



Important SAP MM Tcodes
ME01                 Maintain Source List                  
ME03                 Display Source List                   
ME04                 Changes to Source List                
ME05                 Generate Source List                  
ME06                 Analyze Source List                   
ME07                 Reorganize Source List                
ME08                 Send Source List                      
ME0M                 Source List for Material              
ME11                 Create Purchasing Info Record         
ME12                 Change Purchasing Info Record         
ME13                 Display Purchasing Info Record        
ME14                 Changes to Purchasing Info Record     
ME15                 Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion    
ME16                 Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion    
ME17                 Archive Info Records                  
ME18                 Send Purchasing Info Record           
ME1A                 Archived Purchasing Info Records      
ME1B                 Redetermine Info Record Price         
ME1E                 Quotation Price History               
ME1L                 Info Records Per Vendor               
ME1M                 Info Records per Material             
ME1P                 Purchase Order Price History          
ME1W                 Info Records Per Material Group       
ME1X                 Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor  
ME1Y                 Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Material  
ME21                 Create Purchase Order                 
ME21N                Create Purchase Order                              
ME22                 Change Purchase Order                              
ME22N                Change Purchase Order                              
ME23                 Display Purchase Order                             
ME23N                Display Purchase Order                             
ME24                 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement                 
ME25                 Create PO with Source Determination                
ME26                 Display PO Supplement (IR)                         
ME27                 Create Stock Transport Order                       
ME28                 Release Purchase Order                             
ME29N                Release purchase order                             
ME2A                 Monitor Confirmations                              
ME2B                 POs by Requirement Tracking Number                 
ME2C                 Purchase Orders by Material Group                  
ME2J                 Purchase Orders for Project                        
ME2K                 Purch. Orders by Account Assignment                
ME2L                 Purchase Orders by Vendor                          
ME2M                 Purchase Orders by Material                        
ME2N                 Purchase Orders by PO Number                       
ME2O                 SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)                       
ME2S                 Services per Purchase Order                        
ME2V                 Goods Receipt Forecast                             
ME2W                 Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant                
ME308                Send Contracts with Conditions                     
ME31                 Create Outline Agreement                           
ME31K                Create Contract                                    
ME31L                Create Scheduling Agreement                        
ME32                 Change Outline Agreement                           
ME32K                Change Contract                                    
ME32L                Change Scheduling Agreement                        
ME33                 Display Outline Agreement                          
ME33K                Display Contract                                   
ME33L                Display Scheduling Agreement                       
ME34                 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement                
ME34K                Maintain Contract Supplement                       
ME34L                Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement               
ME35                 Release Outline Agreement                          
ME35K                Release Contract                                   
ME35L                Release Scheduling Agreement                       
ME36                 Display Agreement Supplement (IR)                  
ME37                 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt.                  
ME38                 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule                 
ME39                 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST)               
ME3A                 Transm. Release Documentation Record               
ME3B                 Outl. Agreements per Requirement No.               
ME3C                 Outline Agreements by Material Group               
ME3J                 Outline Agreements per Project                     
ME3K                 Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment               
ME3L                 Outline Agreements per Vendor                      
ME3M                 Outline Agreements by Material                     
ME3N                 Outline Agreements by Agreement No.                
ME3P                 Recalculate Contract Price                         
ME3R                 Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price                 
ME3S                 Service List for Contract                          
ME41                 Create Request For Quotation                       
ME42                 Change Request For Quotation                       
ME43                 Display Request For Quotation                      
ME44                 Maintain RFQ Supplement                            
ME45                 Release RFQ                                        
ME47                 Create Quotation                                   
ME48                 Display Quotation                                  
ME49                 Price Comparison List                              
ME4B                 RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number                
ME4C                 RFQs by Material Group                             
ME4L                 RFQs by Vendor                                     
ME4M                 RFQs by Material                                   
ME4N                 RFQs by RFQ Number                                 
ME4S                 RFQs by Collective Number                          
ME51                 Create Purchase Requisition                        
ME51N                Create Purchase Requisition                        
ME52                 Change Purchase Requisition                        
ME52N                Change Purchase Requisition                        
ME52NB               Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition               
ME53                 Display Purchase Requisition                       
ME53N                Display Purchase Requisition                       
ME54                 Release Purchase Requisition                       
ME54N                Release Purchase Requisition                       
ME55                 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.               
