Top 50 Most Popular APIs on RapidAPI (2018)

You may be asking yourself:

“What are the most popular and used APIs out there?”

Ready to start building awesome apps? Get Started at RapidAPI's API Marketplace!

Well, ask no more.

RapidAPI has got you covered with a fat list of APIs.

With over 400 billion API calls per month, we analyzed the data to see which APIs were the most popular in the month of August, starting with the top 50.

Most Popular APIs

Without further ado, let us dive into the most popular APIs on that were used in the month of August (2018), ranked from 1 to 50. We’ll go over their API functions, endpoints and pricing. Here is the list of the best APIs:

1. Words API

WordsAPI on RapidAPI

Starting with number 1 is the Words API.

The Words API is “an API for the English Language” that has a wide array of functions such as extracting word definitions or synonyms, retrieving word or phrase example usage, getting rhyming words, and much more.

For a little preview, head on over to their Try It section on the Words API homepage.

Words API Example

Words API Endpoints

Here is a list of a few of the available Words API endpoints:

  • Also – Phrases of which the word is a part.
  • Antonyms – Get antonyms (opposites) of a word.
  • Definitions – Get definitions of a word, including the part of speech.
  • Entails – – Words that are implied by the original word. Usually used for verbs.
  • Examples – Get examples of how the word is used.
  • Frequency – – Expands upon the frequency score returned by the main /words/{word} endpoint. Returns zipf, a score
    indicating how common the word is in the English language, with a range of 1 to 7; per million, the number of times the word
    is likely to appear in a corpus of one million English words; and diversity, a 0-1 scale the shows the likelihood of the word
    appearing in an English document that is part of a corpus. –
  • Has Categories – Categories of the parameter word.
  • Has Instances – Words that are examples of the parameter word.
  • Has Members – Words that belong to the group defined by the parameter word.

Words API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 2,500 / daily $0.004 per extra
star $10.00
25,000 / daily $0.003 per extra
ULTRA $49.00 250,000 / daily $0.002 per extra
MEGA $89.00 500,000 / daily $0.001 per extra

The Words API is free up to 2,500 daily API calls. After the first 2,500, it costs $0.004 per additional API call.

There is also a Pro, Ultra, and Mega pricing plan available for heavier usage starting at $10, $49, and $89 per month respectively.

Related: Check out the best Dictionary APIs

2. Spoonacular Recipe – Food – Nutrition API

Spoonacular API

The Spoonacular API is the ultimate Recipe, Food and Nutrition database all rolled up into a single API, making it “the only Food API you’ll ever need.”

With Spoonacular, you’ll get access to over 365,000 recipes and 86,000 food products.

Their API has a unique food ontology that allows them to build semantic relationships between ingredients, recipes, and store products.

If you’re building a food-related website or app, Spoonacular API is a must.

Related: Check out the top Restaurants and Food APIs

Spoonacular API Endpoints

Here is a list of some of the available Spoonacular API endpoints:

  • Analyze Recipe Instructions – Extract ingredients and equipment from the recipe instruction steps.
  • Analyze a Recipe Search Query – Parse a recipe search query to find out its intention.
  • Autocomplete Ingredient Search – Autocomplete a search for an ingredient.
  • Autocomplete Recipe Search – Autocomplete a partial input to possible recipe names.
  • Classify Cuisine – Classify the recipe’s cuisine.
  • Classify Grocery Products (Batch) – Given a set of product jsons, get back classified products.
  • Classify a Grocery Product – Given a grocery product title, this endpoint allows you to detect what basic
    ingredient it is.
  • Convert Amounts – Convert amounts like “2 cups of flour to grams”.
  • Create Recipe Card – Create a recipe card given a recipe.

Spoonacular API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequestsResultsTinyrequestsOn-Demand API EndpointsSupport
BASIC $0.00 50 / daily $0.007 per extra 500 / daily $0.003 per extra 500 / daily $0.003 per extra    
PRO $29.00 500 / daily $0.004 per extra 5,000 / daily $0.003 per extra 5,000 / daily $0.001 per extra    
ULTRA $99.00 2,500 / daily $0.004 per extra 25,000 / daily $0.003 per extra 50,000 / daily $0.001 per extra check check
MEGA $999.00 30,000 / daily $0.001 per extra 100,000 / daily $0.001 per extra 200,000 / daily $0.001 per extra check check

The Spoonacular API is free up to the first 50 daily API calls. Following that, it is $0.007 per additional call.

There are also a few paid tiers available (Pro, Ultra, & Mega) for heavier users of the API ranging from $29 to $999/month.

3. ContextualWeb Search API

ContextualWeb Search API is a new search engine with ties to Neuroscience and Brain science.

What sets them apart from other search engines is how they index web pages. Contextual Web Search mimics the way the human brain indexes memories.

ContextualWeb API Endpoints

The ContextWeb Search API has the following endpoints:

  • autoComplete – Suggest as-you-type completion.
  • imageSearch – Image Search
  • imageSearchWithPagination – Image Search With Pagination
  • newsSearch – News Search
  • newsSearchWithPagination – News Search With Pagination
  • webSearch – Web Search
  • webSearchWithPagination – Web Search With Pagination

ContextualWeb API Pricing

The ContextualWeb Search API is completely free and unlimited on or on the Mashape marketplace.

Related: List of Search-related APIs

4. Skyscanner Flight Search API

Skyscanner API on RapidAPI

Now that the Google Flights API is deprecated, many developers are looking to Skyscanner as an alternative.

What is Skyscanner?

Like Google Flights, Skyscanner is a metasearch engine that provides travel data for flights, hotels, car rentals and more. Skyscanner aggregates travel and flight data so you don’t have to go to multiple sites yourself to check each individual flight plan or price.

The Skyscanner API allows you to access this aggregated travel data to retrieve cheapest flight dates and quotes, browse flight routes, and much more.

Skyscanner API Endpoints

Here’s the list of all the available Skyscanner API endpoints:

  • Browse Dates – Retrieve the cheapest dates for a given route from our cache.
  • Browse Quotes – Retrieve the cheapest quotes from our cache prices.
  • Browse Routes – Retrieve the cheapest routes from our cache prices. Similar to the Browse Quotes API but
    with the routes built for you from the individual quotes.
  • Create session – Create a flight search session. A successful response contains no content. The URL to
    poll the results is provided in the Location header of the response.
  • Currencies – Retrieve the currencies that we support.
  • List Places – Get a list of places that match a query string.
  • List markets – Retrieve the market countries that we support. Most suppliers (airlines, travel agents and
    car hire dealers) set their fares based on the market (or country of purchase). It is, therefore, necessary to specify the
    market country in every query.
  • Poll session results – Get itineraries from a created session
  • To Skyscanner

How much is the Skyscanner API?

The Skyscanner API is free to use on with a registered account. Sign up for a free account today!

