486. Predict the Winner
package LeetCode_486 /** * 486. Predict the Winner * https://leetcode.com/problems/predict-the-winner/description/ * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5wLHFTodm0 * * Min-Max策略:大家都是拿最大的分数,直到拿完; * 1.先把递归树画出来,到游戏结束时,我们有最终分数,然后backtracking to parent; * 2.parent会在所有的children选择最有利的; * */ class Solution { private var array: Array<IntArray>? = null fun PredictTheWinner(nums: IntArray): Boolean { /* method 1: Min-Max * Time complexity: O(2^n) * Space complexity: O(n), recursion stack * */ //return getScore(nums, 0, nums.size - 1) >= 0 /* * method 2: recursion + memorization * Time complexity: O(n*n) * Space complexity: O(n*n) * */ array = Array(nums.size) { IntArray(nums.size) } return getScore(nums, 0, nums.size - 1) >= 0 } private fun getScore(nums: IntArray, left: Int, right: Int): Int { if (left == right) { return nums[left] } if (array!![left][right] > 0) { return array!![left][right] } //compare each player can get array!![left][right] = Math.max( nums[left] - getScore(nums, left + 1, right), nums[right] - getScore(nums, left, right - 1) ) return array!![left][right] } }