路径 datax/bin/ 下
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys import os import signal import subprocess import time import re import socket import json from optparse import OptionParser from optparse import OptionGroup from string import Template import codecs import platform def isWindows(): return platform.system() == 'Windows' DATAX_HOME = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DATAX_VERSION = 'DATAX-OPENSOURCE-3.0' if isWindows(): codecs.register(lambda name: name == 'cp65001' and codecs.lookup('utf-8') or None) CLASS_PATH = ("%s/lib/*") % (DATAX_HOME) else: CLASS_PATH = ("%s/lib/*:.") % (DATAX_HOME) LOGBACK_FILE = ("%s/conf/logback.xml") % (DATAX_HOME) DEFAULT_JVM = "-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=%s/log" % (DATAX_HOME) DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CONF = "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dlogback.statusListenerClass=ch.qos.logback.core.status.NopStatusListener -Ddatax.home=%s -Dlogback.configurationFile=%s" % ( DATAX_HOME, LOGBACK_FILE) ENGINE_COMMAND = "java -server ${jvm} %s -classpath %s ${params} -mode ${mode} -jobid ${jobid} -job ${job}" % ( DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CONF, CLASS_PATH) REMOTE_DEBUG_CONFIG = "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9999" RET_STATE = { "KILL": 143, "FAIL": -1, "OK": 0, "RUN": 1, "RETRY": 2 } def getLocalIp(): try: return socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())) except: return "Unknown" def suicide(signum, e): global child_process print >> sys.stderr, "[Error] DataX receive unexpected signal %d, starts to suicide." % (signum) if child_process: child_process.send_signal(signal.SIGQUIT) time.sleep(1) child_process.kill() print >> sys.stderr, "DataX Process was killed ! you did ?" sys.exit(RET_STATE["KILL"]) def register_signal(): if not isWindows(): global child_process signal.signal(2, suicide) signal.signal(3, suicide) signal.signal(15, suicide) def getOptionParser(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] job-url-or-path" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) prodEnvOptionGroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Product Env Options", "Normal user use these options to set jvm parameters, job runtime mode etc. " "Make sure these options can be used in Product Env.") prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-j", "--jvm", metavar="<jvm parameters>", dest="jvmParameters", action="store", default=DEFAULT_JVM, help="Set jvm parameters if necessary.") prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("--jobid", metavar="<job unique id>", dest="jobid", action="store", default="-1", help="Set job unique id when running by Distribute/Local Mode.") prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-m", "--mode", metavar="<job runtime mode>", action="store", default="standalone", help="Set job runtime mode such as: standalone, local, distribute. " "Default mode is standalone.") prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-p", "--params", metavar="<parameter used in job config>", action="store", dest="params", help='Set job parameter, eg: the source tableName you want to set it by command, ' 'then you can use like this: -p"-DtableName=your-table-name", ' 'if you have mutiple parameters: -p"-DtableName=your-table-name -DcolumnName=your-column-name".' 'Note: you should config in you job tableName with ${tableName}.') prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-r", "--reader", metavar="<parameter used in view job config[reader] template>", action="store", dest="reader",type="string", help='View job config[reader] template, eg: mysqlreader,streamreader') prodEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-w", "--writer", metavar="<parameter used in view job config[writer] template>", action="store", dest="writer",type="string", help='View job config[writer] template, eg: mysqlwriter,streamwriter') parser.add_option_group(prodEnvOptionGroup) devEnvOptionGroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Develop/Debug Options", "Developer use these options to trace more details of DataX.") devEnvOptionGroup.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="remoteDebug", action="store_true", help="Set to remote debug mode.") devEnvOptionGroup.add_option("--loglevel", metavar="<log level>", dest="loglevel", action="store", default="info", help="Set log level such as: debug, info, all etc.") parser.add_option_group(devEnvOptionGroup) return parser def generateJobConfigTemplate(reader, writer): readerRef = "Please refer to the %s document:\n \n" % (reader,reader,reader) writerRef = "Please refer to the %s document:\n \n " % (writer,writer,writer) print(readerRef) print(writerRef) jobGuid = 'Please save the following configuration as a json file and use\n python {DATAX_HOME}/bin/ {JSON_FILE_NAME}.json \nto run the job.