绿洲作业第三周 - 周一的日常作业活动
Here are today’s activities:
1. Maths
LO. I am confident with multiplying small numbers using the 2,3,4,5 and 8 times tables
Step 1: Complete the tasks on page 13 and 14 (attached). -》 需要打印
看Mr Dayal视频教你怎么做: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU1OTI3NjQ4OA==.html
Step 2: Once you have completed the activity, have a go at the next set of activities on
Myimaths at:- https://app.myimaths.com/1911-lesson/multiplying
2. Bug Club
Read one book from your Bug Club Library and do the quiz/comprehension activity that goes with it.
3. Grammar 1
L.O. I can identify and use time conjunctions in sentences
Study the time conjunctions powerpoint presentation (attached). -》 需要打印
Complete the tasks on Slides 4 and 5. Please write in full sentences
看Mr Dayal视频教你怎么做:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU1OTI3ODM3Ng==.html
4. Writing 1
L.O. I can write a book summary
Using the book that you read earlier on Bug Club, write a summary.
Make sure it is at least 10 sentences long.
These questions will help you to think about what to write and how to write your sentences:
Is it fiction or non-fiction?
What is the title?
Who is the author?
Where is the setting?
Who are the main characters?
What is it about?