绿洲作业第八周 - 周三英语/数学/话题/中文

English 8:20am ~ 8:50am

L.O. I can read a text that is structured in different ways

Children to read Michael Rosen's poem, Chocolate,  for 'Quick on the Draw' with the children making quick sketches in response to a verse at a time.  Children to add annotations /quotes, with children sharing their sketches with the class

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123  


Maths  9:20am ~ 9:50am

L.O. I can solve problems involving measure

Children to complete attached activity.

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123 


Topic 10:40am ~ 11:10am

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123  

L.O. I can explain the diets of the Aztecs

Children engage in discussion about the diets of the aztecs with the purpose of designing their very own 'Aztec menu'

 Check video here: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDYxNDEwOTI4NA==.html


中文 11:30am - 12:00

https://zoom.us/j/2758245771  密码:2020

posted @ 2020-04-01 08:04  cooljunewen  阅读(142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报