gradle 常用功能


  • gradle build -b idgenerator/build.gradle : 指定build文件
  • gradle -Pparam=test : 传参数

gradle 属性与命令传值

  • gradle属性
    1. : 定义属性,在build.gradle中可以通过$properties-name获取
    2. ext { propName=value } 中定义的属性能通过propName直接用
    3. gradle properties可以查看属性
    4. gradle build -PpropName=value 可以给properties传值
  • gradle系统属性
    1. 处理定义属性,也能定义系统属性,系统属性就是gradle系统的运行的JVM的环境,不是gradle task执行的任务的属性
    2. systemProp.propName=value, 系统属性在build.gradle中可以通过['propName']获取
    3. 以ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT.为前缀的环境变量或者以org.gradle.project.为前缀的系统属性都可以当作gradle属性使用,可以用来保存密码
    4. gradle build -DpropName=value 可以给系统属性传值
  • 为gradle task设置系统属性
    1. test
  • 为spring指定profiles - 通过传递gradle系统属性给gradle task
    1. test
    2. gradle build
  • 为spring指定profiles - 通过properties传值
    1. test
    2. gradle build -Pprofiles=prod


  • gradle可以使用maven本地仓库,但是不会将本地仓库作为其他仓库的缓存
  • gradle使用自己的cache代替maven本地仓库
  • 所以类似永远更新0.0.1-SNAPSHOT依赖的情况下,不能使用mavenLocal(),正确做法升级到0.0.2-SNAPSHOT

spring boot 打包

  • apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
  • bootJar


  • Dependency : classpath "org.jlleitschuh.gradle:ktlint-gradle:8.1.0"
  • apply plugin: "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint"
  • 命令
    1. gradle ktlintformat
    2. gradle ktlintApplyToIdea : 需要父项目有repository


  • apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

  • 父项目添加:

      publishing {
          repositories {
              maven {
                  def repoKey = 'lib-release/libs-release-local'
                  if (project.version.toString().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT"))
                      repoKey = 'lib-snapshot/libs-snapshot-local'
                  url "https://${xxx}/repository/${repoKey}"
                  credentials {
                      username "${xxx}"
                      password "${xxx}"
  • 需要publish的项目添加:

      publishing {
          publications {
              mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
                  groupId "$"
                  version "$project.version"

Gradle 父子项目


  • 可以保留所有文件,也可以删除src文件
  • settings.gradle : include "module1", "module2"
  • build.gradle
    1. 可以使用subprojects或者allprojects
    2. 将公共都apply/dependencies都放在subprojects


  • 只保留src和build.gradle
  • settings.gradle要删除,否则单独build项目不会去找parent的build.gradle
  • build.gradle : Parent的build.gradle中有的它不能再有
  • 单独build
    1. gradle clean build -b module1/build.gradle
    2. 在module1下build
  • module1依赖module2
    1. compile project(":module2")
    2. 单独build module1会去编译module2,单不会测试和打包module2


  • testImplementation(project(":adaptor-common").dependencyProject.sourceSets.test.get().output)
  • testImplementation(project(":adaptor-common").dependencyProject.sourceSets.get("integrationTest").output)


II. Working with existing builds

  1. Installing Gradle
  2. Using the Gradle Command-Line
  3. The Gradle Wrapper
  4. The Gradle Daemon
  5. Dependency Management Basics
  6. Introduction to multi-project builds
  7. Continuous build
  8. Using the Gradle Graphical User Interface
  9. The Build Environment
  10. Troubleshooting
  11. Embedding Gradle

III. Writing Gradle build scrip

  1. Build Script Basics
  2. Build Init Plugin
  3. Writing Build Scripts
  4. More about Tasks
  5. Working With Files
  6. Using Ant from Gradle
  7. The Build Lifecycle
  8. Wrapper Plugin
  9. Logging
  10. Dependency Management
  11. Multi-project Builds
  12. Gradle Plugins
  13. Standard Gradle plugins
  14. The Project Report Plugin
  15. The Build Dashboard Plugin
  16. Comparing Builds
  17. Publishing artifacts
  18. The Maven Plugin
  19. The Signing Plugin
  20. Ivy Publishing (new)
  21. Maven Publishing (new)
  22. The Distribution Plugin
  23. The Announce Plugin
  24. The Build Announcements Plugin

IV. Extending the build

  1. Writing Custom Task Classes
  2. Writing Custom Plugins
  3. The Java Gradle Plugin Development Plugin
  4. Organizing Build Logic
  5. Initialization Scripts
  6. The Gradle TestKit

