





  • 可以将等待的线程置于阻塞状态。当线程处于阻塞状态时,只会占用尽可能少的CPU时间。然而,这意味着将引入至少有一次所谓的上下文切换(Contex Switch)。上下文切换是指操作系统的县城刚刚调度器,该调度器会保存等待的线程的状态,并切换到另一个线程,依次恢复等待的线程的状态,这需要消耗相当多的资源。然而,如果线程要挂起很长时间,那么这么做是值得的。这种方式又称为内核模式,因为只有操作系统的内核才能阻止线程使用CPU时间。
  • 万一线程只需要等待一小段时间,最好只是简单的等待,而不用将线程切换到阻塞状态,虽然线程等待时,会浪费CPU时间,但是我们节省了上下文切换所消耗的CPU时间。该方式又称为用户模式。该方式非常轻量,速度很快,但如果线程需要等待较长时间,则会浪费大量的CPU时间。
  • 为了利用好这两种方式,可以使用混合模式,该模式会首先尝试使用用户模式等待,如果线程等待了足够长的时间,则会切换到内核模式,以节省CPU时间。


using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using  System.Diagnostics;
namespace threadDemo
    abstract class CounterBase
        public abstract void Increment();
        public abstract void Decrement();
    class Counter : CounterBase
        private int _count;
        public int Count => _count;
        public override void Decrement()

        public override void Increment()
    class CounterNoLock : CounterBase
        private int _count;
        public int Count => _count;
        public override void Decrement()
            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);

        public override void Increment()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
    class Program
        static void TestCounter(CounterBase c)
            for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect counter..");
            var c = new Counter();
            var t1 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c));
            var t2 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c));
            var t3 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c));
            Console.WriteLine($"Total count:{c.Count}");
            Console.WriteLine("-".PadLeft(50, '-'));
            Console.WriteLine("Correct counter");
            var c1 = new CounterNoLock();
            t1 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c1));
            t2 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c1));
            t3 = new Thread(() => TestCounter(c1));
            Console.WriteLine($"Total count:{c1.Count}");


Incorrect counter..
Total count:16
Correct counter
Total count:0



Mutex是.NET Framework中提供跨多个进程同步 访问的一个类。它非常类似于Monitor类,因为它们都只有有一个线程能拥有锁定。只有一个线程能获得互斥锁定,访问受互斥保护的同步代码区域。


bool createdNew;
mutex mutex=new Mutex(false,"ProCSharp",out createdNew);


更详细的关于Mutex的用法详见:Mutex Class (System.Threading) | Microsoft Docs

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using  System.Diagnostics;
namespace threadDemo
    abstract class CounterBase
        public abstract void Increment();
        public abstract void Decrement();
    class Counter : CounterBase
        private int _count;
        public int Count => _count;
        public override void Decrement()

        public override void Increment()
    class CounterNoLock : CounterBase
        private int _count;
        public int Count => _count;
        public override void Decrement()
            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);

        public override void Increment()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
    class Program
        static void TestCounter(CounterBase c)
            for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const string MutexName = "CSharpThreadCoding";
            using(var m=new Mutex(false, MutexName))
                if (!m.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false))
                    Console.WriteLine("Second instance is running");




  • 对于WaitOne()方法:通过该方法,可以得知互斥量是否被拥有,如果互斥量正在被某一线程拥有,访问被保护的资源,则该方法返回false,如果互斥量没有被拥有,则该方法返回true,访问结束后,必须调用ReleaseMutex方法。
  • 对于waitOne(TimeSpan,bool),带有时间间隔的等待。


using System;
using System.Threading;

class Example
    // Create a new Mutex. The creating thread does not own the mutex.
    private static Mutex mut = new Mutex();
    private const int numIterations = 1;
    private const int numThreads = 3;

    static void Main()
        // Create the threads that will use the protected resource.
        for(int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
            Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
            newThread.Name = String.Format("Thread{0}", i + 1);

        // The main thread exits, but the application continues to
        // run until all foreground threads have exited.

    private static void ThreadProc()
        for(int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)

    // This method represents a resource that must be synchronized
    // so that only one thread at a time can enter.
    private static void UseResource()
        // Wait until it is safe to enter.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} is requesting the mutex", 

        Console.WriteLine("{0} has entered the protected area", 

        // Place code to access non-reentrant resources here.

