1 - Standard Directory Structure

Posted on 2007-04-22 08:25  joyyuan97  阅读(333)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报

i like to think about how to standard the management on software develop.  in past of work, i tried to do this in my project team.  and now, i want share my experience to u. if u have any advice, then plz tell me. i will wait for u advice.

this article i want talk about the standard directory. i must say i learn how to manage the project directory from a company which i worked for, and i create this directory sturcture after i got PMP certificate. so this directory structure based on the project process group. and another point, in some companies they create the directory sturcture too... but for this sutructure, they not wrote a document to descript about how to use this directory sturcture. so after some projects, they found the project's direcotry still different.

why we should standard our directory structure. first, for different team's memeber in the company, they can easy to join into another project when they free. 2nd,  when a ppl leave from team, then it helps the one who will accept his/her position. 3rd, it's good for the company's software manager.

ok. wish this file package can help u in u work.


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