netcore 简单实现邮件发送



现今在实现邮件发送功能时,更多的是选择使用(微软也推荐的)第三方组件Mailkit。当然我们也可以使用一些云邮箱服务,例如Amazon Simple Email Service。





 1     public class MailKitManagement
 2     {
 3         public readonly MailKitConfig _mailKitConfig;
 4         public MailKitManagement(IOptions<MailKitConfig> mailKitConfigOption)
 5         {
 6             _mailKitConfig = mailKitConfigOption?.Value;
 7         }
 8         /// <summary>
 9         /// send email
10         /// </summary>
11         /// <param name="toMailAddressList"></param>
12         /// <param name="ccAddresList"></param>
13         /// <param name="subject"></param>
14         /// <param name="body"></param>
15         /// <param name="attachmentList"></param>
16         /// <param name="isHtml"></param>
17         /// <returns></returns>
18         public async Task SendMessageAsync(List<string> toMailAddressList, List<string> ccAddresList, string subject, string body, List<string> attachmentList = null, bool isHtml = false)
19         {
20             var mailMessage = new MimeMessage();
21             mailMessage.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(_mailKitConfig.DisplayName, _mailKitConfig.MailAddress));
22             foreach (var mailAddressItem in toMailAddressList)
23             {
24                 mailMessage.To.Add(MailboxAddress.Parse(mailAddressItem));
25             }
26             if (ccAddresList != null)
27             {
28                 ccAddresList.ForEach(p =>
29                 {
30                     mailMessage.Cc.Add(MailboxAddress.Parse(p));
31                 });
32             }
34             mailMessage.Subject = subject;
35             TextPart messageBody = null;
36             if (isHtml)
37             {
38                 messageBody = new TextPart(TextFormat.Html)
39                 {
40                     Text = body,
41                 };
42             }
43             else
44             {
45                 messageBody = new TextPart(TextFormat.Plain)
46                 {
47                     Text = body,
48                 };
49             }
50             var mulitiPart = new Multipart("mixed")
51             {
52             };
53             mulitiPart.Add(messageBody);
54             if (attachmentList != null && attachmentList.Count > 0)
55             {
56                 foreach (var attatchItem in attachmentList)
57                 {
58                     using (var stream = File.OpenRead(attatchItem))
59                     {
60                         var attachment = new MimePart()
61                         {
62                             Content = new MimeContent(stream, ContentEncoding.Default),
63                             ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment),
64                             ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64,
65                             FileName = Path.GetFileName(attatchItem)
66                         };
67                         mulitiPart.Add(attachment);
68                     }
69                 }
70             }
71             mailMessage.Body = mulitiPart;
72             using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
73             {
74                 if (_mailKitConfig.IsSsl)
75                 {
76                     client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true;
77                 }
79                 client.Connect(_mailKitConfig.MailServer, _mailKitConfig.SmtpPort, false);
81                 // Disable the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.  
82                 //client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove("XOAUTH2");
84                 // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication  
85                 client.Authenticate(_mailKitConfig.MailAddress, _mailKitConfig.Password);
86                 await client.SendAsync(mailMessage);
87                 client.Disconnect(true);
88             }
89         }
90     }



Amazon Simple Email Service简单实现发送邮件

Amazon Simple Email Service 是Amazon提供的邮件服务。需要有响应的Amazon账号,而且在达到一定量时会被要求收费,一般不建议个人使用。对于一些企业可以考虑(但也很少会用)。(之前工作中跟老外部分有交互时,老外推荐使用....)

 1     /*
 2      * Amazon Simple Email Service
 3      * 参照
 4      * 
 5      */
 6     /// <summary>
 7     ///  aws email helper
 8     /// need to using AWSSDK.Core. and AWSSDK.SimpleEmail.
 9     /// </summary>
10     public class AwsEmailManagement
11     {
13         private readonly AwsEmailConfig _awsConfig;
14         public AwsEmailManagement(IOptions<AwsEmailConfig> awsConfigOption)
15         {
16             this._awsConfig = awsConfigOption?.Value;
17         }
19         /// <summary>
20         /// send email
21         /// </summary> 
22         /// <param name="toEmailList"></param>
23         /// <param name="ccEmailList"></param>
24         /// <param name="subject"></param>
25         /// <param name="body"></param>
26         /// <param name="isHtml"></param>
27         /// <returns></returns>
28         public async Task SendMessageAsync(List<string> toMailAddressList, List<string> ccAddresList, string subject, string body, bool isHtml = false,string configurationSetName = "")
29         {
31             AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(_awsConfig.AccessKey, _awsConfig.SecretKey);
32             AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig clientConfiguration = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig();
33             if (_awsConfig.IsEnableProxy)
34             {
35                 clientConfiguration.ProxyHost = _awsConfig.ProxyUrl;
36                 clientConfiguration.ProxyPort = _awsConfig.ProxyPort;
37             }
38             using (var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(awsCredentials, clientConfiguration))
39             {
40                 var sendRequest = new SendEmailRequest
41                 {
42                     Source = _awsConfig.EmailAddress,
43                     Destination = new Destination
44                     {
45                         ToAddresses = toMailAddressList,
46                     },
47                     Message = new Message
48                     {
49                         Subject = new Content(subject),
50                         Body = new Body(), 
51                     },
53                 }; 
55                 if (isHtml)
56                 {
57                     sendRequest.Message.Body.Html = new Content(body);
58                 }
59                 else
60                 {
61                     sendRequest.Message.Body.Text = new Content(body);
62                 }
63                 if (ccAddresList != null && ccAddresList.Count > 0)
64                 {
65                     sendRequest.Destination.CcAddresses = ccAddresList;
66                 }
68                 sendRequest.ConfigurationSetName =configurationSetName;
70                 var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(sendRequest);
71             }
72         }
73     }



 1     public class AwsEmailConfig
 2     {
 3         public string AccessKey { get; set; }
 4         public string SecretKey { get; set; }
 5         public bool IsEnableProxy { get; set; }
 6         public string ProxyUrl { get; set; }
 7         public int ProxyPort { get; set; }
 9         public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
11     }


posted on 2021-09-14 00:10  john_yong  阅读(665)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
