[29] 李阳疯狂英语 超级地道美国话

第一篇  借钱容易还钱难


1. How about lending me a hundred dollars? 


2.I'm low不充分的;少的on cash too!


3. Do I look rich?



4. Excuse me, can I borrow a thousand dollars? 


5. I would if I could.


6.Uh, sorry dude男性朋友;伙计;家伙no money.


7. Sorry man, I'm short these days! 


8. Im running low myself.


9. Im broke until payday.


10. Hey, I'm broke myself, man!


11. What am I? A bank? 


12. Hey, really wish I could help.


13.I'm in the red赤字;亏欠too, dude.


14. I was in the red last month.


15. Sorry, no budget.



Who am I, Bill Gates? (你当我是谁?比尔·盖茨吗?)


low 是一个非常普通的形容词,但却有着许多非凡的用途。它可以表示身体弱,也可以表示没有精神,意志消沉,另外也表示所拥有的东西不充分,不够,缺乏,日常生活中最常用的就是“缺钱”。总而言之,一切都和它的最基本意思“低”有关。

*I feel so low today.


*He is low with a cold.


*He is in a low state of health.


*I am low on funds.


*Our stock of oil is running low.


第二篇 真是一堆破烂

1. Man, this is a piece of trash/junk! 


2. What a piece of garbage! 


3. What a piece of shit.


4. This stuff is shit. Show me something better.


5. Thats a garbage movie.


6. Hes just talking garbage.


7. Ive heard too much garbage here today.


8. The guy is trash! Stay away from him.


9. His latest book is junk.


10. Theres nothing but junk in that magazine.


11. Dont read that trash.


12. Man, toss it away! 


13. Man, chuck it away! 


14. Chuck this thing. It's no good.


15. Junk it.


16. Junk this thing. It‘s broken.


17. Get rid of it. (扔掉!)

18. Forget about it! (算了吧!)

19.Man, this is lousy糟糕的;恶劣的;差劲的;讨厌的!


20. His health has been lousy.


21. He tried to sell me his lousy radio.


22. Man, who made it? (伙计,这是谁弄的?)


23. What do you keep all this shit around here for? 


24. Id like to get rid of that old sofa. It's a piece of junk.


25. The average American eats some form of junk food everyday.


26. Most people don't like getting junk mail.


posted @ 2008-03-27 16:15  Atine  阅读(439)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报