ME56                 Assign Source to Purch. Requisition                
ME57                 Assign and Process Requisitions                    
ME58                 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions                    
ME59                 Automatic Generation of POs                        
ME59N                Automatic generation of POs                        
ME5A                 Purchase Requisitions: List Display                
ME5F                 Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition               
ME5J                 Purchase Requisitions for Project                  
ME5K                 Requisitions by Account Assignment                 
ME5R                 Archived Purchase Requisitions                     
ME5W                 Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions                
ME61                 Maintain Vendor Evaluation                         
ME62                 Display Vendor Evaluation                          
ME63                 Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria                
ME64                 Evaluation Comparison                              
ME65                 Evaluation Lists                                   
ME6A                 Changes to Vendor Evaluation                       
ME6B                 Display Vendor Evaln. for Material                 
ME6C                 Vendors Without Evaluation                         
ME6D                 Vendors Not Evaluated Since...                     
ME6E                 Evaluation Records Without Weighting               
ME6F                 Print                                              
ME6G                 Vendor Evaluation in the Background                
ME6H                 Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation               
ME6Z                 Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables                 
ME80                 Purchasing Reporting                               
ME80A                Purchasing Reporting: RFQs                        
ME80AN               General Analyses (A)                              
ME80F                Purchasing Reporting: POs                         
ME80FN               General Analyses (F)                              
ME80R                Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts.              
ME80RN               General Analyses (L,K)                            
ME81                 Analysis of Order Values                          
ME81N                Analysis of Order Values                          
ME82                 Archived Purchasing Documents                     
ME84                 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases               
ME84A                Individual Display of SA Release                  
ME85                 Renumber Schedule Lines                           
ME86                 Aggregate Schedule Lines                          
ME87                 Aggregate PO History                             
ME88                 Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date
ME91                 Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding                
ME91A                Urge Submission of Quotations                     
ME91E                Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind.              
ME91F                Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders                 
ME92                 Monitor Order Acknowledgment                      
ME92F                Monitor Order Acknowledgment                      
ME92K                Monitor Order Acknowledgment                      
ME92L                Monitor Order Acknowledgment                      
ME97                 Archive Purchase Requisitions                     
ME98                 Archive Purchasing Documents                      
ME99                 Messages from Purchase Orders                     
ME9A                 Message Output: RFQs                               
ME9E                 Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedules               
ME9F                 Message Output: Purchase Orders                    
ME9K                 Message Output: Contracts                          
ME9L                 Message Output: Sched. Agreements                  
MEAN                 Delivery Addresses                                 
MEB0                 Reversal of Settlement Runs                        
MEB1                 Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)               
MEB2                 Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)               
MEB3                 Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)               
MEB4                 Settlement re Vendor Rebate Arrs.                  
MEB5                 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements                 
MEB6                 Busn. Vol. Data, Vendor Rebate Arrs.               
MEB7                 Extend Vendor Rebate Arrangements                  
MEB8                 Det. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs.                
MEB9                 Stat. Statement, Vendor Rebate Arrs.               
MEBA                 Comp. Suppl. BV, Vendor Rebate Arr.                
MEBB                 Check Open Docs., Vendor Reb. Arrs.                
MEBC                 Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett.                
MEBE                 Workflow Sett. re Vendor Reb. Arrs.                
MEBF                 Updating of External Busn. Volumes                 
MEBG                 Chg. Curr. (Euro), Vend. Reb. Arrs.                
MEBH                 Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)               
MEBI                 Message, Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Run               
MEBJ                 Recompile Income, Vendor Reb. Arrs.                
MEBK                 Message., Subs. Settlem.- Arrangment               
MEBM                 List of settlement runs for arrngmts              
MEBR                 Archive Rebate Arrangements                       
MEBS                 Stmnt. Sett. Docs., Vend. Reb. Arrs.              
MEBT                 Test Data: External Business Volumes              
MEBV                 Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog)               
MECCP_ME2K           For Requisition Account Assignment                
MEDL                 Price Change: Contract                            
MEI1                 Automatic Purchasing Document Change              
MEI2                 Automatic Document Change                         
MEI3                 Recompilation of Document Index                   
MEI4                 Compile Worklist for Document Index               
MEI5                 Delete Worklist for Document Index                
MEI6                 Delete purchasing document index                  
MEI7                 Change sales prices in purch. orders              
MEI8                 Recomp. doc. index settlement req.                
MEI9                 Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc.              
MEIA                 New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett.                
