physical review 作图要求

Figures should have a width of a 8.6 cm or 3 3/8 in, the width of a single manuscript column. Use a width of 1.5 or 2 columns for more detailed figures. Authors are required to submit all figures electronically for production. Preferred formats are .ps, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, and .png; refer to the manuscript Submission Guidelines below for more details. Number figures in the order in which they are referred to in the text.
Give each figure a caption that clearly summarizes the contents of the figure. Define figure symbols and curves either in a legend in the figure itself or in the caption. Label subfigures (a), (b), etc., and include a description of each panel given in the caption. If possible, submit figures with multiple panels as one file.
Format figures such that their content and details are readable when they are sized for the journal page. Make the height of the smallest capital letters and numerals at least 2 mm and make the diameter of each data point at least 1 mm. Make a curve’s linewidth at least 0.18 mm (0.5 point). Avoid small open symbols, shading, and cross-hatching in figures
Label figure axes with the quantities plotted and place units in parentheses after the quantity. Keep the style of figures and text consistent
Submit photographic images (either grayscale or color) as high-resolution .jpg or .png files. Avoid submitting prescreened (scanned) images of photographic material as they may not have sufficient resolution. If scanned images have to be used, make scans with as high a resolution as possible (preferably 600 dpi or higher) and then scale the figure to its final size.
Figures should accurately present the scientific results. If adjustments to images, such as changing its brightness, are made, state the adjustment in the figure caption.

posted @ 2020-09-04 08:32  jun_phy  阅读(373)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报