
作者:Sanjoy Das, Assistant Professor, KansasStateUniversity
Ph.D. 1994, Louisiana StateUniversity.
Evolutionary algorithms, neural networks,
artificialintelligence, discrete optimization.













一个非常吸引我的问题是在计算机神经学中使用Tikhonov正则表达式,因为神经元信息会有很大的噪音,并且很少。同时,我也对神经网络中算法的进化感兴趣。我的另外一个兴趣在于并行处理。您是否正在考虑在您的算法中使用并行的思想呢?考虑到网站上您的研究项目列表,我认为这种策略是值得研究的。去年,我在神经网络与图像处理的国际会议上发表过一篇文章,名字是“HybridGradient Descent Based Training of Probabilistic RecurrentNetworks”。如果您对我的申请感兴趣,请告诉我。



Internationalapplicants seeking assistantship/admission: please do not
send meemails blindly without reading this
Every day I receive emailsfrom international candidates for information,
for advice, andespecially requesting financial assistance. Unfortunately, I
deletemost of them without even reading them carefully. I get somany
mirrelevant emails that cannot reply to each. Extremelyrarely has one
caught my attention. Please do not send me emailswithout reading this
first. I am only interested in correspondingto candidates who are
exceptional, and have a strong interest andexperience in my immediate
area of specialization, and I highlyprefer ones with a

Here are two sample letters:

A sample letterthat will never get the candidate an assistantship with me:
Respected sir,
I am very interested in going to the USfor higher studies. I am seeking
admission and financialassistance in your esteemed University. I am
very interested inartificial intelligence and computer architecture. I have
programmingexperience in C++, C and
java.I am also familiar with
several software packages in the Windowsenvironment (MS Word, Excel
V+ CSpreadsheet etc.). I also havenetworking certification from NOVELL. My
GRE score is 2050, and Igot 99 percentile in the TOEFL exam.
I request you to spare a fewmoments from your precious time to go
through my attachedresume.
Sir - if you are kind enough to offer me assistantship, Ipromise to work
very hard for you. I have a very good academicrecord since primary
school. Alternately, can you tell me what aremy chances of getting
assistantship from your department?

Canyou kindly inform me about the last dates for Summer term 2002
beforewhich I can apply?
Thank you for your valuable time,

Mycomments: Isimply delete these emails, which I consider garbage .
The personseems to be too obsequious and flattering. In the emails that
I doread (occasionally), I do a first scan for keywords like"precious",
"respected" etc. deleting theemail if I find one. Obviously the person is
not professionalenough. The person is interested in artificial intelligence
andcomputer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas, makingme
think that he is trying to cover as many professors as possibleto get aid
from any possible source. Besides, he does not haveanything in support
of his claim (about his interest in artificialintelligence). He emphasizes on
his software skills, making methink that his goal is to get a programming
job in the US andhigher studies is only to allow him access to the US job
market.His GRE scores are OK, but not exceptional. He asks me to tell
himwhat his chances of getting an assistantship are, elsewhere inthe
department. I have absolutely no way of finding that out, andeven if I
knew, I would not bother to reply back. He also asks meto give him
information about summer deadlines. How am I supposedto know that?
I would typically expect that this informationshould be available from
the University web site, or from the gradschool, but my guess is as good
Finally, this letter is toogeneric . He probably uses exactly the
same format for hundreds ofemail letters to various professors
throughout the country,leaving no stone uncovered. I receive hundreds
of email like this.Regretfully, I cannot answer everyone, and these
applications donot interest me at all.

Now, here is a letter that wouldDEFINITELY attract my attention:


DearProf. Das,
I am applying to KSU (amongst other places) for aPh.D., and I am very
interested in your research areas. I wouldlike to explore the possibility of
doing my research with you,with financial support.

One possible area that would interestme a lot is in applying Tikhonov
regularization to your problem incomputational neuroscience, since I
understand that neural datacan be very noisy, and yet sparse.
Alternately, I am alsointerested in applying evolutionary algorithms to
your geneticneural network parameter estimation. One of my other
interests inin parallel processing. Are you considering parallel
implementationsfor any of your optimization/estimation algorithms?
Consideringthat the projects that you list in your web site would probably
bevery computationally intensive, that may be a worthwhile strategyto
I presented a paper entitled "Hybrid GradientDescent Based Training of
Probabilistic Recurrent Networks"in the International Conference on
Neural Networks and ImageProcessing, Bangalore, last year. It is a
reviewed publication. Ifhave attached a copy of the article in pdf format.
If you haveavailable funds, and are interested in my application please
letme know soon.

My comments: This is a straightforward letterfrom someone with a
genuine interest in my area . He is anexceptional candidate. He has
evinced a keen desire to learn, andalready has considerable mastery
over my area of research . If Ihave any funding available, I would
definitely try my very BEST toget this person . This person may have an
MS degree, while manyapplicants have only a BS degree

 posted on 2012-04-03 21:17  Jiang, X.  阅读(398)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报