绿洲作业第一周 - 周一的日常作业活动

1. 数学 – MyiMaths

Do 'Counting 3'


2. 英语 - Bug Club



Read one book from your Bug Club Library and do the quiz/comprehension activity that goes with it.

3. 英语 - “语法”作业


Grammar 1
L.O. To use an apostrophe to show possession
Study Apostrophes for Possession Presentation (attached).
Do the tasks on Slides 7 and 12 in writing.


4. 英语 - “写作”作业

这项作业应该在孩子的Bug Club活动任务之后完成做,因为有时他们是相关联的。
Writing 1
L.O. To write a book summary
Using the book that you read earlier on Bug Club, write a summary.
Make sure it is at least 10 sentences long.
These questions will help you to think about what to write and how to write your sentences:

Is it fiction or non-fiction?
What is the title?
Who is the author?
Where is the setting?
Who are the main characters?
What is it about?


posted @ 2020-02-10 10:43  cooljunewen  阅读(424)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报