
在本次测试中,我需要并发50个User,每一个User占用一个独立的IP,并且只执行一次脚本。脚本中发起两个请求,其中第一次请求返回200后才执行第二个请求。使用win7 OS。
我的Run-time Settings这样设定:
Run Logic: Number of Iterations: 1 (保证只执行一次脚本)
Log: Enable Log. Always send messages.(不是只在出错时发送log。我需要通过log来验证我的测试要求是否达到)
Think Time: Ignore think time (我不要思考时间,我想第二个请求紧跟第一个请求后执行)
为了在同一台机器上跑50个IP,我使用IP Spoofing
在开始菜单,找到Loadruner所在文件夹,进去找到Tools,里面有一个IP Wizard(IP欺骗)
在创建新的IP之前,可以CMD查看ipconfig, 查看自己所在IP区间。使用IP欺骗时,需要使用空闲IP,为确保不影响公司网络,建议使用一个路由器搭建独立的IP区间。
LAN Subnet : / 23 (空闲IP区段: ~
Gateway :
完成之后可以将刚才的IP地址保存为“IP Address File(*.ips)”文件。(这一操作我没有做,还好Loadrunner已经非常智能,在Load Generators只增加localhost就可以搞定)
好了,在CMD查看ipconfig /all 是不是多了50个IP。
注意,IP Wizard不支持DHCP,需要本机配置为固定IP地址。
 1 Action()  
 2 {  
 4     int status;  
 5     int HttpRetCode;
 6     char *ip;
 7     ip = lr_get_vuser_ip();
 8 //检查Loadrunner Controller有没有Enable IP Spoofing
 9     if(ip)
10         lr_output_message("The IP address is %s", ip);
11     else
12         lr_output_message("IP spoofing disabled");
13 //设置集合点,让50个vuser一起发起第一个请求
14     lr_rendezvous("letusgo");
15 //开始第一个事务(请求)
16     lr_start_transaction("1stReq");  
18     web_url("RCS_Initial_HTTP_Req",   
19 //这里有一个参数化,我要每一次传递给该参数一个唯一的msisdn号码,并且只执行一次。
20 //我在参数属性对话框里设置:Select next row -> Unique  
21 //                                          Update value on -> Once
22 "URL= http://xxx.yyy.com/self?x-forwarding-msisdn={NewParam}", 23 "TargetFrame=Main", 24 "Resource=0", 25 "RecContentType=text/html", 26 "Mode=http", 27 LAST ); 28 //打印第一个请求的返回码 29 HttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE); 30 lr_output_message("Response code:%d",HttpRetCode); 31 //检查返回码是否是200 32 if(HttpRetCode == 200){ 33 lr_end_transaction("1stReq", LR_PASS); 34 sleep(2000); 35 //开始第二个事务(请求) 36 lr_start_transaction("2ndReq"); 37 web_url("RCS_Initial_HTTP_Req", 38 "URL= https://xxx.yyy.com/self?vers=1&IMSI=1&rcs_version=1&rcs_profile=1&client_vendor=1&client_version=1&terminal_vendor=1&terminal_model=1&terminal_sw_version=1&IMEI=1&mock_scheme=HTTPS", 39 "TargetFrame=Main", 40 "Resource=0", 41 "RecContentType=text/html", 42 "Mode=http", 43 LAST ); 44 //打印第二个请求的返回码 45 HttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE); 46 lr_output_message("Response code:%d",HttpRetCode); 47 //检查返回码是否是200 48 //结束第二个事务(请求) 49 if(HttpRetCode == 200){ 50 lr_end_transaction("2ndReq", LR_PASS); 51 }else{ 52 lr_end_transaction("2ndReq", LR_FAIL); 53 } 54 55 return 0; }else{ 56 //结束第一个事务(请求) 57 lr_end_transaction("1stReq", LR_FAIL); 58 return 0; 59 } 60 } 61




添加Load Generator
Name: localhost
Platform: windows

一定要注意每一个Vuser的IP是否是唯一的。双击下图Scenario Groups里面的Group Name行可以打开每一个Vuser对应的Generator,查看其IP。


要监控一些服务器资源的资源如cpu,memory,disk,需要在controller里加入增加监控Unix Resources, 加入服务器地址。可以一次添加多个服务器。
[root@ ~]# service rstatd 
Usage: /etc/init.d/rstatd {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload} 
[root@~]# service rstatd status 
rpc.rstatd (pid 2650) is running... 
lr UNIX Resources. Cannot initialize the monitoring -47190
关于Result :
Graphs 右键 Add new items -> Add New Graph增加想要的图表结果
Reports -> HTML Report.. 生成html报告
UNIX counter Windows Counter Description
Average Load* N/A The sum of the number of processes waiting in the run queue plus the number currently executing.
Collision rate N/A The total number of network collisions/sec
Context switch rate System – Context Switches/sec The rate at which processors switch from executing one thread to another. High switch rates can indicate performance problems as servers juggle multiple running applications.
CPU utilisation %Processor Time The percentage of elapsed time that the process spends executing non-idle threads.
Disk traffic %Disk time The percentage of elapsed time that the disk(s) are  busy servicing read or write requests.
Incoming packets error rate Packets received errors The number of packets received containing errors that precvent them from being delivered to a higher OSI layer protocol.
Incoming packets rate Packets received/sec The number of packets received on the network interface
Interrupt rate Interrupts/sec Average rate at which the processor receives and services hardware interrupts. Processes generate an interrupt when they finish a task and need to report that fact to the CPU.
Outgoing packets error rate Packets outbound errors The number of packets that can’t be transmitted due to errors
Outgoing packets rate Packets sent / sec The rate at which packets are sent on the network interface
Page-in rate Pages Input/sec The rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory which is not in it’s working set or available elsewhere in physical memory and has to be read from disk.
Page-out rate Pages Output/sec The rate at which memory pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory.
Paging rate Paging rate The rate at which pages are read from disk or written to disk.  This is the sum of Pages Input/sec and Pages Output/sec.
Swap-in rate N/A The number of pages read into memory per second
Swap-out rate N/A The number of pages written out of memory per second
System mode CPU utilization Processor – %Priviledged time The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends executing user threads (i.e. running applications)
User mode CPU utilization Processor – %User time The percentage or elapsed time that the processor spends executing priviledged or system mode threads.

posted @ 2014-11-26 13:36  Wang_Juan  阅读(2885)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报