaging_v6(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal ByRef, System.Decimal ByRef)+0x266

1bf9eee0 1b00bf0c 00000000 00000000 00000000 App_Code_nz6nfqpz!EC168CH.OracleDAL.DataPaging.GetRecordsByPaging(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal ByRef, System.Decimal ByRef)+0x63

1bf9ef2c 1b00b993 00000000 00000000 00000000 App_Code_nz6nfqpz!DataPaging.GetRecordsByPaging(System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal ByRef, System.Decimal ByRef)+0x74

029efddc 1b00abd2 00000000 00000000 00000000 App_Web_ur5qxxzw!App_web_Buy_BuyList.BindData(System.Decimal)+0x1bb

1bf9f14c 66f12980 00000000 00000000 00000000 App_Web_ur5qxxzw!App_web_Buy_BuyList.Page_Load(System.Object, System.EventArgs)+0x92a

1bf9f38c 6628efd2 00000000 00000000 00000000

000000 System_Web_ni!System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean, Boolean)+0x59d

1bf9f3c4 6614d80f 00000000 00000000 00000000 System_Web_ni!System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean, Boolean)+0x67

1bf9f400 6614d72f 00000000 00000000 00000000


1bf9fd14 79f95a2e 00000000 1bf9fd28 00000001 mscorwks!ThreadpoolMgr::WorkerThreadStart+0x223

1bf9ffb8 7c824829 1b1969c8 00000000 00000000 mscorwks!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x49

1bf9ffec 00000000 79f959e8 1b1969c8 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x34



0:023> !name2ee App_Web_ur5qxxzw!App_web_Buy_BuyList.Page_Load

Module: 1b0185c4 (App_Web_ur5qxxzw.dll)

Token: 0x06000019

MethodDesc: 1b019108

Name: App_web_Buy_BuyList.Page_Load(System.Object, System.EventArgs)

JITTED Code Address: 1b00a2a8


!savemodule 1b0185c4 c:"1.dll


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 其他省略
    this.CurrentPageNum = Convert.ToInt32(this.Pg);
    if ((this.BizPageCount > 0M) && (this.dtBiz.Rows.Count < 1))


public static DataTable readJuqiang()
// 此处省略
    if (HttpRuntime.Cache[key] == null)
        keyVal = dal.readProvince();
        common.AddCache(key, keyVal, null, CacheTimeOut);
        return keyVal;
    keyVal = (DataTable) HttpRuntime.Cache[key];
    if (keyVal == null)
        keyVal = new DataTable();
    return keyVal;
HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(Key, KeyVal, dependencies, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds((double) CacheDuration), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);
public class News
    // Fields
    private static readonly int CacheTimeOut;
    private static readonly INews dal;
reflector中,我们找到cacheTimeOut,然后analyze,看used byok,找到如下信息:
static News()
    dal = DataAccess.CreateNewsInstance();
    CacheTimeOut = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewsCacheDuration"]);
我们在dumpheap –stat中查找Appsettings,一共找到两个,分别是:
0x648f0fdc          2           136 System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection
0:000> !dumpheap -short -mt 0x648f0fdc
执行!gcroot 0x0e9d4fa4,有N长的东西出现,(未完待续,关键是那个CacheTimeOut是多少?我现在还不知道怎么找。。。)

结论基本上有了,代码中往cache里面塞了很多东西,但是expire time可能很长或者是0(永远不remove),造成了内存越来越大……
posted @ 2008-03-06 00:37  鞠强  阅读(4508)  评论(18编辑  收藏  举报

