绿洲作业第六周 - 周一PSHE/英语/数学/中文


L.O. To know what mental health is and the factors contributing to a healthy mind. 
1. Join in with our live lesson during P1 (8:20am) on Zoom. We are our going to discuss mental health vs physical health. We will discuss ways in which we keep our body healthy and also discuss ways in which we keep our minds healthy. 
PSHE 8:20am ~ 8:50am
2. Review the topic in the Healthy Inside and Out (打印).

2. English

L.O. To use dictionaries to check the meaning of words that I have read 

Use the listed words from the whiteboard and look in your dictionary for definitions of each of them.

Then write a sentence featuring this word.  Try and use the definition and the example in the dictionary, to write a sentence in your own words.

Example: Tiger

 A Tiger is a large, tawny-coloured, blacked – striped carnivorous creature, which is found throughout the Asian continent, from Russia in the north, to Asia in the south. 


PSHE 9:20am ~ 9:50am




3. Maths 

L.O. To add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers using mental strategies

Do all the questions on the (attached) activity.


PSHE 10:40am ~ 11:10am




4. 中文


中文 11:30am - 12:00


https://zoom.us/j/2758245771  密码:2020




5. Bug Club

Read one book from your Bug Club Library and do the quiz/comprehension activity that goes with it.


Write 10 a summary with at least 10 sentenses.




posted @ 2020-03-15 17:42  cooljunewen  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报