        // Simulate some work.

        Console.WriteLine("{0} is leaving the protected area", 

        // Release the Mutex.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} has released the mutex", 
// The example displays output like the following:
//       Thread1 is requesting the mutex
//       Thread2 is requesting the mutex
//       Thread1 has entered the protected area
//       Thread3 is requesting the mutex
//       Thread1 is leaving the protected area
//       Thread1 has released the mutex
//       Thread3 has entered the protected area
//       Thread3 is leaving the protected area
//       Thread3 has released the mutex
//       Thread2 has entered the protected area
//       Thread2 is leaving the protected area
//       Thread2 has released the mutex





class Program
        static SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(4);
        static void AccessDatabase(string name,int seconds)
            Console.WriteLine($"{name} waits to access a database");
            Console.WriteLine($"{name} was granted an access to a database");
            Console.WriteLine($"{name} is completed");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            for(int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
                string threadName = "Thread" + i;
                int secondsToWait = 2 + 2 * i;
                var t = new Thread(() => AccessDatabase(threadName, secondsToWait));


Thread1 waits to access a database
Thread5 waits to access a database
Thread5 was granted an access to a database
Thread6 waits to access a database
Thread6 was granted an access to a database
Thread3 waits to access a database
Thread3 was granted an access to a database
Thread2 waits to access a database
Thread4 waits to access a database
Thread1 was granted an access to a database
Thread1 is completed
Thread4 was granted an access to a database
Thread3 is completed
Thread2 was granted an access to a database
Thread5 is completed
Thread6 is completed
Thread2 is completed
Thread4 is completed




class Program
        private static AutoResetEvent _workerEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        private static AutoResetEvent _mainEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        static void Process(int seconds)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting a  loong running work...");
            Console.WriteLine("Work is done!");
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting ffor a main thread to complete its work");
            Console.WriteLine("Starting a second operation");
            Console.WriteLine("Work again is done!");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var t = new Thread(() => Process(10));
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for another thread to complete work");
            Console.WriteLine("Firtst operation is completed");
            Console.WriteLine("Performating an operation on a main thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Now running the second operation on a secoond thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Second operation is completed");


Waiting for another thread to complete work
Starting a  loong running work...
Work is done!
Waiting ffor a main thread to complete its work
Firtst operation is completed
Performating an operation on a main thread
Now running the second operation on a secoond thread
Starting a second operation
Work again is done!
Second operation is completed





class Program
        private static AutoResetEvent _workerEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        private static AutoResetEvent _mainEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        static void Process(int seconds)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting a  loong running work...");
            Console.WriteLine("Work is done!");
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting ffor a main thread to complete its work");
            Console.WriteLine("Starting a second operation");
            Console.WriteLine("Work again is done!");

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var t = new Thread(() => Process(10));
            var t1 = new Thread(() => Process(10));
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for another thread to complete work");
            Console.WriteLine("Firtst operation is completed");
            Console.WriteLine("Performating an operation on a main thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Now running the second operation on a secoond thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Second operation is completed");


Waiting for another thread to complete work
Starting a  loong running work...
Starting a  loong running work...
Work is done!
Work is done!
Waiting ffor a main thread to complete its work
Waiting ffor a main thread to complete its work
Firtst operation is completed
Performating an operation on a main thread
Now running the second operation on a secoond thread
Second operation is completed
Starting a second operation
Work again is done!

