Good morning Windy. Apologies for only responding now. It’s been a very busy morning. We covered fractions before Stanley began in January. I have als 阅读全文
Good morning Windy. Apologies for only responding now. It’s been a very busy morning. We covered fractions before Stanley began in January. I have als 阅读全文
尽量每天完成一首古诗。如果孩子另有学习安排,可在周日(2.16)23:59前,完成任务。有兴趣、学有余力的孩子可以自我拓展其中的“寒假读诗”。 阅读全文
Here are today’s activities (and please remind your child that they need to have completed the Question the CHOCOLATE Answers activity, the ‘Weekly To 阅读全文