绿洲作业第三周 - 音乐作业


Dear parents,

Please kindly find the attached music work for this week .

The work and assignments of this week's music class are as follows: 
1.compose one melody , use the notes from C Major scale (do re mi fa sol la xi do’).  Each bar has four quarter notes,  use quarter notes only.
2.Please see the example in the attachment. Please fill them in. 请看附件中的音阶示例和作业,请按要求创作、填充作业。 -》需要打印


3.Upload the assignment to Dojo or give it to the music teacher when school starts . 请上传作业至DOJO或保存好开学后交给老师,优秀创作作品将展示。 Kind regards Sophie
posted @ 2020-02-24 08:48  cooljunewen  阅读(123)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报