发现只有一个Starting a second operation,因为两个子线程,只有一个进入了这个环节,所以,AutoResetEvent事件就像一个旋转门,一次只允许一个人通过,而下面的ManualResetEventSlim,则不然,是通过手动来设置SetReset的,所以更像一个大门,一直保持敞开,直到手动调用Reset才关闭,这期间,凡是可以进入的子线程都可以进入。


class Program
        static ManualResetEventSlim _mainEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
        static void TravelThroughGates(string threadName,int seconds)
            Console.WriteLine($"{threadName} falls to sleep");
            Console.WriteLine($"{threadName}  waits for the gate to open");
            Console.WriteLine($"{threadName} enters the gates");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var t1 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("Thread 1", 5));
            var t2 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("Thread 2", 6));
            var t3 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("Thread 3", 12));
            Console.WriteLine("The gates are open now");
            Console.WriteLine("The gates have been closed");
            Console.WriteLine("The gates are now open for the second time");
            Console.WriteLine("The gates have been closed");


Thread 1 falls to sleep
Thread 2 falls to sleep
Thread 3 falls to sleep
Thread 1  waits for the gate to open
Thread 2  waits for the gate to open
The gates are open now
Thread 2 enters the gates
Thread 1 enters the gates
The gates have been closed
Thread 3  waits for the gate to open
The gates are now open for the second time
Thread 3 enters the gates
The gates have been closed


class Program

        static CountdownEvent _countdown = new CountdownEvent(2);//The number of signals initially required to set the CountdownEvent.
        static void PerformOperation(string message,int seconds)
            _countdown.Signal();//Registers a signal with the CountdownEvent, decrementing the value of CurrentCount.
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting two operaions");
            var t1 = new Thread(() => PerformOperation("Operation 1 is completted", 4));
            var t2 = new Thread(() => PerformOperation("Operation 2 is completed", 8));
            Console.WriteLine("Both operations have been completed");


Starting two operaions
Operation 1 is completted
Operation 2 is completed
Both operations have been completed




class Program
        static Barrier _barrier = new Barrier(2, b => Console.WriteLine($"End of phase {b.CurrentPhaseNumber + 1}"));
        static void PlayMusic(string name,string message,int seconds)
            for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("-".PadLeft(50, '-'));
                Console.WriteLine($"{name} starts to {message}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{name} finishes to {message}");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var t1 = new Thread(() => PlayMusic("The guitarist", "play an amazing solo",5));
            var t2 = new Thread(() => PlayMusic("The singer", "sing his song", 2));


The singer starts to sing his song
The singer finishes to sing his song
The guitarist starts to play an amazing solo
The guitarist finishes to play an amazing solo
End of phase 1
The singer starts to sing his song
The singer finishes to sing his song
The guitarist starts to play an amazing solo
The guitarist finishes to play an amazing solo
End of phase 2



The singer starts to sing his song
The singer finishes to sing his song
The guitarist starts to play an amazing solo
The guitarist finishes to play an amazing solo


下面的程序使用一个包含2000 000个字符串的集合,使用多个任务遍历该集合,并统计以a,b,c等开头的字符串的个数。

class Program
        public static IEnumerable<string> FillData(int size) 
            var data = new List<string>(size);
            var r = new Random();
            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            return data;

        private static string GetString(Random r)
            var sb = new StringBuilder(6);
            for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                sb.Append((char)(r.Next(26) + 97));//随机挑选字母
            return sb.ToString();

        static int[] CalculationInTask(int jobNumber,int partitionSize,Barrier barrier,IList<string> coll)
            List<string> data = new List<string>(coll);
            int start = jobNumber * partitionSize;
            int end = start + partitionSize;
            Console.WriteLine($"Task {Task.CurrentId}:partition from {start} to {end}");
            int[] charCount = new int[26];
            for(int j = start; j < end; j++)
                char c = data[j][0];
                charCount[c - 97]++;
            Console.WriteLine($"Calculation completed from task {Task.CurrentId},{charCount[0]} times a,{charCount[25]} times z");
            Console.WriteLine($"Task {Task.CurrentId} removed from barrier, remaining" +
                $"participantts {barrier.ParticipantsRemaining}");
            return charCount;

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const int numberTasks = 2;
            const int partitionSize = 1000000;
            var data = new List<string>(FillData(partitionSize * numberTasks));
            var barrier = new Barrier(numberTasks + 1);
            var tasks = new Task<int[]>[numberTasks];
            for (int i = 0; i < partitionSize; i++)
                int jobNumber = i;
                tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => CalculationInTask(jobNumber, partitionSize, barrier, data));
            var  resultCollection = tasks[0].Result.Zip(tasks[1].Result,(c1,c2)=>{
                return c1 + c2;
            char ch = 'a';
            int sum = 0;
            foreach(var x in resultCollection)
                sum += x;
            Console.WriteLine($"main finished {sum}");
            Console.WriteLine($"remaining {barrier.ParticipantsRemaining}");


