

2010-09-16 10:22  myjava2  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Option Explicit
Public Xtwips As Integer, Ytwips As Integer
Public Xpixels As Integer, Ypixels As Integer

   Height As Long
   Width As Long
End Type

Public RePosForm As Boolean
Public DoResize As Boolean
Dim myForm As FRMSIZE
Dim DesignX As Integer
Dim DesignY As Integer
Dim ScaleFactorX As Single, ScaleFactorY As Single

Sub Resize_For_Resolution(ByVal SFX As Single, ByVal SFY As Single, myForm As Form)
Dim I As Integer
Dim SFFont As Single
SFFont = (SFX + SFY) / 2
On Error Resume Next
With myForm
  For I = 0 To .Count - 1
   If TypeOf .Controls(I) Is ComboBox Then
     .Controls(I).Left = .Controls(I).Left * SFX
     .Controls(I).Top = .Controls(I).Top * SFY
     .Controls(I).Width = .Controls(I).Width * SFX
     .Controls(I).Move .Controls(I).Left * SFX, _
      .Controls(I).Top * SFY, _
      .Controls(I).Width * SFX, _
      .Controls(I).Height * SFY
   End If
     .Controls(I).FontSize = .Controls(I).FontSize * SFFont
  Next I
  If RePosForm Then
     .Move .Left * SFX, .Top * SFY, .Width * SFX, .Height * SFY
  End If
End With
End Sub

Public Sub FormResize(TheForm As Form)
Dim ScaleFactorX As Single, ScaleFactorY As Single
If Not DoResize Then
   DoResize = True
   Exit Sub
End If
RePosForm = False
ScaleFactorX = TheForm.Width / myForm.Width
ScaleFactorY = TheForm.Height / myForm.Height
Resize_For_Resolution ScaleFactorX, ScaleFactorY, TheForm
myForm.Height = TheForm.Height
myForm.Width = TheForm.Width
End Sub

Public Sub AdjustForm(TheForm As Form)
Dim Res As String ' Returns resolution of system
' Put the design time resolution in here
DesignX = 640
DesignY = 480
RePosForm = True
DoResize = False
Xtwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Ytwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Ypixels = Screen.Height / Ytwips
Xpixels = Screen.Width / Xtwips
ScaleFactorX = (Xpixels / DesignX)
ScaleFactorY = (Ypixels / DesignY)
TheForm.ScaleMode = 1
Resize_For_Resolution ScaleFactorX, ScaleFactorY, TheForm
Res = Str$(Xpixels) + "  by " + Str$(Ypixels)
'Debug.Print Res
myForm.Height = TheForm.Height
myForm.Width = TheForm.Width

End Sub