\n' print(jobGuid) jobTemplate={ "job": { "setting": { "speed": { "channel": "" } }, "content": [ { "reader": {}, "writer": {} } ] } } readerTemplatePath = "%s/plugin/reader/%s/plugin_job_template.json" % (DATAX_HOME,reader) writerTemplatePath = "%s/plugin/writer/%s/plugin_job_template.json" % (DATAX_HOME,writer) try: readerPar = readPluginTemplate(readerTemplatePath); except Exception as e: print("Read reader[%s] template error: can\'t find file %s" % (reader,readerTemplatePath)) try: writerPar = readPluginTemplate(writerTemplatePath); except Exception as e: print("Read writer[%s] template error: : can\'t find file %s" % (writer,writerTemplatePath)) jobTemplate['job']['content'][0]['reader'] = readerPar; jobTemplate['job']['content'][0]['writer'] = writerPar; print(json.dumps(jobTemplate, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) def readPluginTemplate(plugin): with open(plugin, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) def isUrl(path): if not path: return False assert (isinstance(path, str)) m = re.match(r"^http[s]?://\S+\w*", path.lower()) if m: return True else: return False def buildStartCommand(options, args): commandMap = {} tempJVMCommand = DEFAULT_JVM if options.jvmParameters: tempJVMCommand = tempJVMCommand + " " + options.jvmParameters if options.remoteDebug: tempJVMCommand = tempJVMCommand + " " + REMOTE_DEBUG_CONFIG print('local ip: ', getLocalIp()) if options.loglevel: tempJVMCommand = tempJVMCommand + " " + ("-Dloglevel=%s" % (options.loglevel)) if options.mode: commandMap["mode"] = options.mode # jobResource 可能是 URL,也可能是本地文件路径(相对,绝对) jobResource = args[0] if not isUrl(jobResource): jobResource = os.path.abspath(jobResource) if jobResource.lower().startswith("file://"): jobResource = jobResource[len("file://"):] jobParams = ("") % (jobResource[-20:].replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_')) if options.params: jobParams = jobParams + " " + options.params if options.jobid: commandMap["jobid"] = options.jobid commandMap["jvm"] = tempJVMCommand commandMap["params"] = jobParams commandMap["job"] = jobResource return Template(ENGINE_COMMAND).substitute(**commandMap) def printCopyright(): print(''' DataX (%s), From Alibaba ! Copyright (C) 2010-2017, Alibaba Group. All Rights Reserved. ''' % DATAX_VERSION) sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": printCopyright() parser = getOptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if options.reader is not None and options.writer is not None: generateJobConfigTemplate(options.reader,options.writer) sys.exit(RET_STATE['OK']) if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(RET_STATE['FAIL']) startCommand = buildStartCommand(options, args) # print startCommand child_process = subprocess.Popen(startCommand, shell=True) register_signal() (stdout, stderr) = child_process.communicate() sys.exit(child_process.returncode)
#! /usr/bin/env python # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 foldmethod=marker nu: import re import sys import time REG_SQL_WAKE = re.compile(r'Begin\s+to\s+read\s+record\s+by\s+Sql', re.IGNORECASE) REG_SQL_DONE = re.compile(r'Finished\s+read\s+record\s+by\s+Sql', re.IGNORECASE) REG_SQL_PATH = re.compile(r'from\s+(\w+)(\s+where|\s*$)', re.IGNORECASE) REG_SQL_JDBC = re.compile(r'jdbcUrl:\s*\[(.+?)\]', re.IGNORECASE) REG_SQL_UUID = re.compile(r'(\d+\-)+reader') REG_COMMIT_UUID = re.compile(r'(\d+\-)+writer') REG_COMMIT_WAKE = re.compile(r'begin\s+to\s+commit\s+blocks', re.IGNORECASE) REG_COMMIT_DONE = re.compile(r'commit\s+blocks\s+ok', re.IGNORECASE) # {{{ function parse_timestamp() # def parse_timestamp(line): try: ts = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(line[0:19], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) except: ts = 0 return ts # }}} # # {{{ function parse_query_host() # def parse_query_host(line): ori = if (not ori): return '' ori ='?')