Leetcode: sliding window maximum

August 7, 2015

周日玩这个算法, 看到Javascript Array模拟Deque, 非常喜欢, 想用C#数组也模拟; 看有什么新的经历. 试了四五种方法, 花时间研究C# SortedList class. Try to get some workout on the C# programming practice.

我的体会是代码写得太少,  要多读不同的代码, 多调试, 开阔对一个问题思考的思路和深度, 准确度, 实现能力. 

1. Blog to read: 

C# code implementation (double ended queue is implemented using C# LinkedList class):


2. Blog to read


C# code implementation (C# does not have deque class, so using C# List<int>, 

convert Python code implementation to C#, time limit exceeded)


Good workout on C# List<int>, and also, experience different style on removing head element if out of sliding window. 




3. Blog to read


Method A: naive solution, time complexity O(nw)


Method B: using Self-Balancing Tree (Time complexity: O(nk), need to write c# code)

4. blog:



Good comment about Deque:

We can use a Deque which allow insertions/deletions on both ends. For a Deque implemented by Circular Array/Bufferor Double Linked List, the basic insert/delete operations run in constant time.


discussion of using heap: 

 The first thought might be heap.

By maintaining a heap for all numbers in the window can give us a O(nlogw)-time solution, where

  • building up a heap for initial window takes time O(wlogw)
  • when window moves to the next number, each insertion and deletion take time O(logw) and there are n-w moves in total.
  • after updating the heap, findMax only takes time O(1) since we know the top of heap is the largest. 

So, if w << n, the performance of this solution is good, close to O(n); but if w is not that small, say w = n/3 or n/4, the running time goes up to O(nlogn).


5. blog:


using C++ multiset in the above solution, so try to convert it to C# class using SortedList


6. blog:


convert Java Script code to C#; I spent over 12 months to try to be expert on Java Script, so much fun to read the Java Script code again, and enjoyed the blog about the analysis. 





posted on 2015-08-10 13:03  juliachen  阅读(303)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