V. Building JVM projects

  1. Java Quickstart
  2. The Java Plugin
  3. Web Application Quickstart
  4. The War Plugin
  5. The Ear Plugin
  6. The Jetty Plugin
  7. The Application Plugin
  8. The Java Library Distribution Plugin
  9. Groovy Quickstart
  10. The Groovy Plugin
  11. The Scala Plugin
  12. The ANTLR Plugin
  13. The Checkstyle Plugin
  14. The CodeNarc Plugin
  15. The FindBugs Plugin
  16. The JDepend Plugin
  17. The PMD Plugin
  18. The JaCoCo Plugin
  19. The Sonar Plugin
  20. The SonarQube Runner Plugin
  21. The OSGi Plugin
  22. The Eclipse Plugins
  23. The IDEA Plugin

VI. The Software model - Next generation Gradle builds

  1. Rule based model configuration
  2. Software model concepts
  3. Implementing model rules in a plugin
  4. Building Java Libraries
  5. Building Play applications
  6. Building native software
  7. Extending the software model

VII. Appendix

A. Gradle Samples
B. Potential Traps
C. The Feature Lifecycle
D. Gradle Command Line

安装 Gradle

  • Gradle 官网
  • JDK1.6以上
  • 设置Env,启用cmd gradle命令
    1. GRADLE_HOME : 不带;
    2. PATH: %GRADLE_HOME%/bin
    3. 测试 cmd : gradle -v

Gradle HelloWorld

  1. build.gradle

     task compile << {
         println 'compiling source'
     task compileTest(dependsOn: compile) << {
         println 'compiling unit tests'
     task test(dependsOn: [compile, compileTest]) << {
         println 'running unit tests'
     task dist(dependsOn: [compile, test]) << {
         println 'building the distribution'
  2. cmd cd build.gradle所在目录

     gradle compile compileTest

Gradle Command-line

  • Gradle Command-line Links
  • gradle dist -x test
    • 排除test任务
  • gradle test dist --continue
    • 当test失败,dist还会继续,但如果dist依赖test则不再继续
  • gradle -b build2.gradle test
    • 选择build文件
  • gradle -q dist
    • 输出省略任务名称
  • gradle dist --profile
    • 输出任务报表 输出目录:build/reports
  • gradle dependencies
    • 输出项目依赖
  • gradle -m dist
    • 测试任务是否可以正常运行


  • gradle tasks --all
    • 显示任务信息
  • gradle help --task taskName
    • 显示某个任务Detail信息
  • gradle project
    • 显示项目信息
  • gradle properties
    • 显示项目properties

Gradle 脚本编写之: 基础篇

<< 等于 doLast

dependsOn/Lazy dependsOn

  • task dist(dependsOn: test) << {}
  • task dist(dependsOn: 'test') << {}

Dynamic tasks

  • gradle -q task0

      4.times { i ->
          task "task$i" << {
              println "I'm task number $i"
      task0.dependsOn task2, task3
  • gradle -q hello

      task hello << {
          println 'Hello World'
      hello.doFirst {
          println 'Hello doFirst'
      hello.doLast {
          println 'Hello doLast'
      hello << {
          println 'Hello Jude'

task定义 属性/方法

  • Code

      task test(dependsOn:'dist'){
          ext.myName = "Jude"
          version = "1.0"
      task dist << {
          setTestName('Jude Sheng')
          println test.myName + "$version"
      String setTestName(String myName) {
          test.ext.myName = myName


  • defaultTasks 'dist','test'
  • gradle -q

Gradle 脚本编写之: Gradle方法

  • taskGraph.hasTask / taskGraph.whenReady
    • 当前执行的task中是否有某个task

        gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {taskGraph ->
            if (taskGraph.hasTask(release)) {
                version = '1.0'
            } else {
                version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

Gradle 脚本编写之: API


Gradle Wrapper


  1. gradle wrapper

    • 生成当前gradle版本wrapper文件

  2. 自定义wrapper所用gradle版本 task

     task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
         gradleVersion = '2.11'
  3. 使用本地gradle zip文件代替gradle远程下载,zip包需要放在 gradle\wrapper目录下

     task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
         distributionPath = ''


  • gradlew dist
    • 第一次会下载并且解压gradle zip文件至目录 C:\Users\xxxx.gradle\wrapper,之后不会下载
    • C:\Users\xxxx.gradle文件夹是在你安装gradle后跑第一个gradle命令自动生成
  • 使用wrapper的gradle版本代替,而不会用本地gradle版本
  • gradle推荐使用wrapper模式,并将生成的wrapper文件加入版本控制