[0] off = ori.find('@') if (off > -1): ori = ori[off+1:len(ori)] else: off = ori.find('//') if (off > -1): ori = ori[off+2:len(ori)] return ori.lower() # }}} # # {{{ function parse_query_table() # def parse_query_table(line): ori = return (ori and or '' # }}} # # {{{ function parse_reader_task() # def parse_task(fname): global LAST_SQL_UUID global LAST_COMMIT_UUID global DATAX_JOBDICT global DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT global UNIXTIME LAST_SQL_UUID = '' DATAX_JOBDICT = {} LAST_COMMIT_UUID = '' DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT = {} UNIXTIME = int(time.time()) with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if (LAST_SQL_UUID and (LAST_SQL_UUID in DATAX_JOBDICT)): DATAX_JOBDICT[LAST_SQL_UUID]['host'] = parse_query_host(line) LAST_SQL_UUID = '' if line.find('CommonRdbmsReader$Task') > 0: parse_read_task(line) elif line.find('commit blocks') > 0: parse_write_task(line) else: continue # }}} # # {{{ function parse_read_task() # def parse_read_task(line): ser = if not ser: return LAST_SQL_UUID = if DATAX_JOBDICT[LAST_SQL_UUID] = { 'stat' : 'R', 'wake' : parse_timestamp(line), 'done' : UNIXTIME, 'host' : parse_query_host(line), 'path' : parse_query_table(line) } elif ((LAST_SQL_UUID in DATAX_JOBDICT) and DATAX_JOBDICT[LAST_SQL_UUID]['stat'] = 'D' DATAX_JOBDICT[LAST_SQL_UUID]['done'] = parse_timestamp(line) # }}} # # {{{ function parse_write_task() # def parse_write_task(line): ser = if not ser: return LAST_COMMIT_UUID = if DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT[LAST_COMMIT_UUID] = { 'stat' : 'R', 'wake' : parse_timestamp(line), 'done' : UNIXTIME, } elif ((LAST_COMMIT_UUID in DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT) and DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT[LAST_COMMIT_UUID]['stat'] = 'D' DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT[LAST_COMMIT_UUID]['done'] = parse_timestamp(line) # }}} # # {{{ function result_analyse() # def result_analyse(): def compare(a, b): return b['cost'] - a['cost'] tasklist = [] hostsmap = {} statvars = {'sum' : 0, 'cnt' : 0, 'svr' : 0, 'max' : 0, 'min' : int(time.time())} tasklist_commit = [] statvars_commit = {'sum' : 0, 'cnt' : 0} for idx in DATAX_JOBDICT: item = DATAX_JOBDICT[idx] item['uuid'] = idx; item['cost'] = item['done'] - item['wake'] tasklist.append(item); if (not (item['host'] in hostsmap)): hostsmap[item['host']] = 1 statvars['svr'] += 1 if (item['cost'] > -1 and item['cost'] < 864000): statvars['sum'] += item['cost'] statvars['cnt'] += 1 statvars['max'] = max(statvars['max'], item['done']) statvars['min'] = min(statvars['min'], item['wake']) for idx in DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT: itemc = DATAX_JOBDICT_COMMIT[idx] itemc['uuid'] = idx itemc['cost'] = itemc['done'] - itemc['wake'] tasklist_commit.append(itemc) if (itemc['cost'] > -1 and itemc['cost'] < 864000): statvars_commit['sum'] += itemc['cost'] statvars_commit['cnt'] += 1 ttl = (statvars['max'] - statvars['min']) or 1 idx = float(statvars['cnt']) / (statvars['sum'] or ttl) tasklist.sort(compare) for item in tasklist: print('%s\t%s.%s\t%s\t%s\t% 4d\t% 2.1f%%\t% .2f' %(item['stat'], item['host'], item['path'], time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(item['wake'])), (('D' == item['stat']) and time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(item['done']))) or '--', item['cost'], 100 * item['cost'] / ttl, idx * item['cost'])) if (not len(tasklist) or not statvars['cnt']): return print('\n--- DataX Profiling Statistics ---') print('%d task(s) on %d server(s), Total elapsed %d second(s), %.2f second(s) per task in average' %(statvars['cnt'], statvars['svr'], statvars['sum'], float(statvars['sum']) / statvars['cnt'])) print('Actually cost %d second(s) (%s - %s), task concurrency: %.2f, tilt index: %.2f' %(ttl, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(statvars['min'])), time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(statvars['max'])), float(statvars['sum']) / ttl, idx * tasklist[0]['cost'])) idx_commit = float(statvars_commit['cnt']) / (statvars_commit['sum'] or ttl) tasklist_commit.sort(compare) print('%d task(s) done odps comit, Total elapsed %d second(s), %.2f second(s) per task in average, tilt index: %.2f' % ( statvars_commit['cnt'], statvars_commit['sum'], float(statvars_commit['sum']) / statvars_commit['cnt'], idx_commit * tasklist_commit[0]['cost'])) # }}} # if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print("Usage: %s filename" %(sys.argv[0])) quit(1) else: parse_task(sys.argv[1]) result_analyse()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Life's short, Python more. """ import re import os import sys import json import uuid import signal import time import subprocess from optparse import OptionParser reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') ##begin cli & help logic def getOptionParser(): usage = getUsage() parser = OptionParser(usage = usage) #rdbms reader and writer parser.add_option('-r', '--reader', action='store', dest='reader', help='trace