熟悉传媒娱乐行业的朋友一定对Solid Angle公司和他的渲染器 Arnold 不陌生。Arnold是一款基于 Monte Carlo Ray tracing 的渲染器,很多好莱坞大厂和一些工作室都在使用。尤其是Sony Pictures Imageworks 基本上全线采用Arnold渲染。Ar 阅读全文
As you know, Maya provides class MThreadPool to help develop tocreate or reuse a thread pool, if you want to know more about this, you can reference t... 阅读全文
Currently, you can find the source code of Dx11Shader under our devkit\plug-ins\ folder, but if you want to do some modification on this, can it be bu... 阅读全文
As you know, you can fetched the static geo metric data from a FBModel using the following ways:Get vertex: model.Geometry.GetPositionsArray();Get i... 阅读全文
由于本次活动会被邀请直接前往美国San Francisco, 会直接面对Autodesk总部专家,原则上对英文要求较高,所以直接英文暂不翻译:)Get ready for the Autodesk Cloud Accelerator ProgramHave a great idea for a ne... 阅读全文