8:00 Art: 会议链接。 https://zoom.us/j/3015782846, 无密码 8:40 中文: https://zoom.us/j/2758245771 密码:2020 9:20 English: L.O. I can identify place or cause conju 阅读全文
Maths L.O. I can divide using chunking with remainders 1. Join in with our live lesson during P1 (8:00am) on Zoom. We are continuing to explore anothe 阅读全文
https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ English L.O. I know how the Aztecs lived https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU3NDY5NTQ1Ng==.html 1.Join in wi 阅读全文
中文课:8点钟 https://zoom.us/j/2758245771 密码:2020 English : 9点钟 L.O. I can use conjunctions for place or cause 1. Join in with our live lesson during P2 (9 阅读全文
Maths L.O. I can divide by 3, 4 and 5 without remainders 1. Join in with our live lesson during P1 (8:00am) on Zoom. We are exploring Division. https: 阅读全文
1.每天早上8点第一节课开始, 第二节课9点开始, 请同学们准时上课, 不要迟到。最好提前五分钟进入当节课,用孩子的真实姓名(中英文名)进入教室,正式上课后请关闭摄像头和语音,以免老师上课时出现网络拥塞卡顿现象。 2.上哪位老师的课,就需要输入该老师的会议ID和密码才能进入该老师的课堂。没有密码的只 阅读全文
Here are today’s activities: 这里是今天的作业活动任务 English L.O. I can use conjunctions for place or cause 1. Join in with our live lesson during P1 (8:00am) on 阅读全文
Here are today’s activities: 这里是今天的作业活动任务: 1. Maths LO. I can multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using the grid method The grid method is a 阅读全文
Here are today’s activities: 这里是今天的作业活动任务: 1. Maths LO. I can multiply numbers using the grid method The grid method is a written method used in multi 阅读全文
Hi everyone, This lesson will combine what have learned about shading and varying the darkness of your lines and how thinking about shadows makes thin 阅读全文