Three typical types of Data Mining applications:

In a classification type problem, we have a variable of interest which is categorical in nature. For example, this could be:
    Classification of credit risk, either good or bad
    Classifying patients as high risk for heart disease
    Classifying individuals as high risk for fraudulent behavior

The goals of the classification problem can include:
    Finding variables that are strongly related to the variable of interest
    Developing a predictive model where a set of variables are used to
    Classify the variable of interest


In a regression type problem, we have a variable of interest which is continuous in nature. For example, this could be:
    A measurement for a manufacturing process
    Revenue in dollars
    Decrease in cholesterol after taking medication

The goals of the regression problem are similar to classification and can include:
    Finding variables that are strongly related to the variable of interest

    Developing a predictive model where a set of varicbles are used to
  predict the variable of interest


In a clustering type problem, there is not a traditional variable of interest. Instead, the data needs sorted into cluster. For example:
  Clustering indibiduals for a marketing campaign
  Clustering symptoms in medical research to find relationships
  Finding clusters of bands, based on customer responses

The goals of cluster analysis problem can include:
  Finding variables that are most highly influence cluster assignment
  Comparing the clusters across variables of interest
  Assigning new cases to clusters and measuring the strength of cluster membership

 posted on 2012-07-11 16:24  Jiang, X.  阅读(308)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报