sql server里面sql语句执行update,delete操作的时候,对表用别名的写法
Posted on 2012-03-28 16:18 老K的幸福生活 阅读(680) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报sql server里面sql语句执行update,delete操作的时候,对表用别名的写法:
update a set a.name=b.StuName from table1 a inner join table2 b on a.id=b.id;
delete t from table1 t where
exists(select 1 from table2 a where a.col1=t.col1
and a.col2=t.col2 and a.col2=100)
update table1 a set a.name='XXX' where a.name='';
char(9) 水平制表符
1> 回车符 char(13)
select replace(barcode, char(13) , '<br>') as barcode from SickInfo
2>换行符 char(10)select *replace(barcode, char(10), '<br>') as barcode from SickInfo
3>回车换行符 char(13)+char(10)
select replace(barcode, char(13)+char(10), '<br>') as barcode from SickInfo
select * from SickInfo where charindex(char(10)+char(13),barcode)>0