Related: Browse more Travel/Flights and Booking APIs

5. Soccer – Sports Open Data API

Soccer Sports Open Data API

The folks at Sports Open Data have created an API that provides many data points for Soccerleagues and matches across the world. The API covers 9 different Football leagues including Eredivisie, Serie A, Serie B, Premier Leauge, and LaLiga.

With a Creative Commons License, you are allowed to reuse the data from the API in any way (personal or commercial use).

Related: Best Sports APIs for developers

Soccer – Sports Open Data API Endpoints

The Sports Open Data API has the following endpoints:

  • Events List – List of Events available
  • League Details – With this API you retrieve league details like identifier, slug, nation or federation
  • League Managers in a Season for a Team – This API returns a list of managers for a specified team available in a league for a specified season.
  • League Referee in season – This API returns a list of available referees in a season for a specified league.
  • League Top Scorer – With this API you’re able to get top scorer of a specific league during a season
  • List of Leagues – With this API you can retrieve all the leagues available on Soccer Sports Open Data
  • Round Matches – This API returns matches available in a specified round. Every match has a full detail about events occurred.
  • Round Specified Match – This API returns full details information about a specified match in a round.
  • Season Details – With this API you could retrieve season details for a specified league. In result set you could find standings and rounds (if available)

Soccer – Sports Open Data API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequestsDataset Full AccessDedicated SupportTwo New Leagues ProposalUnlimited Requests
BASIC $0.00 100/daily $0.1 per extra check      
PRO $25.00 200/daily $0.1 per extra check      
ULTRA $50.00 400/daily $0.1 per extra check      
MEGA $200.00 Unlimited $0 per extra check     check

The Sports Open Data API is free up to 100 daily requests. Following that, it is $0.1 per extra call. Pro, Ultra, and Mega plans are also avialble for heavier users.

6. Openload API

Openload API

What is Openload?

Openload is a file-hosting and file-sharing service. Users can upload content to it and share these files by providing others with links to them. This has made Openload a popular place to store and share videos, including copies of hit Hollywood movies and popular TV show episodes.

– Comparitech
Affiliates can earn money by uploading any file to Openload websites & creating a shareable link (depending on the files and traffic).

Openload API Endpoints

  • checkFileStatus – Check the status of a file, e.g. if the file exists
  • checkRemoteUploadStatus – Check Status of Remote Upload
  • convertFiles – Convert previously uploaded files to a browser-streamable format (mp4 / h.264)
  • getAccountInfo – Everything account related (total used storage, reward)
  • getDownloadLink – Get a download link by using download ticket
  • getRunningFileConverts – Shows running file converts by folder
  • getVideoThumbnail – Shows the video splash image (thumbnail)
  • preparingDownload – Preparing a Download
  • renameFile – Set a new name for a file

Openload API Pricing

The Openload API is free to use through RapidAPI.

7. World Cities API

world cities api

The World Cities API is a city search API that returns results based on the user’s query. For example, you can search for a city name and narrow the results by city, state or country.

World Cities API Endpoints

  • Query – Use a query with at least 3 characters to search for a city, state or country matching the query

World Cities API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 100/daily $0 per extra
PRO $5.00 1,000/daily $0.01 per extra
ULTRA $15.00 5,000/daily $0.01 per extra
MEGA $30.00 Unlimited $0 per extra

8. Gold Standard Sports API

Gold Standard Sports API

Gold Standard Sports is a firm specializing in entertainment marketing and management for brand and image building of top athletes, broadcasters, and celebrities in the sports world.

The Gold Standard Sports API allows developers to tap into their database of sports leagues, games (by ID) and games by specific date. They have data for these major sports leagues:

  • NFL
  • NBA
  • MLB
  • NHL
  • MLS

Related: Best NFL APIs to tackle this season

Gold Standard Sports API Endpoints

  • All Leagues – Returns an array of all possible leagues.
  • Game by ID – Returns information on a game for a given game ID.
  • Game by LeagueDate – Returns an array of games played on a given date for a given league.

Gold Standard Sports API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 100/monthly $0.05 per extra
PRO $10.00 1,000/monthly $0.01 per extra

The Gold Standard Sports API is free to use for your first 100 monthly API calls. There is also a Pro plan that allows for 1,000 monthly calls.


TrueFace.AI is an advanced facial recognition API that can identify faces, emotions, gender, age and more. can even differentiate between a face and a picture of a face –  a common flaw of some other facial recognition APIs.

Related: Use Dropbox and to create a home security system API Endpoints

  • Create Collection – To perform identificationn you need to group profiles in collections. To create a collection simply post the name of the collection and save the returned id for later use.
  • Enroll – To enforce good training, we recommend a minimum of 3 pictures to enroll someone. include the enrollment pictures as base64 strings as -> img0,img1,img2….img(N) –> (maximum 10 images for the initial enrollment, you can add images to a profile for more training with the update endpoing below). You can add a profile to a collection at enroll by simply including the collection id as “collection_id” in the json payload
  • Face Detection
  • Face Match – The face match endpoint is used to match a face to a profile on the system. Send a picture of the face along with id of the person you’d like to match. The endpoint will attempt to match the generated embedding against every embedding stored for the profile. Return the score and result for every embedding for that profile. You can supply the threshold to be used. If no threshold is supplied, the api will default to a threshold of 0.5.
  • Identify – Identify performs 1:N classification while also measuring the probablity of an unknown. To use this endpoint send the image as a base64 encoded string along with the collection id you’d like to compare the image to.
  • Spoof Detection – This endpoint checks if an image is a spoof attempt. HTTP Request POST Binary Payload Include the binary file in the body of your request. Make sure to include an image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type header when posting a binary payload.
  • Train a collection classifier – After updating a collection you need to trigger a training of the classifier before its ready for use in identify requests.
  • Update Collection
  • Update Enrollment API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 1,000/monthly $0.003 per extra
PRO $9.99 5,000/monthly $0.003 per extra
ULTRA $99.00 200,000/monthly $0.002 per extra
MEGA $499.00 0/monthly $0.002 per extra

The API is free to use up to your first 1,000 montly calls. Overages apply. Additional paid plans available.

10. musiXmatch API

musixmatch API

MusiXmatch is the world’s largest lyrics database with over 50 million active users and over 14 million lyrics. The musiXmatch API grants developers access to this music, album and lyrics data via Mashape or RapidAPI.

Related: Top Music APIs of 2018

musiXmatch API Endpoints

Here are some examples of musiXmatch API endpoints:

  • Album – Get the album object
  • Album.tracks – Get the list of song within an album
  • Artist – Get the artist object
  • Artist.related
  • Matcher.lyrics – Get the lyrics for a song starting by title and artist
  • Matcher.subtitle.get
  • Matcher.track – Starting from your track title and artist name, find our correspondent track
  • Track – Get a track from musixmatch

musiXmatch API Pricing

Limited to 2k API Calls daily

Limited to 50k API Calls daily


Unlimited Usage

Free testing plan
for evaluation only

$1.5 CPM with a minimum guarantee per month starting at $1,000

Custom Pricing
Access to 30% of lyrics per song Full lyrics access Full lyrics access
Commercial usage Commercial usage Commercial usage
Licensing Coverage
Licensing Coverage Licensing Coverage
Database feed Database feed Database feed
AI Dataset AI Dataset AI Dataset
Translations Translations Translations
Synced Lyrics Synced Lyrics Synced Lyrics

11. BettingOdds API

betting odds api
The Betting Odds API is a realtime soccer/football Odds API created by Global Sports Interative. It aggregates data from different bookmakers like Bet365, Interwetten, Beteast and more.

