2009-12-02 10:56 刘少侠 阅读(2334) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报--本文非原创,信息来自网上,作者不明
// Microsoft Text Service Framework Declaration
// from C++ header file
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TSF
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
internal struct TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE
internal Guid clsid;
internal short langid;
internal Guid catid;
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.Bool )]
internal bool fActive;
internal Guid guidProfile;
[ComImport, SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity,
Guid( "1F02B6C5-7842-4EE6-8A0B-9A24183A95CA" ),
InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown )]
internal interface ITfInputProcessorProfiles
void Register( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void Unregister( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void AddLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void RemoveLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void EnumInputProcessorInfo( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
int GetDefaultLanguageProfile( short langid, ref Guid catid, out Guid clsid, out Guid profile );
void SetDefaultLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
int ActivateLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid guidProfile );
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int GetActiveLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, out short langid, out Guid profile );
int GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out IntPtr desc );
void GetCurrentLanguage( out short langid ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int ChangeCurrentLanguage( short langid ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int GetLanguageList( out IntPtr langids, out int count );
int EnumLanguageProfiles( short langid, out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP );
int EnableLanguageProfile( );
int IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out bool enabled );
void EnableLanguageProfileByDefault( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void SubstituteKeyboardLayout( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[ComImport, InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown ),
Guid( "3d61bf11-ac5f-42c8-a4cb-931bcc28c744" )]
internal interface IEnumTfLanguageProfiles
void Clone( out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP );
int Next( int count, [Out, MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2 )]
TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[ ] profiles, out int fetched );
void Reset( );
void Skip( int count );
internal static class TSF_NativeAPI
public static readonly Guid GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD;
static TSF_NativeAPI( )
GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD = new Guid( 0x34745c63, 0xb2f0,
0x4784, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x5e, 0x12, 200, 0x70, 0x1a, 0x31 );
[SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport( "msctf.dll" )]
public static extern int TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles );
public class TSFWrapper
public static short[ ] GetLangIDs( )
List<short> langIDs = new List<short>( );
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IntPtr langPtrs;
int fetchCount = 0;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageList( out langPtrs, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < fetchCount; i++ )
short id = Marshal.ReadInt16( langPtrs, sizeof( short ) * i );
langIDs.Add( id );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return langIDs.ToArray( );
public static string[ ] GetInputMethodList( short langID )
List<string> imeList = new List<string>( );
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
if ( profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles( langID, out enumerator ) == 0 )
if ( enumerator != null )
int fetchCount = 0;
while ( enumerator.Next( 1, langProfile, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
IntPtr ptr;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid, langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out ptr ) == 0 )
bool enabled;
if ( profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out enabled ) == 0 )
if ( enabled )
imeList.Add( Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR( ptr ) );
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptr );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return imeList.ToArray( );
public static bool ActiveInputMethodWithDesc( short langID, string desc )
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
if ( profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles( langID, out enumerator ) == 0 )
if ( enumerator != null )
int fetchCount = 0;
while ( enumerator.Next( 1, langProfile, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
IntPtr ptr;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out ptr ) == 0 )
bool enabled;
if ( profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out enabled ) == 0 )
if ( enabled )
string s = Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR( ptr );
if ( s.Equals( desc ) )
return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile ) == 0;
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptr );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return false;
public static bool DeActiveInputMethod( short langID )
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
Guid clsid = Guid.Empty;
return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile( ref clsid, langID, ref clsid ) == 0;
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return false;
// Microsoft Text Service Framework Declaration
// from C++ header file
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TSF
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
internal struct TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE
internal Guid clsid;
internal short langid;
internal Guid catid;
[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.Bool )]
internal bool fActive;
internal Guid guidProfile;
[ComImport, SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity,
Guid( "1F02B6C5-7842-4EE6-8A0B-9A24183A95CA" ),
InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown )]
internal interface ITfInputProcessorProfiles
void Register( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void Unregister( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void AddLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void RemoveLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void EnumInputProcessorInfo( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
int GetDefaultLanguageProfile( short langid, ref Guid catid, out Guid clsid, out Guid profile );
void SetDefaultLanguageProfile( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
int ActivateLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid guidProfile );
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int GetActiveLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, out short langid, out Guid profile );
int GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out IntPtr desc );
void GetCurrentLanguage( out short langid ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int ChangeCurrentLanguage( short langid ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[PreserveSig, SecurityCritical]
int GetLanguageList( out IntPtr langids, out int count );
int EnumLanguageProfiles( short langid, out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP );
int EnableLanguageProfile( );
int IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref Guid clsid, short langid, ref Guid profile, out bool enabled );
void EnableLanguageProfileByDefault( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
void SubstituteKeyboardLayout( ); //non-implement!! may be is wrong declaration.
[ComImport, InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown ),
Guid( "3d61bf11-ac5f-42c8-a4cb-931bcc28c744" )]
internal interface IEnumTfLanguageProfiles
void Clone( out IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumIPP );
int Next( int count, [Out, MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2 )]
TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE[ ] profiles, out int fetched );
void Reset( );
void Skip( int count );
internal static class TSF_NativeAPI
public static readonly Guid GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD;
static TSF_NativeAPI( )
GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD = new Guid( 0x34745c63, 0xb2f0,
0x4784, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x5e, 0x12, 200, 0x70, 0x1a, 0x31 );
[SecurityCritical, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, DllImport( "msctf.dll" )]
public static extern int TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles );
public class TSFWrapper
public static short[ ] GetLangIDs( )
List<short> langIDs = new List<short>( );
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IntPtr langPtrs;
int fetchCount = 0;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageList( out langPtrs, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < fetchCount; i++ )
short id = Marshal.ReadInt16( langPtrs, sizeof( short ) * i );
langIDs.Add( id );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return langIDs.ToArray( );
public static string[ ] GetInputMethodList( short langID )
List<string> imeList = new List<string>( );
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
if ( profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles( langID, out enumerator ) == 0 )
if ( enumerator != null )
int fetchCount = 0;
while ( enumerator.Next( 1, langProfile, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
IntPtr ptr;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid, langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out ptr ) == 0 )
bool enabled;
if ( profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out enabled ) == 0 )
if ( enabled )
imeList.Add( Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR( ptr ) );
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptr );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return imeList.ToArray( );
public static bool ActiveInputMethodWithDesc( short langID, string desc )
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles enumerator = null;
if ( profiles.EnumLanguageProfiles( langID, out enumerator ) == 0 )
if ( enumerator != null )
int fetchCount = 0;
while ( enumerator.Next( 1, langProfile, out fetchCount ) == 0 )
IntPtr ptr;
if ( profiles.GetLanguageProfileDescription( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out ptr ) == 0 )
bool enabled;
if ( profiles.IsEnabledLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile, out enabled ) == 0 )
if ( enabled )
string s = Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR( ptr );
if ( s.Equals( desc ) )
return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile( ref langProfile[ 0 ].clsid,
langProfile[ 0 ].langid, ref langProfile[ 0 ].guidProfile ) == 0;
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptr );
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return false;
public static bool DeActiveInputMethod( short langID )
ITfInputProcessorProfiles profiles;
if ( TSF_NativeAPI.TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles( out profiles ) == 0 )
Guid clsid = Guid.Empty;
return profiles.ActivateLanguageProfile( ref clsid, langID, ref clsid ) == 0;
Marshal.ReleaseComObject( profiles );
return false;