Python学习(八)用户输入-函数 inpt()

Python 用户输入

函数 inpt()工作原理

函数 inpt() 让程序暂停运行,等待用户输入一些文本。获取用户输入后,将值存储到一个变量中,值得类型为字符串

message = input("Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you:")


Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you:Hello everyone!
===>>:Hello everyone!



name = input("Please enter your name :")

print("===>>:Hello %s !"%(name))

Please enter your name :jorbabe
===>>:Hello jorbabe !


age = input("How old are you :")

print("===>>: %s type:%s "%(age,type(age)))

How old are you :15
===>>: 15 type:<class 'str'>


age = input("How old are you :")

age = int(age)

print("===>>: %s type:%s "%(age,type(age)))

How old are you :15
===>>: 15 type:<class 'int'>



age = input("Enter a number, and I'll tell you if it's even or odd:")

age = int(age)

print("===>>: %s type:%s "%(age,type(age)))

if age % 3 == 0 :

print("\nThe number %s is even ."%(age))


print("\nThe number %s is odd ."%(age))
Enter a number, and I'll tell you if it's even or odd:15
===>>: 15 type:<class 'int'> 

The number 15 is even .

Enter a number, and I'll tell you if it's even or odd:16
===>>: 16 type:<class 'int'> 

The number 16 is odd .

Python 2.7 获取输入

在Python 2.7中输入模块使用 raw_input()

2.7中的input() 模块解读输入内容为运行代码,请勿使用


posted @ 2018-03-17 22:58  jorbabe  阅读(901)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报