BettingOdds API Endpoints

  • /bookmakers – Get a list of available bookmakers
  • /event/{id} – Get odds & information for a single event
  • /events/league/{id} – Get a list of scheduled events for a specific league
  • /events/{date} – Specify date for fetching events. Timezone is UTC. A request for “2016-01-01” will return events between “2016-01-01 00:00:00” and “2016-01-02 05:59:59” in order to cover late events of the given date.
  • /leagues – Get a list of available leagues
  • /markets – Get markets & outcomes info

BettingOdds API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 Unlimited $0 per extra

12. API api gathers webcams from around the world and make them accessible to any developers via their API. Using the API, you can enrich your website or app with free webcam content from over 69,687 webcams around the world. API Endpoints

  • /webcams/list/bbox={ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng} – This is a modifier. Returns a list of the webcams in the bounding box given by north-east ({ne_lat},{ne_lng}) and south-west ({sw_lat},{sw_lng}) coordinates. Required: {ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng}.
  • /webcams/list/category={category}[,{category}[,…]] – This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed categories. Multiple categories must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {category}.
  • /webcams/list/continent={continent}[,{continent}[,…]] – This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed continents. Multiple continents must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {continent}.
  • /webcams/list/country={country}[,{country}[,…]] – This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed country. Multiple countries must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {country}. Possible values are ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes.
  • /webcams/list/exclude={webcamid}[,{webcamid}[,…]] – This is a modifier. Exclude the {webcamid} from a list. Multiple {webcamid} must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {webcamid}
  • /webcams/list/limit={limit},{offset} – This is a modifier. Returns the list of webcams sliced by {limit}. The optional offset is given by {offset}. Required: {limit}. The maximum value for {limit} is 50. {offset} defaults to 0. If limit is not given, then a default of limit=10 is applied.
  • /webcams/list/nearby={lat},{lng},{radius} – This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams near the given coordinates {lat},{lng} up to the given {radius} in kilometers. Required: {lat}, {lng}, {radius}. The maximum value for {radius} is 250.
  • /webcams/list/orderby={order},{sort} – This is a modifier. Returns the list of webcams ordered by {order}. The optional sorting direction is given by {sort}. Required {order}.
  • /webcams/list/property={property}[,{property}[,…]] – This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed {property}. Multiple {property} must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {property}. Possible values are “editors” (featured from the editors), “hd” (high resolution webcams), and “live” (webcams with a live stream). API Pricing

The API allows you to get quality & maintained content, a timelapse player for free via the RapidAPI interface.

13. Zillow API

Zillow API Endpoints

Zillow API
Zillow is one of the largest real estate data companies on the web that allows you to search and get estimates on real estate listings.

The Zillow API allows you to access this data to get real estate and mortgage information in real time.

  • getChart – The GetChart API generates a URL for an image file that displays historical Zestimates for a specific property
  • getComps – The GetComps API returns a list of comparable recent sales for a specified property.
  • getDeepComps – The GetDeepComps API returns a list of comparable recent sales for a specified property.
  • getDeepSearchResults – The GetDeepSearchResults API finds a property for a specified address.
  • getRegionChildren – For a specified region, the GetRegionChildren API returns a list of subregions with the following information: Subregion Type, Region IDs, Region Names, URL to Corresponding Zillow Page (only for cities and neighborhoods), Latitudes and Longitudes
  • getSearchResults – The GetSearchResults API finds a property for a specified address.
  • getUpdatedPropertyDetails – For a specified property, the GetUpdatedPropertyDetails API returns all of the home facts that have been edited by the home’s owner or agent.
  • getZestimate – The GetZestimate API will only surface properties for which a Zestimate exists.

Zillow API Pricing

The Zillow API is free to use through RapidAPI’s interface. Make sure to Sign Up for an API key (Zillow Web Service Identifier) first.

14. Google Play Store API

Google Play Store API
The Google Play Store is to Android users, what the iOs App Store is to iPhone users. It serves as the official app store for Androids, but also provides digital media, music, magazines and much more.

The unofficial Google Play Store API can be accessed on RapidAPI. The API provides updated reviews, ratings, rankings and more for various products on the Google Play Store.

Google Play Store API Endpoints

  • Album details – Get album details as displayed on Google Play Store
  • Album search – Search albums into the store
  • Application categories – Get application categories
  • Application details – Get application details as displayed on Google Play Store
  • Application reviews – Get application reviews
  • Application search – Search applications into the store
  • Artist details – Get artist details as displayed on Google Play Store
  • Artist search – Search artist into the store
  • Multiple application details – Get multiple (up to 100) application details with a single request. Billed 1.5x

Google Play Store API Pricing – How much does it cost?

Pricing Planbatchchartsmusicrequests
BASIC $0.00 0/daily $0.5 per extra 0/daily $0.1 per extra 0/daily $0.5 per extra 1/daily $0.1 per extra
PRO $2.00 1/daily $0.5 per extra 0/daily $0.1 per extra 0/daily $0.1 per extra 100/daily $0.05 per extra
ULTRA $5.00 50/monthly $0.1 per extra 0/monthly $0.1 per extra 0/monthly $0.1 per extra 10,000/monthly $0.01 per extra
MEGAstar$10.00 Unlimited $0 per extra Unlimited $0 per extra Unlimited $0 per extra Unlimited $0 per extra

The Google Play Store API allows for 1 free request per day, but if you want to upgrade it’s not that much more. There are additional paid plans as well as an unlimited plan for just $10.00.

15. ThePirateBay API

The Pirate Bay API
ThePirateBay (TPB) is a directory of various multimedia files that users can download via torrent files or magnet links (BitTorrent).

ThePirateBay API allows developers to access their directory to access torrent information and links.

ThePirateBay API Endpoints

  • getCategories – Get all PirateBay’s categories and sub-categories
  • getRecentTorrents – Get the most recent uploaded torrents
  • getTopTorrents – Get top 100 torrents by category
  • getTorrent – Get a single torrent by ID
  • getUserTorrents – Get a specific user’s torrents
  • search – Search different torrents on the Pirate Bay

ThePirateBay API Pricing

The Pirate Bay API is free to use.

16. Kairos Face Detection API

Kairos API
Kairos is another company that provides Face Recognition software. The Kairos API offers a wide variety of image recognition solutions to include gender, age, emotional depth, in photos, videos, and more.

