1426. Counting Elements
package LeetCode_1426 import java.util.* /** * 1426. Counting Elements * Given an integer array arr, count element x such that x + 1 is also in arr. * If there're duplicates in arr, count them separately. * Example 1: * Input: arr = [1,2,3] Output: 2, Explanation: 1 and 2 are counted cause 2 and 3 are in arr. Example 2: Input: arr = [1,1,2] Output: 2, Explanation: 1 counted twice cause 2 is in arr. * */ class Solution { fun countElements(array: IntArray): Int { var ans = 0 val set = HashSet<Int>() for (item in array) { set.add(item) } for (i in array.indices) { if (set.contains(array[i] + 1)) { ans++ } } return ans } }