绿洲作业第六周 - 周三英语/数学/话题/中文


Use your dictionaries to find the definitions of the following words:















Extension Task: Look through your dictionary and find at least 6 more interesting and uncommon words and write down their definitions



English 8:20am ~ 8:50am

L.O. I can raise learners' awareness of the information they can find in a dictionary

Look through the 'Definitions' PPT and complete the ''Gold' activity.

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123  


Maths  9:20am ~ 9:50am

L.O. I can add two 3-digit numbers using column addition

Children to calculate all the different combinations to a given number, using some of the mental strategies covered this week

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123 


Science 10:40am ~ 11:10am

https://zoom.us/j/2087831321 密码:123  

L.O. I know the functions of the different types of teeth

Review the 'Teeth and Digestion' PPT.  Children to write down 5 things they have learned about teeth

Watch video : Weird animal teeth



中文 11:30am - 12:00

https://zoom.us/j/2758245771  密码:2020


posted @ 2020-03-17 17:50  cooljunewen  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报