Task 1:partition from 0 to 1000000
Calculation completed from task 1,38533 times a,38281 times z
Task 1 removed from barrier, remainingparticipantts 1



class Program
        static ReaderWriterLockSlim _rw = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
        static Dictionary<int, int> _items = new Dictionary<int, int>();
        static void Read()
            Console.WriteLine("Reading conttens of a dictionary");
            while (true)
                    foreach(var key in _items.Keys)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.Name} reads {key}");

                finally//注意:如果没有catch语句块,那么finally块就是必须的。  如果你不希望在这里处理异常,而当异常发生时提交到上层处理,但在这个地方无论发生异常,都要必须要执行一些操作,就可以使用try finally, 很典型的应用就是进行数据库操作
        static void Write(string threadName)
            while (true)
                    int newKey = new Random().Next(250);
                    if (!_items.ContainsKey(newKey))
                            _items[newKey] = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine($"New key {newKey} is added to a dictionary by a {threadName}");
        public static void Main()
            new Thread(Read) { IsBackground = true,Name="ThreadOne" }.Start();
            new Thread(Read) { IsBackground = true,Name="ThreadTwo" }.Start();
            new Thread(Read) { IsBackground = true ,Name="ThreadThree"}.Start();
            new Thread(() => Write("Thread 1")) { IsBackground = true }.Start();
            new Thread(() => Write("Thread 2")) { IsBackground = true }.Start();


Reading conttens of a dictionary
New key 211 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
Reading conttens of a dictionary
Reading conttens of a dictionary
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
New key 239 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
New key 225 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
New key 123 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
New key 20 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
New key 106 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
New key 75 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
New key 181 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
New key 57 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 57
New key 143 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 143
New key 23 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 143
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadThree reads 23
ThreadOne reads 23
ThreadTwo reads 23
New key 6 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 143
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 23
ThreadThree reads 23
ThreadOne reads 23
ThreadThree reads 6
ThreadTwo reads 6
ThreadOne reads 6
New key 4 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 143
ThreadOne reads 23
ThreadThree reads 23
ThreadTwo reads 23
ThreadThree reads 6
ThreadOne reads 6
ThreadTwo reads 6
ThreadThree reads 4
ThreadOne reads 4
ThreadTwo reads 4
New key 18 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadTwo reads 143
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 23
ThreadOne reads 23
ThreadThree reads 23
ThreadTwo reads 6
ThreadOne reads 6
ThreadThree reads 6
ThreadOne reads 4
ThreadTwo reads 4
ThreadThree reads 4
ThreadOne reads 18
ThreadThree reads 18
ThreadTwo reads 18
New key 31 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 1
ThreadTwo reads 211
ThreadOne reads 211
ThreadThree reads 211
ThreadTwo reads 239
ThreadThree reads 239
ThreadOne reads 239
ThreadOne reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 225
ThreadThree reads 225
ThreadTwo reads 123
ThreadOne reads 123
ThreadThree reads 123
ThreadTwo reads 20
ThreadOne reads 20
ThreadThree reads 20
ThreadOne reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 106
ThreadThree reads 106
ThreadTwo reads 75
ThreadOne reads 75
ThreadThree reads 75
ThreadOne reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 181
ThreadThree reads 181
ThreadTwo reads 57
ThreadOne reads 57
ThreadThree reads 57
ThreadOne reads 143
ThreadTwo reads 143
ThreadThree reads 143
ThreadOne reads 23
ThreadThree reads 23
ThreadTwo reads 23
ThreadOne reads 6
ThreadThree reads 6
ThreadTwo reads 6
ThreadOne reads 4
ThreadTwo reads 4
ThreadThree reads 4
ThreadOne reads 18
ThreadTwo reads 18
ThreadThree reads 18
ThreadOne reads 31
ThreadThree reads 31
ThreadTwo reads 31
New key 176 is added to a dictionary by a Thread 2




posted @ 2022-02-09 22:13  JohnYang819  阅读(1011)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报