AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 发布

也许还有人不知道,AutoCAD Map 3D 2011已于近日发布。下面是这一版本的主要功能介绍:


Highlights & Enhancements

Point Clouds(点云) – Import and visualize large sets of point cloud data, such as 3D laser scanning/LiDAR data sets with billions of points, in AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 with the Point Clouds feature. With the Point Clouds feature, you can:

· Import LiDAR data in LAS and ASCII file formats 导入LiDAR数据

· Stylize point data based on LAS classifications, RGB, elevation, and intensity 对点云数据按照分类、高程、反射强度等进行样式化,即设置不同样式

· Filter point data by spatial extent and LAS classification, elevation, or intensity按照空间范围、分类、高程、反射强度等进行数据的过滤

· Snap to points within the point cloud using standard AutoCAD® software tools 可以对点云使用AutoCAD的捕捉工具

· Export surfaces as digital elevation models (DEMs) in GeoTIFF and ESRI® ASCII GRID file formats 以多种格式导出DEM模型

· Export point cloud layers to LAS, ASCII, and SDF file formats 导出点云数据为多种格式

3D Surfaces(三维曲面) – Generate 3D raster surfaces from point clouds and survey data – even via FDO connections. 从点云和测量数据生成三维曲面

§ Visualize terrains in 2D or 3D 地形的样式化

§ Drape raster data over surfaces 曲面上的光栅图像叠合

§ Fully integrated into the user interface 完全集成到用户界面

New FDO Providers(新的FDO Provider) - Help save time & effort by directly accessing the data you need in their original formats. 快速无需转换的访问多种数据格式

§ ESRI® ArcSDE® v 9.3.1

§ Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 service pack 1

§ PostGIS 1.3

§ SQLite

Enhanced Workflow Tools(增强的工作流工具) - Spend less time doing tedious tasks, and help new users get up-to-speed more quickly 无需编码,像画流程图一样完成可重复的繁琐工作,基于微软的WF框架

§ Connect to any vector data source

§ Execute AutoCAD commands

§ Change feature layer styles

§ Run analysis

Intelligent Block Snapping(只能块捕捉)

§ ‘Osnap’ to available snap points in blocks

Improved Overlay Analysis(改进的叠加分析)

§ Scalable to tens of thousands of features

Multi-coordinate System Tracking(多坐标系统跟踪)

§ Track in multiple coordinate systems through a single interface

Grids and Graticules(网格系统) - Improve information sharing by publishing maps based on your organization’s standards

§ Incorporated MGRS coordinate system

§ Easily add dynamic grids and graticules to any map

Improved AutoCAD Map 3D memory footprint and startup(内存使用和启动改进)

Enhanced AutoCAD Map 3D caching(Map 3D缓存增强)

New and improved user assistance features(新的和增强的用户协助功能,帮助用户快速上手)

§ Welcome screen videos

§ Video tutorials

§ Enhanced graphical tooltips

§ “Tell me more” tables

Additional Resources(其他资源请参考)

For more detailed information as well as video demonstrations please visit:
AutoCAD Map 3D 2011:

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