MEIS                 Data Selection: Arrivals                          
MEK1                 Create Conditions (Purchasing)                    
MEK2                 Change Conditions (Purchasing)                    
MEK3                 Display Conditions (Purchasing)                   
MEK31                Condition Maintenance: Change                     
MEK32                Condition Maintenance: Change                     
MEK33                Condition Maintenance: Change                     
MEK4                 Create Conditions (Purchasing)                    
MEKA                 Conditions: General Overview                      
MEKB                 Conditions by Contract                             
MEKC                 Conditions by Info Record                          
MEKD                 Conditions for Material Group                      
MEKE                 Conditions for Vendor                              
MEKF                 Conditions for Material Type                       
MEKG                 Conditions for Condition Group                     
MEKH                 Market Price                                       
MEKI                 Conditions for Incoterms                           
MEKJ                 Conditions for Invoicing Party                     
MEKK                 Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range                    
MEKL                 Price Change: Scheduling Agreements                
MEKLE                Currency Change: Sched. Agreements                 
MEKP                 Price Change: Info Records                         
MEKPE                Currency Change: Info Records                      
MEKR                 Price Change: Contracts                            
MEKRE                Currency Change: Contracts                         
MEKX                 Transport Condition Types Purchasing               
MEKY                 Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.)               
MEKZ                 Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.)                
MELB                 Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.                
MEMASSIN             Mass-Changing of Purch. Info Records               
MEMASSPO             Mass Change of Purchase Orders                     
MEMASSRQ             Mass-Changing of Purch. Requisitions               
MENU_MIGRATION       Menu Migration into New Hierarchy                  
MEPA                 Order Price Simulation/Price Info                  
MEPB                 Price Info/Vendor Negotiations                     
MEPO                 Purchase Order                                    
MEQ1                 Maintain Quota Arrangement                        
MEQ3                 Display Quota Arrangement                         
MEQ4                 Changes to Quota Arrangement                      
MEQ6                 Analyze Quota Arrangement                         
MEQ7                 Reorganize Quota Arrangement                      
MEQ8                 Monitor Quota Arrangements                        
MEQB                 Revise Quota Arrangement                          
MEQM                 Quota Arrangement for Material                    
MER4                 Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs.               
MER5                 List of Customer Rebate Arrangements              
MER6                 Busn. Vols., Cust. Reb. Arrangements              
MER7                 Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangements              
MER8                 Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs.                
MER9                 Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats.              
MERA                 Comp. Suppl. BV, Cust. Rebate Arrs.               
MERB                 Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr.               
MERE                 Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs.                
MEREP_EX_REPLIC      SAP Mobile: Execute Replicator                    
MEREP_GROUP          SAP Mobile: Mobile Group                          
MEREP_LOG            SAP Mobile: Activity Log                          
MEREP_MIG            SAP Mobile: Migration                             
MEREP_MON            SAP Mobile: Mobile Monitor                        
MEREP_PD             SAP Mobile: Profile Dialog                        
MEREP_PURGE          SAP Mobile: Purge Tool                            
MEREP_SBUILDER       SAP Mobile: SyncBO Builder                        
MEREP_SCENGEN        SAP Mobile: SyncBO Generator                      
MERF                 Updating of External Busn. Volumes                
MERG                 Change Curr. (Euro) Cust. Reb. Arrs.              
MERH                 Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)              
MERJ                 Recomp. of Income, Cust. Reb. Arrs.               
MERS                 Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs.               
MEU0                 Assign User to User Group                         
MEU2                 Perform Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate                
MEU3                 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate                
MEU4                 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate                
MEU5                 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate                
MEW0                 Procurement Transaction                           
MEW1                 Create Requirement Request                        
MEW10                Service Entry in Web                              
MEW2                 Status Display: Requirement Requests              
MEW3                 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.              
MEW5                 Collective Release of Purchase Order              
MEW6                 Assign Purchase Orders WEB                        
MEW7                 Release of Service Entry Sheets                   
MEW8                 Release of Service Entry Sheet                    
MEW9                 mew9                                              
MEWP                 Web based PO                                      
MEWS                 Service Entry (Component)                         
ME_SWP_ALERT         Display MRP Alerts (Web)                          
ME_SWP_CO            Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)                  
ME_SWP_IV            Display Settlement Status (Web)                   
ME_SWP_PDI           Display Purchase Document Info (Web)               
ME_SWP_PH            Display Purchasing History (Web)                   
ME_SWP_SRI           Display Schedule Releases (Web)                   
ME_WIZARD            ME:  Registration and Generation

posted on 2006-04-30 16:46  Bona shen  阅读(2569)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报