
  • 基本

    • 函数表达式 作用
      Application.DisplayAlerts = False/True 是否提示警告
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False/True 是否更新屏幕
      Debug.Print () 输出到控制台
      Msgbox () 弹框
  • Application函数

    • application

      • 函数表达式 作用
        userName 获取当前用户名(Jpanda)
  • 工作表函数

    • Application.WorksheetFunction.

      • 函数表达式 作用
        Max(arr) 求数组最大值
        Match("target",arr) 找出数组中某元素的索引
  • VBA函数

    • VBA.

      • 函数表达式 作用
        Format("2020/01/01", "yyyy-MM-dd") 格式化字符串
        Split("2020/01/01", "/")(0) 分割字符串
  • 单元格操作

    • 函数表达式 作用
      Range("A1:C10") 定义范围
      Range("A" & i) 动态单元格
      Cells(x,y) 单元格
      Cells 所有单元格
      Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 最后非空行行号
      Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 最后非空列列号
  • 表操作

    • 通过名称增加表到最后

      • Public Sub AddSheetByNameAfter(sheetName As String)
            Dim st, addSt As Worksheet
            Dim existSheet As Boolean
            existSheet = False
            For Each st In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If st.name = sheetName Then
                   existSheet = True
                End If
            If Not existSheet Then
                Set addSt = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.add(, Sheets(Sheets.Count))
                addSt.name = sheetName
                MsgBox ("SheetName" + sheetName + ":Exist!")
            End If
        End Sub
    • 通过名称删除表

      • Public Sub DeleteSheetByName(sheetName As String)
            Dim st As Worksheet
            For Each st In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If st.name = sheetName Then
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            MsgBox ("SheetName" + sheetName + ":Is Not Exist!")
        End Sub
    • 复制Sheet1到最后并改名

      • Public Function CopySheetBySheet1(sheetName As String) As Boolean
            Dim st, addSt As Worksheet
            Dim existSheet As Boolean
            existSheet = False
            For Each st In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If st.name = sheetName Then
                   existSheet = True
                End If
            If Not existSheet Then
                ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
                ActiveSheet.name = sheetName
                CopySheetBySheet1 = True
                CopySheetBySheet1 = False
            End If
        End Function
    • 复制Sheet1到最后并改名,改名规则为某个前缀加序号递增

      • Public Sub addSheetBySort(prefix As String)
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim success As Boolean
            i = 1
            success = False
            Do While (Not success)
                success = CopySheetBySheet1(prefix & i)
                i = i + 1
        End Sub
  • 控制语句

    • If

      • Dim i As Integer
        i = 3
        If i = 1 Then
            Debug.Print (1)
        ElseIf i = 2 Then
            Debug.Print (2)
            Debug.Print (3)
        End If
    • For

      • Dim i, sum As Integer
        For i = 1 To 200
            sum = sum + i
            If i = 100 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Debug.Print (sum)
    • For Each In

      • Dim st As Worksheet
        For Each st In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
            Debug.Print (st.name)
    • Do While() Loop

      • Dim i, sum As Integer
        Do While (i <= 100)
            sum = sum + i
            i = i + 1
        Debug.Print (sum)
    • Do Until() Loop

      • Dim i, sum As Integer
        Do Until (i > 100)
            sum = sum + i
            i = i + 1
        Debug.Print (sum)
    • Do Loop Until()

      • Dim i, sum As Integer
            sum = sum + i
            i = i + 1
        Loop Until (i > 100)
        Debug.Print (sum)
    • While Wend

      • Dim i, sum As Integer
        While i <= 100
          sum = sum + i
            i = i + 1
        Debug.Print (sum)
  • 窗体

    • 方法

      Unload win
    • 属性

  • 数组

    • 定义

      • 常量数组

      • Dim arr()
        arr = Array("a", "b", "c")
      • 静态数组

      • Dim arr0()
        Dim arr1(4)
        Dim arr2(1 To 5)
        Dim arr3(1 To 5,1 To 2)
      • 数组赋值和使用

      • '给数组赋值
        arr = Range("A1:D10")
        Range("A1:D10") = arr
        Range("A1") = arr(index)
        ReDim Preserve arr(1 To n)
      • 数组界限

      • LBound(arr, 1)
        UBound(arr, 1)
        LBound(arr, 2)
        UBound(arr, 2)
      • 清空数组

      • Erase arr
  • 文件操作

    • 读写

        Public Function ReadFileToString(filename As String) As String
            Dim ret, temp As String
            Dim filenum As Integer
            filenum = FreeFile
            Open filename For Input As #filenum
            Do While Not EOF(filenum)
                temp = Input(1, filenum)
                ret = ret + temp
            Close #filenum
            ReadFileToString = ret
        End Function
        Public Function ReadFileToArray(filename As String) As String()
            Dim ret() As String, temp As String
            Dim filenum, lines As Integer
            filenum = FreeFile
            lines = 0
            Open filename For Input As #filenum
            Do While Not EOF(filenum)
                lines = lines + 1
                ReDim Preserve ret(1 To lines) As String
                Line Input #filenum, ret(lines)
            Close #filenum
            ReadFileToArray = ret
        End Function
        Public Sub WriteStringToFile(filename As String, outputstring As String, Optional useappend As Boolean = True)
            Dim ret() As String, temp As String
            Dim filenum, lines As Integer
            filenum = FreeFile
            If useappend Then
                Open filename For Append As #filenum
                Write #filenum, outputstring
                Open filename For Output As #filenum
                Write #filenum, outputstring
            End If
            Close #filenum
        End Sub
        Public Sub CopyBinaryFile(source As String, target As String)
            Open source For Binary As #1
            Open target For Binary As #2
            Dim i As Long, bte As Byte
            bte = 255
            For i = 1 To LOF(1)
                Get #1, , bte
                Put #2, LOF(2) + 1, bte
            Close #1
            Close #2
        End Sub
  • FTP

