delphi中 formclose的事件 action:=cafree form:=nil分别是什么意思?

caNone  The form is not allowed to close, so nothing happens.
caHide  The form is not closed, but just hidden. Your application can still access a hidden form.
caFree  The form is closed and all allocated memory for the form is freed.
caMinimize  The form is minimized, rather than closed. This is the default action for MDI child forms.

Action := caFree; Form关闭后释放占用的内存
The form is closed and all allocated memory for the form is freed.

Form := nil;      Form对象指向空地址

posted on 2011-01-07 15:57  jshchg  阅读(4646)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
