select * from class where cl_id>any(select cl_id from studio where st_age>30)
select * from class where cl_id>all(select cl_id from studio where st_age>30)
--使用 exists ,该关键字引入一个子查询的时候基本上是对数据进行一次是否存在的测试
--我们查询那些人所在的班级是编号为 1 的
select * from studio where exists(select cl_id from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1)
--使用 not exists
select * from studio where not exists(select * from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1) order by st_id
select left(cl_class,3) from class
select right(cl_class,3) from class
select len(cl_class) from class
select replace(cl_class,'实训','强化') from class
select host_id()
select host_name()
select db_id()
select db_name()
select object_id('Stu_course_ADD')
select object_name(151671588)
--使用 having 子句 功能 - 指定组或者聚合的搜索条件,通常与group by 子句一起使用,完成分组查询后再进步筛选
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id having avg(st_age)>35
select ho_id as '宿舍编号',avg(st_age) as '平均年龄' from studio group by ho_id having avg(st_age)>35 and ho_id>2