If you lose job tommorrow...

Today our english teacher organized a discussion on the infuence of economy recession in USA. Some classmates mentioned depressed news, like cutting down salary, reducing the staff, these scene is not only in USA and movie, the reality is they are coming to us. It seems outsoucing companies will be impacted mostly due to cutdown cost policy of enterprises , especially banks.

Combine the information I heard from my colleage , I begin to feel the smell of the panic gradually. Economic crisis is not far to us, maybe tommorrow the guy laid off is you or me.

Everything is possible ,don't say you are excellent in your position, there are always people who can do the same work and accept lower salary just for surviving.覆巢之下,焉有完卵

Maybe my point of view is a little negative, but it's necessary to spend several minutes on thinking about it .Frankly I have no idea, just work hard for suiviving.

Anyway, I'm just a single man , a programmer ,maybe a passenger for the city, thinking like that may relax me :).



posted @ 2008-11-01 18:23  octoberfirst  阅读(359)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报