extjs中为什么使用“var me = this”?

在ExtJs例子里看到大量“var me = this”,上网找了下,在:http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?136318-Why-use-quot-var-me-this-quot 找到答案:

Say you have a method in your object A which itself makes an ajax request which has a callback. In this callback you want to use a property "blob" of your original object A. You can not use "this.blob" in this callback because "this" does not refer to your object A anymore (Your scope is in the ajax request). For this reason you save "this" to a variable "me" before you call the function and then refer to "me.blob" to reference the porperty A.blob.




posted on 2012-06-18 10:42  Julyvv  阅读(752)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报