绿洲作业第一周 - 周四的日常作业活动

Here are today’s activities (and please remind your child that they need to have completed the Question the CHOCOLATE Answers activity, the ‘Weekly Topic-Related Assignment’ sent on Monday, before starting today’s ‘Writing’ activity):
1. 在开始尝试做今天的“写作”任务之前,他们需要先完成周一发送的“每周主题相关作业任务”The CHOCOLATE 活动中的问题    


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2. 数学 MyiMaths
Do 'Number facts and doubles 3' 
3. 英语阅读 Bug Club
Read one book from your Bug Club Library and do the quiz/comprehension activity that goes with it.
4. 英语语法 Grammar 4
Do Spot the Possessive Apostrophes Activity Sheet (attached).
5. 英语写作 Writing 4
L.O. To add detail to research carried out   
Using the Question the CHOCOLATE Answers activity, 
choose one of the questions you created to research and answer in greater detail.
Write a paragraph about your chosen topic.
posted @ 2020-02-13 09:39  cooljunewen  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报