datasource read performance with specified !json! string') parser.add_option('-w', '--writer', action='store', dest='writer', help='trace datasource write performance with specified !json! string') parser.add_option('-c', '--channel', action='store', dest='channel', default='1', help='the number of concurrent sync thread, the default is 1') parser.add_option('-f', '--file', action='store', help='existing datax configuration file, include reader and writer params') parser.add_option('-t', '--type', action='store', default='reader', help='trace which side\'s performance, cooperate with -f --file params, need to be reader or writer') parser.add_option('-d', '--delete', action='store', default='true', help='delete temporary files, the default value is true') #parser.add_option('-h', '--help', action='store', default='true', help='print usage information') return parser def getUsage(): return ''' The following params are available for -r --reader: [these params is for rdbms reader, used to trace rdbms read performance, it's like datax's key] *datasourceType: datasource type, may be mysql|drds|oracle|ads|sqlserver|postgresql|db2 etc... *jdbcUrl: datasource jdbc connection string, mysql as a example: jdbc:mysql://ip:port/database *username: username for datasource *password: password for datasource *table: table name for read data column: column to be read, the default value is ['*'] splitPk: the splitPk column of rdbms table where: limit the scope of the performance data set fetchSize: how many rows to be fetched at each communicate [these params is for stream reader, used to trace rdbms write performance] reader-sliceRecordCount: how man test data to mock(each channel), the default value is 10000 reader-column : stream reader while generate test data(type supports: string|long|date|double|bool|bytes; support constant value and random function),demo: [{"type":"string","value":"abc"},{"type":"string","random":"10,20"}] The following params are available for -w --writer: [these params is for rdbms writer, used to trace rdbms write performance, it's like datax's key] datasourceType: datasource type, may be mysql|drds|oracle|ads|sqlserver|postgresql|db2|ads etc... *jdbcUrl: datasource jdbc connection string, mysql as a example: jdbc:mysql://ip:port/database *username: username for datasource *password: password for datasource *table: table name for write data column: column to be writed, the default value is ['*'] batchSize: how many rows to be storeed at each communicate, the default value is 512 preSql: prepare sql to be executed before write data, the default value is '' postSql: post sql to be executed end of write data, the default value is '' url: required for ads, pattern is ip:port schme: required for ads, ads database name [these params is for stream writer, used to trace rdbms read performance] writer-print: true means print data read from source datasource, the default value is false The following params are available global control: -c --channel: the number of concurrent tasks, the default value is 1 -f --file: existing completely dataX configuration file path -t --type: test read or write performance for a datasource, couble be reader or writer, in collaboration with -f --file -h --help: print help message some demo: --channel=10 --reader='{"jdbcUrl":"jdbc:mysql://", "username":"", "password":"", "table": "", "where":"", "splitPk":"", "writer-print":"false"}' --channel=10 --writer='{"jdbcUrl":"jdbc:mysql://", "username":"", "password":"", "table": "", "reader-sliceRecordCount": "10000", "reader-column": [{"type":"string","value":"abc"},{"type":"string","random":"10,20"}]}' --file=/tmp/datax.job.json --type=reader --reader='{"writer-print": "false"}' --file=/tmp/datax.job.json --type=writer --writer='{"reader-sliceRecordCount": "10000", "reader-column": [{"type":"string","value":"abc"},{"type":"string","random":"10,20"}]}' some example jdbc url pattern, may help: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ip:port:database jdbc:mysql://ip:port/database jdbc:sqlserver://ip:port;DatabaseName=database jdbc:postgresql://ip:port/database warn: ads url pattern is ip:port warn: test write performance will write data into your table, you can use a temporary table just for test. ''' def printCopyright(): DATAX_VERSION = 'UNKNOWN_DATAX_VERSION' print(''' DataX Util Tools (%s), From Alibaba ! Copyright (C) 2010-2016, Alibaba Group. All Rights Reserved.''' % DATAX_VERSION) sys.stdout.flush() def yesNoChoice(): yes = set(['yes','y', 'ye', '']) no = set(['no','n']) choice = raw_input().lower() if choice