@echo off title Guess the Number Game color 0a set /a num=%random% %% 100 + 1 echo I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. echo You have 5 chances to guess it. set /a guess=0 set /a tries=5 :guessloop set /p guess=Guess the number: set /a tries-=1 if %guess%==%num% ( echo Congratulations! You guessed it! pause goto end ) else ( if %tries%==0 ( echo Sorry, you ran out of tries. The number was %num%. pause goto end ) else ( if %guess% lss %num% ( echo The number is higher than your guess. You have %tries% tries left. ) else ( echo The number is lower than your guess. You have %tries% tries left. ) goto guessloop ) ) :end echo Thanks for playing! pause
该游戏为“猜数字”游戏,玩家需要在 5 次机会内猜出计算机随机生成的 1 到 100 的整数。游戏界面使用 CMD 窗口,每次玩家输入一个猜测的数字后,程序会判断该数字与答案之间的大小关系,并给出提示,直到玩家猜出了正确的答案或者用尽了所有机会。
你可以将上述代码保存为一个 .bat 文件,然后双击运行即可在 CMD 界面中开始游戏。
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