    • 使用winscp.com下载文件

      • Sub sftpget()
            Dim winscppath, env_addr, env_user, env_passwd, localftp, cfgfile, retfile, ftpfile As String
            winscppath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.com"
            env_addr = ""
            env_user = "root"
            env_passwd = "root"
            localftp = "C:\Users\77023\Desktop\test\"
            cfgfile = "C:\Users\77023\Desktop\test\config.txt"
            retfile = "ret.txt"
            ftpfile = "/opt/SogouQ1.txt"
            Open cfgfile For Output As #1
            Print #1, "open sftp://" & env_user & ":" & env_passwd & "@" & env_addr
            Print #1, "get " & ftpfile & " " & localftp & retfile
            Print #1, "close"
            Close #1
            Shell winscppath & " " & "/script=" & cfgfile, 0
            Do While Dir(localftp & retfile) = Empty
            MsgBox "下载完成"
        End Sub
  • 类模块

    • 本类Panda

      • Private clsAuthor As String
        Private clsAge As Integer
        Public Sub DeleteSheetByName(sheetName As String)
            Dim st As Worksheet
            For Each st In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If st.name = sheetName Then
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                    Exit For
                End If
        	MsgBox ("SheetName" + sheetName + ":Is Not Exist!")
        End Sub
        Public Sub AddSheetByNameAfter(sheetName As String)
            Dim st, addSt As Worksheet
            Dim existSheet As Boolean
            existSheet = False
            For Each st In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                If st.name = sheetName Then
                    existSheet = True
                End If
            If Not existSheet Then
            Set addSt = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.add(, Sheets(Sheets.Count))
                addSt.name = sheetName
                MsgBox ("SheetName" + sheetName + ":Exist!")
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Function add(a As Integer, b As Integer)
            add = a + b
        End Function
        Property Get author() As Variant
            author = clsAuthor
        End Property
        Property Let author(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
            clsAuthor = vNewValue
        End Property
        Public Property Get age() As Variant
            age = clsAge
        End Property
        Public Property Let age(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)
            clsAge = vNewValue
        End Property
        Public Sub InitiateProperties(author As String, age As Integer)
            clsAuthor = author
            clsAge = age
        End Sub
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            Debug.Print ("Panda Initialize...")
        End Sub
        Private Sub Class_Terminate()
            Debug.Print ("Panda Terminate...")
        End Sub
    • 工厂类Factory

      •   Public Function CreatePanda(author As String, age As Integer) As panda
              Set CreatePanda = New panda
              CreatePanda.InitiateProperties author:=author, age:=age
          End Function
    • 调用类

      • Sub main()
            Dim pd As panda
            Dim factory As factory
            Set factory = New factory
            Set pd = factory.CreatePanda("lj", 26)
            Debug.Print (pd.age)
            Debug.Print (pd.author)
            pd.age = 27
            pd.author = "panda"
            Debug.Print (pd.age)
            Debug.Print (pd.author)
            pd.AddSheetByNameAfter sheetName:="test"
            pd.DeleteSheetByName sheetName:="ss"
            Debug.Print (pd.add(1, 2))
        End Sub
  • Excel功能集对应excel操作

    • 设置打印区域

      • ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Address + ":" + Cells(row, col).CurrentRegion.Address
  • ADO数据库操作

    1. 连接PostgreSQL

      • Sub postgreSQLConn()
            '需要打开MicroSoft Activx Data Objects
            Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
            Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
            Dim dataSource As String
            Dim userName As String
            Dim password As String
            Dim DBname As String
            Dim ConnProperty As String
            Dim SQL As String
            Dim arr()
            dataSource = "PostgreSQLODBC"
            userName = "postgres"
            password = "Panda5201314"
            DBname = "panda"
            ConnProperty = "DSN=" & dataSource & ";" & "UID=" & userName & ";" & "PWD=" & password & ";" & "Database=" & DBname
            conn.Open ConnProperty
            SQL = "select * from student where sid='01'"
            Set rs = conn.Execute(SQL)
            Do While (Not rs.EOF)
                Debug.Print (rs.Fields("sid").Value)
                Debug.Print (rs.Fields(1).Value)
                Debug.Print (VBA.Split(rs.Fields(2).Value, "/")(0))
            'arr = rs.GetRows
            'Sheet2.Range("a1").Resize(UBound(arr, 2) + 1, UBound(arr, 1) + 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr)
            'Sheet2.Range("a1").Resize(UBound(arr, 1) + 1, UBound(arr, 2) + 1) = arr
            Set rs = Nothing
            Set cn = Nothing
            'Call conn.Execute(SQL)
            'Call conn.Execute(SQL)
        End Sub