in yes: return True elif choice in no: return False else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'") ##end cli & help logic ##begin process logic def suicide(signum, e): global childProcess print >> sys.stderr, "[Error] Receive unexpected signal %d, starts to suicide." % (signum) if childProcess: childProcess.send_signal(signal.SIGQUIT) time.sleep(1) childProcess.kill() print >> sys.stderr, "DataX Process was killed ! you did ?" sys.exit(-1) def registerSignal(): global childProcess signal.signal(2, suicide) signal.signal(3, suicide) signal.signal(15, suicide) def fork(command, isShell=False): global childProcess childProcess = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = isShell) registerSignal() (stdout, stderr) = childProcess.communicate() #阻塞直到子进程结束 childProcess.wait() return childProcess.returncode ##end process logic ##begin datax json generate logic #warn: if not '': -> true; if not None: -> true def notNone(obj, context): if not obj: raise Exception("Configuration property [%s] could not be blank!" % (context)) def attributeNotNone(obj, attributes): for key in attributes: notNone(obj.get(key), key) def isBlank(value): if value is None or len(value.strip()) == 0: return True return False def parsePluginName(jdbcUrl, pluginType): import re #warn: drds name = 'pluginName' mysqlRegex = re.compile('jdbc:(mysql)://.*') if (mysqlRegex.match(jdbcUrl)): name = 'mysql' postgresqlRegex = re.compile('jdbc:(postgresql)://.*') if (postgresqlRegex.match(jdbcUrl)): name = 'postgresql' oracleRegex = re.compile('jdbc:(oracle):.*') if (oracleRegex.match(jdbcUrl)): name = 'oracle' sqlserverRegex = re.compile('jdbc:(sqlserver)://.*') if (sqlserverRegex.match(jdbcUrl)): name = 'sqlserver' db2Regex = re.compile('jdbc:(db2)://.*') if (db2Regex.match(jdbcUrl)): name = 'db2' return "%s%s" % (name, pluginType) def renderDataXJson(paramsDict, readerOrWriter = 'reader', channel = 1): dataxTemplate = { "job": { "setting": { "speed": { "channel": 1 } }, "content": [ { "reader": { "name": "", "parameter": { "username": "", "password": "", "sliceRecordCount": "10000", "column": [ "*" ], "connection": [ { "table": [], "jdbcUrl": [] } ] } }, "writer": { "name": "", "parameter": { "print": "false", "connection": [ { "table": [], "jdbcUrl": '' } ] } } } ] } } dataxTemplate['job']['setting']['speed']['channel'] = channel dataxTemplateContent = dataxTemplate['job']['content'][0] pluginName = '' if paramsDict.get('datasourceType'): pluginName = '%s%s' % (paramsDict['datasourceType'], readerOrWriter) elif paramsDict.get('jdbcUrl'): pluginName = parsePluginName(paramsDict['jdbcUrl'], readerOrWriter) elif paramsDict.get('url'): pluginName = 'adswriter' theOtherSide = 'writer' if readerOrWriter == 'reader' else 'reader' dataxPluginParamsContent = dataxTemplateContent.get(readerOrWriter).get('parameter') dataxPluginParamsContent.update(paramsDict) dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide = dataxTemplateContent.get(theOtherSide).get('parameter') if readerOrWriter == 'reader': dataxTemplateContent.get('reader')['name'] = pluginName dataxTemplateContent.get('writer')['name'] = 'streamwriter' if paramsDict.get('writer-print'): dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide['print'] = paramsDict['writer-print'] del dataxPluginParamsContent['writer-print'] del dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide['connection'] if readerOrWriter == 'writer': dataxTemplateContent.get('reader')['name'] = 'streamreader' dataxTemplateContent.get('writer')['name'] = pluginName if paramsDict.get('reader-column'): dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide['column'] = paramsDict['reader-column'] del dataxPluginParamsContent['reader-column'] if paramsDict.get('reader-sliceRecordCount'): dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide['sliceRecordCount'] = paramsDict['reader-sliceRecordCount'] del dataxPluginParamsContent['reader-sliceRecordCount'] del dataxPluginParamsContentOtherSide['connection'] if paramsDict.get('jdbcUrl'): if readerOrWriter == 'reader': dataxPluginParamsContent['connection'][0]['jdbcUrl'].append(paramsDict['jdbcUrl']) else: dataxPluginParamsContent['connection'][0]['jdbcUrl'] = paramsDict['jdbcUrl'] if paramsDict.get('table'): dataxPluginParamsContent['connection'][0]['table'].append(paramsDict['table']) traceJobJson = json.dumps(dataxTemplate, indent = 4) return traceJobJson def isUrl(path): if not path: return False if not isinstance(path, str): raise Exception('Configuration file path required for the string, you configure is:%s' % path) m = re.match(r"^http[s]?://\S+\w*", path.lower()) if m: return True else: return False def readJobJsonFromLocal(jobConfigPath): jobConfigContent = None jobConfigPath = os.path.abspath(jobConfigPath) file = open(jobConfigPath) try: jobConfigContent = finally: file.close() if not jobConfigContent: raise Exception("Your job configuration file read the result is empty, please check the configuration is legal, path: [%s]\nconfiguration:\n%s" % (jobConfigPath, str(jobConfigContent))) return jobConfigContent def readJobJsonFromRemote(jobConfigPath): import urllib conn = urllib.urlopen(jobConfigPath) jobJson = return jobJson def parseJson(strConfig, context): try: return json.loads(strConfig) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.stdout.flush() print >> sys.stderr, '%s %s need in line with json syntax' % (context, strConfig) sys.exit(-1) def convert(options, args): traceJobJson = '' if options.file: if isUrl(options.file): traceJobJson = readJobJsonFromRemote(options.file) else: traceJobJson = readJobJsonFromLocal(options.file) traceJobDict = parseJson(traceJobJson, '%s content' % options.file) attributeNotNone(traceJobDict, ['job']) attributeNotNone(traceJobDict['job'], ['content']) attributeNotNone(traceJobDict['job']['content'][0], ['reader', 'writer']) attributeNotNone(traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader'], ['name', 'parameter']) attributeNotNone(traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer'], ['name', 'parameter']) if options.type == 'reader': traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer']['name'] = 'streamwriter' if options.reader: traceReaderDict = parseJson(options.reader, 'reader config') if traceReaderDict.get('writer-print') is not None: traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer']['parameter']['print'] = traceReaderDict.get('writer-print') else: traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer']['parameter']['print'] = 'false' else: traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer']['parameter']['print'] = 'false' elif options.type == 'writer': traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader']['name'] = 'streamreader' if options.writer: traceWriterDict = parseJson(options.writer, 'writer config') if traceWriterDict.get('reader-column'): traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader']['parameter']['column'] = traceWriterDict['reader-column'] if traceWriterDict.get('reader-sliceRecordCount'): traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader']['parameter']['sliceRecordCount'] = traceWriterDict['reader-sliceRecordCount'] else: columnSize = len(traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['writer']['parameter']['column']) streamReaderColumn = [] for i in range(columnSize): streamReaderColumn.append({"type": "long", "random": "2,10"}) traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader']['parameter']['column'] = streamReaderColumn traceJobDict['job']['content'][0]['reader']['parameter']['sliceRecordCount'] = 10000 else: pass#do nothing return json.dumps(traceJobDict, indent = 4) elif options.reader: traceReaderDict = parseJson(options.reader, 'reader config') return renderDataXJson(traceReaderDict, 'reader', elif options.writer: traceWriterDict = parseJson(options.writer, 'writer config') return renderDataXJson(traceWriterDict, 'writer', else: print(getUsage()) sys.exit(-1) #dataxParams = {} #for opt, value in options.__dict__.items(): # dataxParams[opt] = value ##end datax json generate logic if __name__ == "__main__": printCopyright() parser = getOptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) #print options, args dataxTraceJobJson = convert(options, args) #由MAC地址、当前时间戳、随机数生成,可以保证全球范围内的唯一性 dataxJobPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "perftrace-" + str(uuid.uuid1())) jobConfigOk = True if os.path.exists(dataxJobPath): print("file already exists, truncate and rewrite it? %s" % dataxJobPath) if yesNoChoice(): jobConfigOk = True else: print("exit failed, because of file conflict") sys.exit(-1) fileWriter = open(dataxJobPath, 'w') fileWriter.write(dataxTraceJobJson) fileWriter.close() print("trace environments:") print("dataxJobPath: %s" % dataxJobPath) dataxHomePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print("dataxHomePath: %s" % dataxHomePath) dataxCommand = "%s %s" % (os.path.join(dataxHomePath, "bin", ""), dataxJobPath) print("dataxCommand: %s" % dataxCommand) returncode = fork(dataxCommand, True) if options.delete == 'true': os.remove(dataxJobPath) sys.exit(returncode)
学习时的痛苦是暂时的 未学到的痛苦是终生的
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