Related: Using the Kairos API on RapidAPI

Kairos Face Detection API Endpoints

  • * /detect – Takes an image and returns the facial features found within it.
  • * /enroll – Takes an image and stores it as a face template into a gallery you define
  • * /gallery/list_all – Lists out all the galleries you have subjects enrolled in
  • * /gallery/remove – Removes all the subjects in a gallery
  • * /gallery/remove_subject – Removes a subject from a specified gallery
  • * /gallery/view – Lists out all the subjects you have enrolled in a specified gallery
  • * /recognize – Takes an image and tries to match it against the already enrolled images in a gallery you define

Kairos Face Detection API Pricing

Pricing PlanAPI CallsThrottled at 100 calls /minute
BASICstar$0.00 1,000,000/monthly $0 per extra check

17. Spotify Public API

Spotify API
Spotify is a music streaming service with over 30 million songs in their catalogue and countless music playlists. The Spotify Public API lets developers access their database to get data on:

  • artists
  • albums
  • songs
  • playlists
  • or related artists

Related: How to use the Spotify API and some Project Ideas

Spotify Public API Endpoints

  • getAlbum – Get an album
  • getAlbumTracks – Get an album tracks
  • getArtist – Get an artist
  • getArtistAlbums – Get artist albums
  • getArtistRelatedArtists – Get artist related artists
  • getArtistTopTracks – Get artists top tracks
  • getTrack – Get track
  • getUserProfile – Get user profile
  • searchAlbums – Search an album

Spotify Public API Pricing – How much is it?

The Spotify API is free to use through RapidAPI’s interface. Just make sure to create a developer account on Spotify to get an access token.

18. Zomato API

how to use zomato api
Zomato (like Yelp) is a metasearch engine for restaurants that helps people discover great dining restaurants around them. The Zomato API provides developers access to their database of over 1.5 million restaurants, which they can integrate into their website or application with a valid API Key.

Related: How To Use The Zomato API on RapidAPI

Zomato API Endpoints

Here are some of the Zomato API endpoints:

  • getAllCategories – Get a list of categories. List of all restaurants categorized under a particular restaurant type can be obtained using search endpoint with Category ID as inputs.
  • getCities – If you already know the Zomato City ID, this endpoint can be used to get other details of the city.
  • getCitiesByCoordinates – Find the Zomato ID and other details for a city. Using coordinates – Identifies the city details based on the coordinates of any location inside a city.
  • getCollection – Returns Zomato Restaurant Collections in a City by cityId.
  • getCollectionsByCoordinates – Returns Zomato Restaurant Collections in a City by coordinates.
  • getCuisines – Get a list of all cuisines of restaurants listed in a city by cityId.
  • getCuisinesByCoordinates – Get a list of all cuisines of restaurants listed in a city by coordinates.
  • getDailyMenu – Get daily menu using Zomato restaurant ID.
  • getEstablishments – Get a list of restaurant types in a city by id.

Zomato API Pricing – How much does the API cost?

The Zomato API is free up to 1,000 requests per day. If you require more than that, you can reach out to explore partnership opportunities with them.


PSN PlayStaton Network API
Similar to the Xbox Game Store, PSN or PlayStation Network are services dedicated to the PlayStation online marketplace, where users can browse and interact with games, music, television and video.

The PSN API allows access to information about PlayStation Network users including their associated games, earned trophies, PSN friends, messages & more.

Related: Top Video Game APIs for Developers.

PSN API Endpoints

Here is a list of the available PSN API Endpoints:

  • Authentication – Obtain a Token for authenticated calls
  • Friends – Get the list of friends
  • List of Games – Get the list of all games available
  • List of Trophies – Get the trophies for a specific game
  • Message – Get message conversation
  • Messages – Get the list of messages
  • Profile
  • Refresh Token
  • User – Get profile information about any user

PSN API Pricing

Pricing PlanGamesRequests
BASIC $0.00 2/monthly $1 per extra 10/daily $0.1 per extra
PRO $10.00 4/monthly $1 per extra 100/daily $0.05 per extra
ULTRA $25.00 4/monthly $1 per extra 500/daily $0.025 per extra
MEGA $50.00 4/monthly $1 per extra 2,500/daily $0.01 per extra

The PSN API is free up to 10 daily requests and 2 games per month. There are also some paid API tiers available for additional request limits.

20. Yahoo Weather API

Yahoo Weather is the weather service that powers the weather data on The Yahoo Weather API allows access to this data to get real-time weather forecast data. You can request an invite to the API for commercial use.

Related: Access Global Weather Data with 3 Weather APIs

Yahoo Weather API Endpoints

  • getWeatherForecast – This endpoint allows to receive weather information.

Yahoo Weather API Pricing

The Yahoo Weather API is free of charge on RapidAPI.

21. Minecraft API

Minecraft API
Minecraft is a popular 3D sandbox game with no specific goals to accomplish and provides multiple game modes. The Minecraft Server API allows users access to their servers to access various datapoints in the game.

Minecraft API Endpoints

  • checkDomainDNS – Check the DNS of a domain
  • checkIsUp – Check the status of a IP/Domain
  • getBlockedServers – List of servers blocked by Mojang
  • getBuycraftPackages – Packages in the shop.
  • getBuycraftRecentPayments – Recent payments made to the shop.
  • getBuycraftShopInfo – Information about the shop.
  • getMCPEServersInfo – Information about a MCPE servers.
  • getMinecraftMarketPackages – Packages that are viewable ingame
  • getMinecraftMarketPayments – Recent payments made to the shop.

Minecraft API Pricing

The Minecraft API is free to use with valid API Keys:

  1. buycraftKey
  2. marketKey

22. AccuWeather API

AccuWeather API
AccuWeather is a company that provides weather forecasting services. The AccuWeather API gives developers access to their vast weather and meteorology database to integrate weather forecasting data into their websites or applications including hourly and Minute by Minute™ forecasts with Superior Accuracy™.

AccuWeather API Endpoints

Here is a list of some of the AccuWeather API endpoints:

  • get24HoursConditionsByLocationKey – Historical Current Conditions (past 24 hours) By LocationKey
  • get6HoursConditionsByLocationKey – Historical Current Conditions (past 6 hours) By LocationKey
  • getAlertsByLocationKey – Alerts By LocationKey
  • getCurrentConditionsByLocationKey – Current Conditions By LocationKey
  • getCurrentConditionsForTopCities – Returns current conditions data for the top 50, 100, or 150 cities worldwide, based on rank.
  • getDailyForecastByLocationKey – Daily Forecasts By Location Key
  • getHoursForecastByLocationKey – Hourly Forecasts By Location Key
  • getImagesByLocationKey – Radar and Satellite Images by LocationKey
  • getIndicesByGroupId – Metadata List of Indices in a Specific Group

AccuWeather API Pricing

Use of the AccuWeather API is free of charge with a valid API key from AccuWeather’s developer portal.

23. App Stores API

AppShift App Store API
The App Stores API by AppShift is a RESTful API that interacts with mobile app stores like the Google Play Store and Apple iTunes store. You can view categories, get app details, track top apps, and get user profile data.

