

public class TestException {
    public TestException() {  

    boolean testEx() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            ret = testEx1();  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
            System.out.println("testEx, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
            throw e;  
        } finally {  
            System.out.println("testEx, finally; return value=" + ret);  
            return ret;  

    boolean testEx1() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            ret = testEx2();  
            if (!ret) {  
                return false;  
            System.out.println("testEx1, at the end of try");  
            return ret;  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
            System.out.println("testEx1, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
            throw e;  
        } finally {  
            System.out.println("testEx1, finally; return value=" + ret);  
            return ret;  

    boolean testEx2() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            int b = 12;  
            int c;  
            for (int i = 2; i >= -2; i--) {  
                c = b / i;  
                System.out.println("i=" + i);  
            return true;  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
            System.out.println("testEx2, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
            throw e;  
        finally {  
            System.out.println("testEx2, finally; return value=" + ret);  
            return ret;  

    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        TestException testException1 = new TestException();  
        try {  
        } catch (Exception e) {  


testEx2, catch exception
testEx2, finally; return value=false
testEx1, catch exception
testEx1, finally; return value=false
testEx, finally; return value=false

很多人诧异的一点是testEx2明明抛出了异常throw e,为什么外层异常处理器没有其作用,文章并没有谈及,不知道是作者谦虚还是留给大家去探索。本文不聊一些基础性的东西,因为网上这种文章太多,我没必要重复去说,我只想分析一下为什么是这样的一个打印结果。

package Test;  

public class TestException {  
    public TestException() {  

    boolean testEx() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            ret = testEx1();  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
        // 同理不会捕捉异常
            System.out.println("testEx, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
            throw e;  
        } finally {  
            System.out.println("testEx, finally; return value=" + ret);  
            return ret;  

    boolean testEx1() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            ret = testEx2();  // 内部异常已被finally 的return 屏蔽
            if (!ret) {  
                return false;  
            System.out.println("testEx1, at the end of try");  
            return ret;  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
        // 异常处理器无效,此处代码跳过直接finally
            System.out.println("testEx1, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
            throw e;  
        } finally {  
            System.out.println("testEx1, finally; return value=" + ret);  
            return ret;  // 同理如果此处的return 被拿掉则不会屏蔽掉throw e ,关键就看当前函数的最后一条语句是return 还是 throw

    boolean testEx2() throws Exception {  
        boolean ret = true;  
        try {  
            int b = 12;  
            int c;  
            for (int i = 2; i >= -2; i--) {  
                c = b / i;  
                 // 1.首先打印2递减    打印i=2 , i=1
                System.out.println("i=" + i);   // 当i=0 运行时异常抛出
            return true;  
        } catch (Exception e) { 
              // 2. Exception 包含除Error外的所有运行时异常,能够处理抛出异常 打印  testEx2, catch exception
            System.out.println("testEx2, catch exception");  
            ret = false;  
           //  3. 程序要抛出异常但是有finally子句,需要执行
            throw e;  
        } finally {  
            // 4. 打印
            System.out.println("testEx2, finally; return value=" + ret); 
           // 5. 此处return JVM认定此函数能够正常响应 屏蔽throw e子句 ,如果此处不是return 子句,外层catch能捕获异常,因为JVM会认定此函数没有return , 返回异常
            return ret;  

    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        TestException testException1 = new TestException();  
        try {  
        } catch (Exception e) {  

JVM根据try - catch -> finally语句的执行顺序,看最后返回的是throw还是return来判断是正常返回还是抛出异常。

posted @ 2018-08-10 14:40  星朝  阅读(768)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报