09 2013 档案
摘要:One function you might find annoying with PDFs and PDF Readers is that when you click on a link to a PDF, it opens in a browser window, rather than its own PDF Reader window. Here is how to change this behavior for each of the major browsers:In Opera, go to Tools > Preferences and the “Advanced”
摘要:Title: Intermittent TNS-12516 or TNS-12519 Errors Connecting Via NetSymptom(s)~~~~~~~~~~Client connections may intermittently fail with either of the following errors:TNS-12516 TNS:listener could not find instance with matching protocol stack TNS-12519 TNS:no appropriate service handler found Additi
摘要:在windows里远程连接linux的最好方法。 比VNC方式好多了1) xming启动一个窗口2) putty 设置完X11 forwarding之后,远程登录3) 在putty 里启动 gnome-session.putty方式好像有bug, 现在都是用修改GDM配置文件, 然后用GDM方式连接...