绿洲作业第一周 - 每周主题相关作业


Weekly Topic-Related Assignment --- 每周主题相关作业


As is usual in school, the activity itself will not be translated into Chinese and will follow this part of the e-mail for your child to read and make sense of it by her/himself.

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L.O. To ask and answer geographical and historical questions

Question the CHOCOLATE Answers

This is to be done by Thursday, but don't try and do it all in one day.
Do it carefully and properly,
Take your time and do it over two or three days.

Here are some answers to questions about CHOCOLATE.

1. The cacao tree.
2. Cocoa Beans.
3. Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon in West Africa.
4. 7.2 million tonnes.
5. The USA, Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium.
6. Mayans were the first people we know of.
7. Christopher Columbus and his son Ferdinand.
8. Ganache.

You need to write a question that goes with each answer.
Use a search engine like Bing.com to help you. (https://www.bing.com/?mkt=zh-CN
Remember that you can write any question you like as long as it fits the answer AND is related to chocolate.

On another big piece pf paper, draw 8 boxes.
Represent (illustrate) each question/answer thoughtfully into each box.
Remember to include detail and labels.

If you have forgotten what some of these words mean, USE A DICTIONARY, book or online like this one:

Like we always tell you, do what you CAN.
Good luck and enjoy! 🙂


posted @ 2020-02-10 10:27  cooljunewen  阅读(142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报