App Stores API Endpoints

  • Find application by id – Get application details by unique identifier
  • Find category by id – Get category details by unique identifier
  • Find collection by id – Get collection details by unique identifier
  • Find random application – Find a random application with a specific store
  • Find reviews by application – Find user reviews for the specified application
  • List categories – List all categories for the specified app store
  • List collections – List available collections for the specified app store
  • Search applications – Full-text application search

App Stores API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequestsFull-text SearchHistoryUser Ratings & Reviews
BASIC $29.00 5,000/monthly $0 per extra      
PRO $99.00 25,000/monthly $0 per extra check   check
ULTRAstar$399.00 100,000/monthly $0 per extra check check check
MEGA $1,399.00 500,000/monthly $0 per extra check check check

24. Cricket Live Scores API

Cricket Live Scores API
The Cricket Live Scores API provides sports data for all crciket matches across the world including:

  • cricket scores
  • cricket scorecards
  • test scores
  • ODI scores
  • T20 scores
  • BBL scores
  • IPL scores
  • World Cup scores

Cricket Live Scores API Endpoints

  • # Matches (LIST ALL MATCHES) – Returns a list of matches for any series. The matches can be upcoming, in progress, or completed.
  • Batting Wheel – Batting Wheel
  • Commemtary – Get Detailed Commemtary for a given Match
  • GET Images – Get Images
  • Graph – This can be used to draw the Manhattan chart, Total Runs chart and Run Rate Chart, re-drawn on a live basis as and when match progresses.
  • Match By Series ID – Returns a list of matches for a specific series. The matches can be upcoming, in progress, or completed.
  • Match Live & HighLights – This intended to be used primarily a Live or Completed match highlight view, as it provides the overall current state of a match with a live up- to-the-minute updates and optional media. It does not contain Commentary, Match Players, Ball or other MatchDetail information
  • Match by Match ID – Gets the detail of a match like scores, teams and venue.
  • Patnerships – This intended to be used for display of a Partnership graph for a particular innings within a Match.

Cricket Live Scores API Pricing

Pricing PlanAPI calls
BASIC $0.00 2,500/daily $0.01 per extra
PRO $6.99 10,000/daily $0.01 per extra
ULTRAstar$14.99 50,000/daily $0.001 per extra
MEGA $24.99 100,000/daily $0.001 per extra

25. Indhan – Daily Fuel Price API

India Fuel Petrol Prices API
This API provides daily updates to Petrol and Disel prices in India with a basic subscription to the API.

Indhan – Daily Fuel Price API Endpoints

  • Last 7 Day Prices – Now display a trend analysis graph on your app or website using prices from last 7 days. You need a “PRO” plan subscription to use this endpoint.
  • Main Version – Get daily fuel prices. You need a “BASIC” plan subscription to use this endpoint.
  • Testing Version – For Testing Purpose Only. The upcoming changes to the production API will reflect here. Please note that breaking changes can be introduced on this endpoint without any announcement.

Indhan – Daily Fuel Price API Pricing

Pricing PlanDaily PricesLast 7 Day PricesCNG PricesDaily UpdatesDiesel PricesLast 7 Days PricesPetrol PricesPrice ChangesQuick Response Time
BASIC $2.00 Unlimited $0 per extra Unlimited $0 per extra   check check check check check check

26. BigDataCloud IP Geolocation API

IP Geolocation API
BigDataCloud is an Australian company that provides IP Geolocation services. With their IP Geolocation API, you can perform a IPv4 address geolocation lookup.

BigDataCloud IP Geolocation API Endpoints

  • IP Geolocation – IPv4 address Geolocation lookup

BigDataCloud IP Geolocation API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 10,000/monthly $0.00025 per extra
PRO $14.99 100,000/monthly $0.0002 per extra
ULTRA $119.90 1,000,000/monthly $0.00015 per extra
MEGA $999.00 10,000,000/monthly $0.00012 per extra

27. Microsoft Computer Vision API

The Microsoft Computer Vision API allows developers to extract rich information from images to categorize and process visual data—and perform machine-assisted moderation of images to help curate your services.

Microsoft Computer Vision API Endpoints

  • Analyze Image [File] – Extract a rich set of visual features based on the image content.
  • Analyze Image [URL] – Extract a rich set of visual features based on the image content.
  • Describe Image [File] – Generate a description of an image in human readable language with complete sentences. The description is based on a collection of content tags, which are also returned by the operation. More than one description can be generated for each image. Descriptions are ordered by their confidence score. All descriptions are in English.
  • Describe Image [URL] – Generate a description of an image in human readable language with complete sentences. The description is based on a collection of content tags, which are also returned by the operation. More than one description can be generated for each image. Descriptions are ordered by their confidence score. All descriptions are in English.
  • Generate Thumbnail [File] – Generate a thumbnail image with the user-specified width and height. By default, the service analyzes the image, identifies the region of interest (ROI), and generates smart cropping coordinates based on the ROI. Smart cropping helps when you specify an aspect ratio that differs from that of the input image
  • Generate Thumbnail [URL] – Generate a thumbnail image with the user-specified width and height. By default, the service analyzes the image, identifies the region of interest (ROI), and generates smart cropping coordinates based on the ROI. Smart cropping helps when you specify an aspect ratio that differs from that of the input image
  • OCR [File] – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) detects text in an image and extracts the recognized characters into a machine-usable character stream.
  • OCR [URL] – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) detects text in an image and extracts the recognized characters into a machine-usable character stream.

Microsoft Computer Vision API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 5,000/monthly $0.005 per extra
PRO $19.90 15,000/monthly $0.0015 per extra
ULTRA $74.90 70,000/monthly $0.0012 per extra
MEGA $199.90 200,000/monthly $0.001 per extra

The Microsoft Computer Vision API is free up to 5,000 monthly API requests. Following that, it costs $0.005 per extra request. There are also additional paid plans for higher monthly limits.

28. IMEI Info API

Every mobile device contains a unique 15 digit identifier called an IMEI number. Using the IMEI Info API, you can identify mobile device information when inputting IMEI numbers.

IMEI Info API Endpoints

  • Check IMEI – Every mobile phone, GSM modem or device with a built-in phone / modem has a unique 15 digit IMEI number. Based on this number, you can check some information about the device, eg brand or model. Enter the IMEI number below:

IMEI Info API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 Unlimited $0 per extra

The IMEI Info API is free of charge with a free regisetered account on RapidAPI.

29. JsonOdds API

JsonOdds API
The JsonOdds API is a modern API for sports data. With this RESTful API, you can get odds and results from many sports organizations including:

  • NFL
  • NBA
  • MLB
  • NHL
  • WNBA
  • MMA
  • World Cup
  • KHL
  • AHL
  • SHL
  • and much more.

