Description校歌手大奖赛中每个评委会给每个参赛选手打分,请用类描述每个选手的被评委的评分。选手得分规则为去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,然后计算平均得分,请编程输出某选手的得分。Input输入数据有多组,第一行为数据组数T每组数据第一行两个正整数 n m (3 <= n,m <= 100),表示有 n 个 评 委 , m个选手。接下来 n 行,每行 m 个正整数。每行表示一个评委给 m 个选手的分数,分数为[0,100]的整数。Output请将结果输出对于每组输入数据输出 m 行,每行表示一个选手的得分,结果保留 2 位小数。水题,二维数组存储,一维数组记录最高最低分,最后统 阅读全文
DescriptionZSUQ Messenger is similar with Tencent QQ. Each user will make a nickname for itself. Different users can have identical nickname. Some common ones, such as “Tom”, “Marry”, “Kate”, are frequently used. In a recent survey, the ZSUQ Company was astonished to find that there are no more than 阅读全文