[Clickhouse] Clickhouse 特性 : WITH FILL(缺失段数据补齐)

1 背景引入

背景需求: 缺失数据的补齐

  • 要聚合查询一些数据,按照时间 15 分钟聚合数据量 或 根据用户提供的入参startTime/endTime动态筛选指定的若干月份聚合数据。但是由于某些时间段(如:某些月份)数据缺失,一些时段值没有,前端显示就会有问题,需要数据接口开发者自己插值解决
  • 有一种实现方式: 在查询出库后,在服务端使用代码补全这些数据。

但是觉得这样有点 LOW,应该有更好的方法

  • 经过一番调研,发现 Clickhouse 的 WITH FILL 正符合需求


  • WITH FILL 修饰符配合 ORDER BY 使用,就是为了按照指定顺序填值————有值跳过,无值插入
  • 可以在 ORDER BY expr 之后用可选的 FROM exprTO exprSTEP expr 参数来设置 WITH FILL 修饰符


  • 针对DateTime类型,默认步进单位是 : 1秒
  • 针对Date类型,默认步进单位是 : 1天
  • 针对数字类型,默认步进单位是 : 1.0
  • 所有expr列的缺失值将被顺序填充,而其他列将被填充为默认值

使用以下语法填充多列,在ORDER BY部分的每个字段名称后添加带有可选参数的WITH FILL修饰符。

ORDER BY expr 
[FROM const_expr] [TO const_expr] 
[STEP const_numeric_expr], ... exprN 

[FROM expr] [TO expr] 
[STEP numeric_expr]
  • WITH FILL可以针对单字段使用,也可以多字段使用,但是仅适用于具有数字(所有类型的浮点,小数,整数)或日期/日期时间类型的字段
  • 当未定义 FROM const_expr 填充顺序时,则使用 ORDER BY 中的最小expr字段值
  • 当定义了 STEP const_numeric_expr 时,不同类型(就3种)表示不一样:
  • 对于数字类型const_numeric_expr 为具体数值;
  • 当作为日期类型(Date)const_numeric_expr 为多少
  • 当作为日期时间(DateTime)类型时,const_numeric_expr 为多少
  • 如果省略了 STEP const_numeric_expr,则:填充顺序使用1.0表示数字类型1 day表示日期类型1 second 表示日期时间类型

3 应用场景

CASE: 单字段、基于数字、按月份逐一补0

with tmp_device_active_days as ( -- 设备每月活跃日数据集 (模拟从数据库查出的初始数据)
	-- 动态计算指定月份的总天数 : toDayOfMonth(subtractDays(addMonths(toStartOfMonth( monthFirstDay ), 1), 1) )  as totalMonthDays
	select 'XXXX001' as deviceId, toDate('2023-09-01') as monthFirstDay , 30 as totalMonthDays , 17 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX001' as deviceId, toDate('2023-10-01') as monthFirstDay , 31 as totalMonthDays , 14 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX002' as deviceId, toDate('2024-09-01') as monthFirstDay , 30 as totalMonthDays , 1 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX003' as deviceId, toDate('2023-06-01') as monthFirstDay , 30 as totalMonthDays , 2 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX004' as deviceId, toDate('2023-08-01') as monthFirstDay , 31 as totalMonthDays , 5 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX005' as deviceId, toDate('2023-05-01') as monthFirstDay , 31 as totalMonthDays , 8 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX006' as deviceId, toDate('2023-12-01') as monthFirstDay , 31 as totalMonthDays , 17 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX007' as deviceId, toDate('2024-08-01') as monthFirstDay , 31 as totalMonthDays , 2 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX008' as deviceId, toDate('2024-07-01') as monthFirstDay , 30 as totalMonthDays , 10 as realActiveMonthDays
	union all
	select 'XXXX009' as deviceId, toDate('2024-02-01') as monthFirstDay , 30 as totalMonthDays , 10 as realActiveMonthDays
    formatDateTime( toStartOfMonth( addMonths( toDate('1970-01-01') , relativeMonth ) ) , '%Y%m' , 'Asia/Shanghai' ) as `date`
    , toUInt64(0) as newDevices
    , activeDevices
        , count(deviceId) as activeDevices
    FROM (
		-- 构造 2 条起止时间的空数据,用于外层统计结果的自动填充
			'' as deviceId
			, toStartOfMonth( toDate( toDateTime64('{{startTime}}', 3 ,'{{timeZone}}') ) ) as `monthFirstDay`
			, toDayOfMonth(subtractDays(addMonths(toStartOfMonth( monthFirstDay ), 1), 1) )  as totalMonthDays
			, 0 as realActiveMonthDays
			, dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01'), monthFirstDay ) as relativeMonth
		union all
			'' as deviceId
			, toStartOfMonth( toDate( toDateTime64('{{endTime}}', 3 ,'{{timeZone}}') ) ) as `monthFirstDay`
			, toDayOfMonth(subtractDays(addMonths(toStartOfMonth( monthFirstDay ), 1), 1) )  as totalMonthDays
			, 0 as realActiveMonthDays
			, dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01'), monthFirstDay ) as relativeMonth
		union all

            , dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01'), monthFirstDay ) as relativeMonth
        FROM tmp_device_active_days
        where 1 = 1 and ( (realActiveMonthDays > 5 ) or (deviceId = '') ) -- 每月活跃天数 > 5 天的设备 -- realActiveMonthDays = totalMonthDays 
    ) y
    group by relativeMonth 
    order by relativeMonth ASC 
    -- dateDiff 计算结果是 数字(距 1970-01-01 的月份数,以此实现对缺数据月份的自动补齐)
    FROM dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01') , toDate( toDateTime64('{{startTime}}', 3 ,'{{timeZone}}') ) )  TO dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01'), toDate( toDateTime64('{{endTime}}', 3 ,'{{timeZone}}') ) )
    STEP 1
  • 用户传入的动态参数
  • startTime , 时间戳、单位: 毫秒(13位)。如: 1684857600000
  • endTime , 时间戳、单位: 毫秒(13位)。如 : 1795462399999
  • timeZone , 时区,如:"Asia/Shanghai"
  • output : 不加 WITH FILL 时
--    order by relativeMonth ASC 
--    FROM dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01') , toDate( toDateTime64('1684857600000', 3 ,'Asia/Shanghai') ) )  TO dateDiff('month', toDate('1970-01-01'), toDate( toDateTime64('1795462399999', 3 ,'Asia/Shanghai') ) )
--    STEP 1

date  |newDevices|activeDevices|
202407|         0|            1|
202402|         0|            1|
202305|         0|            1|
202312|         0|            1|
202310|         0|            1|
202309|         0|            1|
  • output : 加 WITH FILL 时
date  |newDevices|activeDevices|
202305|         0|            1|
202306|         0|            0|
202307|         0|            0|
202308|         0|            0|
202309|         0|            1|
202310|         0|            1|
202311|         0|            0|
202312|         0|            1|
202401|         0|            0|
202402|         0|            1|
202403|         0|            0|
202404|         0|            0|
202405|         0|            0|
202406|         0|            0|
202407|         0|            1|
202408|         0|            0|
202409|         0|            0|
202410|         0|            0|
202411|         0|            0|
202412|         0|            0|
202501|         0|            0|
202502|         0|            0|
202503|         0|            0|
202504|         0|            0|
202505|         0|            0|
202506|         0|            0|
202507|         0|            0|
202508|         0|            0|
202509|         0|            0|
202510|         0|            0|
202511|         0|            0|
202512|         0|            0|
202601|         0|            0|
202602|         0|            0|
202603|         0|            0|
202604|         0|            0|
202605|         0|            0|
202606|         0|            0|
202607|         0|            0|
202608|         0|            0|
202609|         0|            0|
202610|         0|            0|

CASE : 单字段、基于 DateTime 、按N分钟间隔时段补0

  • 此处是对表passing_vehicle 进行数据统计,把一天按照15分钟间隔,获取96条过车数据
  • toStartOfInterval(time_stamp, INTERVAL 15 minute) as time_stamp2是对时间戳进行聚合,按照15分钟间隔
  • GROUP by time_stamp2,approach是按照15分钟和进口聚合
  • 一开始的SQL是 GROUP by time_stamp2,approach order by time_stamp2,approach,查询条件也没有and approach = 'SB',结果插值补全有问题,多字段聚合排序,只补值一个字段,得到的不是自己的想要的结果
	toStartOfInterval(time_stamp, INTERVAL 15 minute) as time_stamp2 ,
	count() as totalVolume
from passing_vehicle pv 
	intersection_number = 1687001
	and time_stamp > '2023-05-08 00:00:00'
	and time_stamp < '2023-05-09 00:00:00'
	and approach = 'SB'
	and status = 1
GROUP by time_stamp2
order by time_stamp2
FROM toDateTime('2023-05-08 00:00:00')  TO toDateTime('2023-05-09 00:00:00') 
STEP 15*60
  • 现在这条SQL能正常运行和补值,它查询的是,某路口南进口(SB)的15分钟过车流量统计
  • FROM toDateTime('2023-05-08 00:00:00') TO toDateTime('2023-05-09 00:00:00') 是时间范围,这个和我的查询时间是对应的,这个范围内补全。注意这个类型,一定要是时间日期,即使用toDateTime函数,将字符串转成日期时间类型
  • STEP 15*60,是将插值补全,步进为15分钟,日期时间类型,默认是1s,15分钟乘以对应秒数即可

注: 如果是要按照一天(或n天)去做时间聚合统计,就需要使用 toDate 函数,相应步进为n

CASE : 多字段补全

  • 进阶,按照进口查询多次,多个字段补全
	toStartOfInterval(time_stamp, INTERVAL 15 minute) as time_stamp2,
	sum(status) as totalVolume
from passing_vehicle pv 
WHERE 1 = 1 
	and intersection_number = 1687001
	and time_stamp >= '2023-05-08 00:00:00'
	and time_stamp <= '2023-05-08 01:59:59'
	and approach = 'NB'
GROUP by time_stamp2, lane_nbr 
order by time_stamp2 
	FROM toDateTime('2023-05-08 00:00:00') TO toDateTime('2023-05-08 01:59:59') 
	STEP 15 * 60,

-- 注意:这里的6,是传参进来的,因为是5车道,lane_nbr需要补全1-5(最大是5,范围要是6才行)
	FROM 1 TO 6 
  • 这条SQL查询的是,某路口北进口(NB)各个车道15分钟过车数量统计
  • GROUP by time_stamp2,lane_nbr,聚合条件是15分钟,和车道编号
  • time_stamp2 WITH FILL与上面一样,按照15分钟补全
  • lane_nbr WITH FILL FROM 1 TO 6 STEP 1是按照车道编号补全,注意to的值要比最大值大1
  • 这2个 WITH FILL 一起使用,就会把时间和车道编号都补全,得到我们想要的结果
  • 对于非数值/日期/日期时间类型的字段,如果是枚举类型字符串类型字段,也可以使用补全,将该字段的枚举值,存成连续新增的数值即可

X 参考文献

  • clickhouse
posted @ 2024-09-30 10:42  千千寰宇  阅读(13)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报