JsonOdds API Endpoints

  • Get Odds – Get all odds
  • Leagues – Get all soccer leagues supported for LeagueRegion requests
  • Leagues By Region – Get specific soccer leagues by a region
  • Odds By League – Get Soccer Odds by League
  • Odds By Region – Get soccer odds for a specific region
  • Regions – Get supported soccer regions for use by LeagueRegion requests
  • Results – Get all results or results for a specific id
  • Results By League – Get soccer results by a specific league, takes a leaguerequest.
  • Results by Region – Get soccer results for a specific region

JsonOdds API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $59.99 Unlimited $0 per extra

The JsonOdds API costs $59.99 for unlimited API requests.

30. ColorTag API

The ColorTag API by APICloud.Me is a color detection API. The API takes an image file or image URL and produces a list of text labels and hex RGB values.

Here’s what their demo looks like:
ColorTag API Demo

ColorTag API Endpoints

  • Tag Image File – Returns a JSON object that contains color tags for the uploaded image (visual demo:
  • Tag Image URL – Returns a JSON object that contains color tags for the image specified by URL (visual demo:

ColorTag API Pricing

Pricing PlanCalls
BASIC $0.00 500/monthly $0.005 per extra
PRO $18.00 20,000/monthly $0.004 per extra
ULTRAstar$75.00 150,000/monthly $0.003 per extra
MEGA $250.00 750,000/monthly $0.002 per extra

31. BigFlix Movies Download API

BIGFlix is a video demand service that allows users to stream or download movies at any time. The unofficial BIGFlix API offers a wide array of films, movie trailers, and reviews from the BIGFlix movie database. Movies are available in different genres like:

  • action,
  • comedy,
  • drama,
  • romance
  • etc.

and cater to several Indian languages like:

  • Hindi,
  • Telugu,
  • Tamil
  • and Bengali.

Related: Netflix API Overview, Documentation & Alternatives

BigFlix Movies Download API Endpoints

  • Get Movies – Get All Movies
  • Movie Details – get Movie Details
  • Search – Search Movies

BigFlix Movies Download API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 8/daily $0.01 per extra
PRO $2.99 Unlimited $0 per extra

32. IP Info API

Neutrino API IP Info
The IP Info API by Neutrino provides location data based on an IP address, including:

  • Country
  • Region
  • City
  • Longitude
  • Latitude

Related: Top IP Geolocation & Domain APIs

IP Info API Endpoints

  • IP Info

IP Info API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 Unlimited $0 per extra

The IP Info API is free to use through RapidAPI’s interface.

33. Temp Mail API

The Temp Mail API is exactly as the name suggests:
A Disposable Temporary E-mail service which self-destructs after a certain time elapses.
It is also known by names like:

  • tempmail
  • 10minutemail
  • throwaway email
  • fake-mail
  • or trash-mail.

This API helps you avoid spam and stay safe.

Temp Mail API Endpoints

  • Delete message – Delete message, where md5 unique identifier assigned by the system.
  • Domains list – Get domains list
  • Get emails – Check and get a list of emails for a mailbox
  • Get message attachments – Get message attachments by message id
  • Get one message – Get one message by id
  • Source message – Get message source by id

Related: Best E-Mail APIs for Developers

Temp Mail API Pricing

Pricing PlanPromoRequests
BASIC $0.00 0/monthly $0 per extra 100/daily $0.0038 per extra
PRO $19.00 0/monthly $0 per extra 5,000/monthly $0.0038 per extra
ULTRA $59.00 0/monthly $0 per extra 1,000/daily $0.004 per extra
MEGA $99.00 0/monthly $0 per extra 50,000/monthly $0.004 per extra

The Temp Mail API is free to use up to 100 daily requests. There are also some paid pricing plans for increased usage.

34. IATA Codes API

IATA Codes are the 3-letter Airport Codes to identify an airport. The IATA Codes API provides this data as well as some additional data points:

  • Cities
  • Airlines
  • Taxes
  • Aircrafts
  • Routes
  • and more.

IATA Codes API Endpoints

  • Airlines – Airlines
  • Airports
  • Cities – Cities

IATA Codes API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests per hourRequests per minuteAccess to all fields of all methodsAccess to all methods
BASIC $0.00 0/monthly $0 per extra 2,500/daily $0 per extra    

The IATA Codes API is free to use on RapidAPI with a valid API key from

35. E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain API

E-Mail Check API
This check-mail API does the opposite of what Temp Mail API does. The E-Mail Check API checks if certain e-mail address actually exist or whether they’re a temporary/disposable e-mail.

E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain API Endpoints

  • mailcheck – Check if e-mail domain is valid, or a disposable/temporary address. Invalid domains (typos, non-responding mailserver, etc) will return “valid: false”, “block: true”. Disposable e-mail domains will return “valid: true” (since it’s a valid domain), but “block: true” and “disposable: true”.

E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 1,000/monthly $0.003 per extra
PROstar$50.00 200,000/monthly $0.002 per extra
ULTRA $99.00 500,000/monthly $0.001 per extra
MEGA $195.00 1,000,000/monthly $0.001 per extra

36. Get Video and Audio URL API

Get Video and Audio URL API
The DownloadAPI is a free API that lets developers with access to the API to download video or audio files from popular sites like YoutubeTwitter, Soundcloud and more.

Related: List of Audio and Video Streaming APIs

Get Video and Audio URL API Endpoints

  • / – Extract links to video/audio for direct download, and get thumbnail, info about uploader, likes, etc.
  • /supported-sites/ – Returns a list of supported websites

Get Video and Audio URL API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 1,500/daily $0.01 per extra
PRO $4.99 5,000/daily $0.01 per extra
ULTRA $19.99 20,000/daily $0.005 per extra
MEGA $89.99 100,000/daily $0.002 per extra

37. Tookan API

Tookan API
Tookan is a delivery management system that can auto assign pickups and deliveries, provide deliver tracking systems to monitor workfroce in real-time, and integrate analytics into visual reports and trends.

The Tookan API provides access to their data to manage deliveries. It can do things like register a new agent, assign tasks, create teams, and more.

Tookan API Endpoints

  • addAgent – This API is used to register a new Agent in your account.
  • assignTask – This API is used to assign/reassign a unassigned/assigned task or an assigned task to Agent.
  • createAppointmentTask – This api is used to create an appointment task.
  • createDeliveryTask – This API is used to create a Delivery Task.
  • createManager – This API is used to Create a Manager.
  • createPickupAndDeliveryTask – This api is used to create Pickup and delivery task.
  • createPickupTask – This API is used to create a Pickup Task.
  • createTeam – This API is used to create a team
  • deleteTask – This API is used to Delete a task which is not necessary.

Tookan API Pricing

The Tookan API is accessible for free on RapidAPI with a valid API key from Tookan.

38. Darksky API

Darksky API
The Dark Sky API is an advanced weather forecast API that get weather conditions with global coverage, historical data, and severe weather alerts minute-by-minute.

