Inverse Matrix

Recently,in order to get ready for postgraduate stage study ,my tutor give me a MIT website to review linear algebra ,I record important information.

     Today,I learned L3 which is about inverse matrix. The professor give evidence that which matrixes are singular:

      first,determinant equals to zero.Because the lines represented by the rows in the matrix are all  parallel,so when this matrix times every other matxix which is not zeros,the result will be parallel,too.

     second,if exits a matrix X which is not a zero and AX=0,then matrix A is singular, non-invertible.Because suppose exist a A' and A'A=I,then A'AX=IX=X,but A' we can include :X=0 which is opposite to that :X is not a zero.




posted @ 2012-03-30 11:58  小菜鸟儿  阅读(422)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报