  1. 默认关闭Daemon,gradle建议Dev机子都开启Daemon
  2. 开启Daemon
    • C:\Users\xxxx\.gradle目录新建文件
    • gradle.properties文件添加 org.gradle.daemon=true
      • org.gradle.daemon=true并且Daemon未开启时,运行gradle命令会自动开启Daemon
  3. 关闭Daemon
    • gradle --stop
    • 闲置3小时的Daemon进程会自动关闭


Java plugin

启用Java plugin

  1. apply plugin: 'java'

Java plugin 常用properties

  • sourceCompatibility = 1.6 : 编译java version

  • archivesBaseName='ratesds' : jar包等的名字

  •"src") :设置java source目录

    1. sourceSets : SourceSetContainer对象,SourceSet对象的集合

    2. main : SourceSet对象

    3. java : SourceDirectorySet对象

    4. srcDir() : SourceDirectorySet的方法

    5. 直观写法

       sourceSets {
           main {
               output.resourcesDir = "$buildDir/target"
               java {
                   srcDirs = ['src']
               resources {
                   srcDirs = ['ds']
  • 依赖包设置

      dependencies {
          compile fileTree('lib') 

Java plugin 常用Tasks

  • compileJava : 编译class
  • processResources : 拷贝resources
  • jar : 打成jar包
  • javadoc : 生成document html
  • build : 全套服务
  • clean : 删除build文件夹

Copy Task

task copyLib << {
    File scooby = file("$buildDir/target/scooby")
    int scoobySize = scooby.listFiles().length
    scoobySize.times { i ->
        String path = scooby.listFiles()[i].getPath() + "/lib"
        println 'start to copy libs into ' + path
        copy {
            from "lib"
            into path
        copy {
            from "$buildDir/libs"
            into path

Zip Task

task zip(type: Zip) {
    from "$buildDir/target/RatesDSCommonConfigs"
    archiveName ""
    doFirst {
        println "Start to create the zip file for RatesDSCommonConfigs"
task zipDS {
    File scooby = file("$buildDir/target/scooby")
    int scoobySize = scooby.listFiles().length
    scoobySize.times { i ->
        String scoobyDS = scooby.listFiles()[i].getPath()
        String scoobyDSName = scooby.listFiles()[i].getName()
        String tarFileName = scoobyDSName + ".zip"
        task "zip_$scoobyDSName" (type: Zip) {
            from scoobyDS
            archiveName tarFileName
            doFirst {
                println "Start to create the zip file for $scoobyDSName"
        zip.dependsOn "zip_$scoobyDSName"


apply plugin: 'java'

archivesBaseName = 'cv-ratesds'

sourceCompatibility = 1.6

sourceSets {
    main {
        output.resourcesDir = "$buildDir/target/RatesDSCommonConfigs"
        java {
            srcDirs = ['src']
        resources {
            srcDirs = ['resources']

dependencies {
    compile fileTree('lib') 

task copyDS(dependsOn: [build]) <<{
    println 'start to copy DS processes'
    copy {
        from 'ds'
        into "$buildDir/target"

task copyLib(dependsOn: [copyDS]) << {
    File scooby = file("$buildDir/target/scooby")
    int scoobySize = scooby.listFiles().length
    scoobySize.times { i ->
        String path = scooby.listFiles()[i].getPath() + "/lib"
        println 'start to copy libs into ' + path
        copy {
            from "lib"
            into path
            exclude "scooby"
        copy {
            from "$buildDir/libs"
            into path

task tar(type: Tar) {
    File install = file("$buildDir/install")
    from "$buildDir/target/RatesDSCommonConfigs"
    destinationDir install
    archiveName "RatesDSCommonConfigs.tar"
    doFirst {
        println "Start to create the tar file for RatesDSCommonConfigs"
    tar.dependsOn copyLib

task tarScoobyConfig(type: Tar) {
    File install = file("$buildDir/install")
    from "$buildDir/target/RatesDSCommonConfigs/ScoobyConfig"
    destinationDir install
    archiveName "ScoobyConfig.tar"
    doFirst {
        println "Start to create the tar file for ScoobyConfig"
    tar.dependsOn tarScoobyConfig

task tarDS {
    File install = file("$buildDir/install")
    File scooby = file("ds/scooby")
    int scoobySize = scooby.listFiles().length
    scoobySize.times { i ->
        String scoobyDSName = scooby.listFiles()[i].getName()
        String tarFileName = scoobyDSName + ".tar"
        String scoobyPath = "$buildDir/target/scooby/" + scoobyDSName
        task "tar_$scoobyDSName" (type: Tar) {
            from scoobyPath
            destinationDir install
            archiveName tarFileName
            doFirst {
                println "Start to create the tar file for $scoobyDSName"
        tar.dependsOn "tar_$scoobyDSName"

task install(dependsOn:[tar]) {
    println 'start to install RatesDS2.0'