Darksky API Endpoints

  • getForecastRequest – A Forecast Request returns the current weather conditions, a minute-by-minute forecast for the next hour (where available), an hour-by-hour forecast for the next 48 hours, and a day-by-day forecast for the next week.
  • getTimeMachineRequest – A Time Machine Request returns the observed (in the past) or forecasted (in the future) hour-by-hour weather and daily weather conditions for a particular date.

Darksky API Pricing

The Dark Sky API has pay-as-you-go pricing starting at $0.0001 per API call.

39. Anilist API

AniList is a tool to over 100,000 users to track and record their progression in Anime and Manga. Their database contains 200,000 entries and is among the most up to date. AniList offers a large selection of features such as multiple scoring types, list themes, a public API, and many community features such as live chat, following feeds, and forums. The AniList API allows you to discover, track, and share Anime and Manga.

Related: Best Anime and Manga APIs

Anilist API Endpoints

  • createAnimeListEntry – Get anime list
  • createMangaListEntry – Create mangalist
  • createThread – Create thread
  • createUserActivity – Create user activity
  • deleteAnimeListEntry – Delete anime list entry
  • deleteMangaListEntry – Delete manga list entry
  • deleteUserActivity – Delete single activity
  • editAnimeListEntry – Edit anime list entry
  • editMangaListEntry – Edit mangalist

Anilist API Pricing

The AniList API is free with the following credentials from

  • clientId
  • clientSecret
  • code
  • accessToken

40. LastFm API API
The API gives developers access to the largest database of music data to search music, gather metadata, or view top charts to integrate with their apps.

LastFm API Endpoints

  • getAlbumInfo – Get the metadata and tracklist for an album on using the album name or a musicbrainz id.
  • getAlbumTags – Get the tags applied by an individual user to an album on To retrieve the list of top tags applied to an album by all users use album.getTopTags.
  • getArtistCorrection – Use the corrections data to check whether the supplied artist has a correction to a canonical artist
  • getArtistInfo – Get the metadata for an artist. Includes biography, truncated at 300 characters.
  • getArtistTags – Get the tags applied by an individual user to an artist on If accessed as an authenticated service /and/ you don’t supply a user parameter then this service will return tags for the authenticated user. To retrieve the list of top tags applied to an artist by all users use artist.getTopTags.
  • getSession – Fetch a session key for a user. The third step in the authentication process. See the authentication how-to for more information.
  • getSimilarArtists – Get all the artists similar to this artist.
  • getSimilarTags – Search for tags similar to this one. Returns tags ranked by similarity, based on listening data.
  • getSimilarTracks – Get the similar tracks for this track on, based on listening data.

LastFm API Pricing

The API is free to use on with an API key from a account.

41. AliExpress API

aliexpress api
AliExpress is an online retail service based in China that is owned by Alibaba. The AliExpress API provides direct access to the AliExpress content database which includes category information, product information, search functionality and store information.

AliExpress API Endpoints

  • Get information about category – Get information about category
  • Product info – Gets the information about the product
  • Seach – Search products in a specific category using filters
  • Store info – Get store info

AliExpress API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 500/daily $0.001 per extra
PRO $35.00 100,000/monthly $0.001 per extra
ULTRA $100.00 500,000/monthly $0.0005 per extra

The AliExpress API is free up to 500 daily requests. There are also additional paid plans for heavier usage (100,000+ monthly requests).

42. Pinterest API

Pinterest is a web and mobile application company that operates a software system designed to discover information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images and on a smaller scale, GIFs and videos.


Pinterest API
The Pinterest API allows you access this data and add pins, follows and display options to your app or website.

Pinterest API Endpoints

  • createBoard – Creates a board for the authenticated user. The default response returns the ID, URL and name of the created board.
  • createSinglePin – Creates a Pin for the authenticated user. The default response returns the note, URL, link and ID of the created Pin.
  • deleteBoard – Deletes the specified board. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • deleteSinglePin – Deletes the specified Pin. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • followBoard – Makes the authenticated user follow the specified board.
  • followUser – Makes the authenticated user follow the specified user.
  • getAccessToken – This endpoint allows to get back a access token.
  • getBoardPins – The default response returns a list of Pins on the board with their ID, URL, link and description.
  • getBoards – This endpoint returns a list of the authenticated user’s public boards, including the URL, ID and name.

Pinterest API Pricing and API Key

The Pinterest API is free to use with an API key that is associated with your Pinterest account. If you don’t have one, you can create a free account here. Then navigate to the apps section to retrieve your API key.

43. Duck Duck Go API

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that boasts protecting its users’ privacy. The API gives access to:

  • topic summaries
  • categories
  • disambiguation
  • official sites
  • !bang redirects
  • definitions
  • and more.

Duck Duck Go API Endpoints

  • Zero Click Info – Our Zero-click Info API gives you free access to much of our topic summaries, categories, disambiguation, !bang redirects, definitions and more.

Duck Duck Go API Pricing and API Key

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 Unlimited $0 per extra

The DuckDuckGo API is free to use with a free user account from RapidAPI. All you need is the API key associated with your RapidAPI account.

44. Premier League Live Scores API

Premier League Live Scores API
Premier League Live Scores API allows to retrieve historical data as well as:

  • current season results,
  • scorers,
  • lineups,
  • substitutes,
  • events,
  • statistics,
  • odds
  • and much more

all with live updates, for the top professional English football league.

Premier League Live Scores API Endpoints

  • Activate webhook – Activate a webhook registered with the subscribe endpoint.
  • Bet Stats – Returns aggregate data about results, goal-nogoal, underover, 1×2 and totalgoals to support your bet activities
  • Bookmakers List – Return the list of the available bookmakers for a match
  • Events subscribed – Returns all the events subscribed.
  • League Players – Returns all players for a team
  • League Table – Returns the table for the league
  • Lineups and substitutes for a game – Return lineups, substitutes and coaches for a game (only after the game is finished).
  • Match events – Return the events for a match (yellow and red cards, substitutions, shots on post and formations module)
  • Match scorers – Return scorers for a match

Premier League Live Scores API Pricing

Pricing PlanPremier LeagueAPI SupportCurrent season APIsHistorical dataLive updates every 10 minutesLive updates every 2 minutesLive updates every 5 minutesLive updates every minutePlayer details APITalend Support
PRO $99.99 100/daily $0.1 per extra check check       check     check
ULTRAstar$199.99 200/daily $0.05 per extra check check     check     check check
MEGA $399.99 1,500/daily $0.01 per extra check check check       check check check

45. ICO Watch List API

ICO Watch list API
Discover the best ICO opportunities with the ICO Watch List API. ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering. The API provides all available ICOs, finished ICOs, live ICOs, and upcoming ICO information.

