To save a record of program execution in prolog, we use the special predicates: protocol and noprotocol. Like this:






All the queries and their responses between the protocol and noprotocol will be saved to this file.


If we use these predicates, we will get records like this:


11 ?- beside(block2, X).

X = block3  [1m;[0m



12 ?- beside(block4, X).

X = block7  [1m;[0m

X = block3  [1m;[0m



The characters [1m [0m looks like garbage characters but they are ANSI terminal codes. We can get the reference from here:


As we can see from the link above, [0m refers to reset all attributes and [1m refers to set bright attribute.


If we want to disable these codes, we can use predicate: set_prolog_flag(color_term, false). before starting the protocol session.


 posted on 2013-11-11 23:03  Jiang, X.  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报