绿洲作业第二周 - 周二music work 音乐

Please kindly find the music work from Ms. Sophie.





3. 有兴趣的同学可以自愿录制演唱或演奏的视频发送到DOJO(发送方法见附件),如遇到视频发送困难的,也可以保存好视频开学后交给老师。 1.Please watch the explanation video and practice as required. 2. Chinese students please memories the national anthem and sing with the background music this week, while foreign students could sing the national anthem with the pinyin and music scores this week. 3. Students may voluntarily upload the recorded singing video to DOJO, (see the attachment for the upload method).





posted @ 2020-02-18 11:12  cooljunewen  阅读(150)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报