Related: Top Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency APIs

ICO Watch List API Endpoints

  • getAllICOs – Get all ICOs.To grab data about all the live, upcoming & finished ICOs.Limits: ICO Watch List API allow up to 1 request per second. We recommend to store the data feed on your own server if you expect large volumes of traffic.
  • getOnlyFinishedICOs – Get only finished ICOs.To grab data about all the live, upcoming & finished ICOs.Limits: ICO Watch List API allow up to 1 request per second. We recommend to store the data feed on your own server if you expect large volumes of traffic.
  • getOnlyLiveICOs – Get only live ICOs.To grab data about all the live, upcoming & finished ICOs.Limits: ICO Watch List API allow up to 1 request per second. We recommend to store the data feed on your own server if you expect large volumes of traffic.
  • getOnlyUpcomingICOs – Get only upcoming ICOs.To grab data about all the live, upcoming & finished ICOs.Limits: ICO Watch List API allow up to 1 request per second. We recommend to store the data feed on your own server if you expect large volumes of traffic.

46. MyMemory – Translation Memory API

MyMemory Translated API
MyMemory is the world’s largest Translation Memory. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union, United Nations and aligning the best domain specific multilingual websites.

The MyMemory Translation API allows you to translate and search queries from billions of words translated from professional translators. The API will provide a machine translation via Google or Microsoft when a human translation is not available.

MyMemory – Translation Memory API Endpoints

  • create key – MyMemory provides a specific API to create a new private TM key. Such key can be then used in the API call to identify a private TM or to privately contribute to a TM. Every contribution that has been created with a private TM key will be only shown if the same private TM key is used in the GET call; no other users will see private contributions without the right private TM key.
  • search translations – This API gets a list of translation from the translation memory ranked by quality and similarity (what we call match). MyMemory will check if a sentence has been already translated in the private TM specified. If we don’t find it in the private TM of the translator, we search it in the public TMs (shared among all the translators). Again, if we don’t have this translation we ask MT providers to generate it. In order to get the best from MyMemory, it is highly recommended to use different keys for each translators and also different keys for different topics (as a real Translation Memory).
  • set contribution – The SET api is used to save a contribution. You can either save a contribution privately with your private TM key or add it to the public collaborative TM.

MyMemory – Translation Memory API Pricing

Pricing Planwords
BASIC $0.00 10,000/monthly $0.01 per extra
PROstar$299.00 500,000/monthly $0.01 per extra
ULTRA $499.00 1,000,000/monthly $0.01 per extra

47. GeoDB Cities API

GeoDB Cities API
GeoDB is an online cities database. It exposes city, region, and country data via a REST JSON API.

GEODB Cities API Endpoints

  • Cities – Find cities, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known cities with a population of at least 1000.
  • Cities Near City – Get cities near the given city, filtering by optional criteria.
  • Cities Near Location – Get cities near the given location, filtering by optional criteria.
  • City Date-Time – Get the city current date-time in ISO-6801 format: yyyyMMdd’T’HHmmssZ
  • City Details – Get the details for a specific city, including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea-level (if available).
  • City Distance – Gets the distance to the given city.
  • City Time – Get the city current time in ISO-8601 format: HHmmss.SSSZ
  • Countries – Find countries, filtering by optional criteria. If no criteria are set, you will get back all known countries.
  • Country Details – Get the details for a specific country, including number of regions.

GEODB Cities API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequestsMax Paging Limit: 10Max Paging Limit: 100Max Paging Limit: 1000Max Requests/Sec/IP: 5Max Requests/Sec/IP: 15Max Requests/Sec/IP: 150Max Requests/Sec/IP: 1500
BASIC $0.00 1,000/daily $0.01 per extra check     check      
PRO $10.00 1,000,000/daily $0.0001 per extra check check   check check    
ULTRA $25.00 10,000,000/daily $0.00001 per extra check check   check check check  
MEGA $50.00 100,000,000/daily $0.000001 per extra check check check check check check check

48. FaceMark API

FaceMark API
FaceMark is a powerful API for facial feature detection. It finds 68 points for a frontal face and 35 for a profile one. FaceMark detects landmarks for faces on the image specified by URL or uploaded as a file and produces JSON output containing a vector of facial landmarks and orientation for each face found.

FaceMark API Endpoints

  • Process Image File – Returns a JSON object that contains detected facial features for faces on the uploaded image (visual demo:
  • Process Image URL – Returns a JSON object that contains detected facial features for faces on the image specified by URL (visual demo:

FaceMark API Pricing

Pricing PlanCallsUnlimited faces per image
BASIC $0.00 100/monthly $0.005 per extra  
PRO $18.00 10,000/monthly $0.004 per extra check
ULTRAstar$65.00 25,000/monthly $0.0035 per extra check
MEGA $250.00 200,000/monthly $0.003 per extra check
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49. BraveNewCoin – Digital Currency Tickers API

BraveNewCoin Digital Currency Tickets API
Brave New Coin (BNC) is a data and research company focused on the blockchain and cryptographic assets industry. BNC’s APIs provide fast and reliable reference for real-time and historic cryptocurrency data from more than 200+ exchanges.

BraveNewCoin – Digital Currency Tickers API Endpoints

  • Convert – Convert between any of the digital or fiat currencies available from BraveNewCoin (See Currency Symbols for complete lists)
  • Digital Currency Symbols – A list of digital currency symbols available through the API
  • Fiat Currency Symbols – A list of all the fiat currencies recognised by BraveNewCoin for currency conversion
  • Prices – Get the current BNC indexed price for a digital currency in multiple currencies
  • Ticker – BraveNewCoin price index tickers for digital currencies. These are refreshed every 5 minutes

BraveNewCoin – Digital Currency Tickers API Pricing

BASIC $0.00 0/monthly $0 per extra

50. Open Weather Map API

Open Weather Map API
OpenWeatherMap is an online service that provides weather data including forecasts and historical data. Their API provides access to weather maps and forecasts for multiple cities across the world.

Open Weather Map API Endpoints

  • Current Weather Data – Using this kind of requests you can get weather data in any location on the earth. The current weather data are updated online based on data from more than 40,000 weather stations.
  • Daily Forecast Weather Data – You can get the weather forecast for 14 days. All weather data can be obtained in JSON or XML format.
  • Forecast Weather Data – You can receive weather forecast in any location on the earth. The flexible algorithm of weather calculation let us provide weather data not only for cities but for any geographic coordinates. It is important for megapolices, for example, where the weather is different on opposite city edges. You can get forecast data every 3 hours or daily. The 3 hours forecast is available for 5 days. Daily forecast is available for 14 days. All weather data can be obtained in JSON or XML format.
  • Search Weather Data – By city name. Put the city name or its part and get the list of the most proper cities in the world. Example – Lon or Lond or London. The more precise city name you put the more precise list you will get. To make it more precise put the city’s name or its part, comma, the name of the county or 2-letter country code. You will get all proper cities in the chosen county. The order is important – the first is city name then comma then the county. Example – Lon, UK or Lon, GB or London, GB or Lon, England. By geographic coordinates.

Open Weather Map API Pricing

Pricing PlanRequests
BASIC $0.00 Unlimited $0 per extra


And that’s our top 50 most popular APIs for the month of August. Come back next month and we’ll reveal the updated list.

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