[Java] 多线程系列之Fork/Join框架[转载]

1 工作原理

1.1 核心思想:分而治之 & 并行执行

Fork/Join框架是Java 7提供的一个用于并行执行任务的框架, 核心思想就是把大任务分割成若干个小任务最终汇总每个小任务结果后得到大任务结果,其实现思想与MapReduce有异曲同工之妙。



1.2 工作窃取算法



1.3 内部构成


1.3.1 分割/分治任务(ForkJoinTask)

  • 分割任务。首先,我们需要有一个fork类来把大任务分割成子任务,有可能子任务还是很大,所以还需要不停的分割,直到分割出的子任务足够小。

我们要使用ForkJoin框架,必须首先创建一个ForkJoin任务。它提供在任务中执行 fork()join()操作的机制。通常情况下,我们不需要直接继承ForkJoinTask类,而只需要继承其子类,Fork/Join框架提供了以下两个子类:

  • RecursiveAction:用于没有返回结果的任务。
  • RecursiveTask :用于有返回结果的任务。

1.3.2 执行任务并合并结果(ForkJoinPool)

  • 执行任务并合并结果。分割的子任务分别放在双端队列里,然后几个启动线程分别从双端队列里获取任务执行。子任务执行完的结果都统一放在一个队列里,启动一个线程从队列里拿数据,然后合并这些数据。

ForkJoinPool 需要通过ForkJoinPool来执行,任务分割出的子任务会添加到当前工作线程所维护的双端队列中,进入队列的头部。当一个工作线程的队列里暂时没有任务时,它会随机从其他工作线程的队列的尾部获取一个任务。

2 源码解读

2.1 ForkJoinPool


2.1.1 ForkJoinWorkerThread 对象数组[属性]


* Array holding all worker threads in the pool. Initialized upon
* construction. Array size must be a power of two. Updates and
* replacements are protected by scanGuard, but the array is
* always kept in a consistent enough state to be randomly
* accessed without locking by workers performing work-stealing,
* as well as other traversal-based methods in this class, so long
* as reads memory-acquire by first reading ctl. All readers must
* tolerate that some array slots may be null.
ForkJoinWorkerThread[] workers;



// initialize workers array with room for 2*parallelism if possible
int n = parallelism << 1;
if (n >= MAX_ID){
    n = MAX_ID;
} else { // See Hackers Delight, sec 3.2, where n < (1 << 16)
    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n 2; n |= n 4; n |= n 8;
workers = new ForkJoinWorkerThread[n + 1];


private static final int MAX_ID = 0x7fff; // max poolIndex

2.1.2 添加线程/addWorker()


     * Tries to create and start a worker; minimally rolls back counts
     * on failure.
    private void addWorker() {
        Throwable ex = null;
        ForkJoinWorkerThread t = null;
        try {
            t = factory.newThread(this);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            ex = e;
        if (t == null) { // null or exceptional factory return
            long c; // adjust counts
            do {} while (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong
                    (this, ctlOffset, c = ctl,
                            (((c - AC_UNIT) & AC_MASK) |
                                    ((c - TC_UNIT) & TC_MASK) |
                                    (c & ~(AC_MASK|TC_MASK)))));
            // Propagate exception if originating from an external caller
            if (!tryTerminate(false) && ex != null &&
                    !(Thread.currentThread() instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread))


     * Creates a ForkJoinWorkerThread operating in the given pool.
     * @param pool the pool this thread works in
     * @throws NullPointerException if pool is null
    protected ForkJoinWorkerThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
        this.pool = pool;
        int k = pool.registerWorker(this);
        poolIndex = k;
        eventCount = ~k & SMASK; // clear wait count
        locallyFifo = pool.locallyFifo;
        Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh = pool.ueh;
        if (ueh != null)


     * Callback from ForkJoinWorkerThread constructor to
     * determine its poolIndex and record in workers array.
     * @param w the worker
     * @return the worker's pool index
    final int registerWorker(ForkJoinWorkerThread w) {
         * In the typical case, a new worker acquires the lock, uses
         * next available index and returns quickly. Since we should
         * not block callers (ultimately from signalWork or
         * tryPreBlock) waiting for the lock needed to do this, we
         * instead help release other workers while waiting for the
         * lock.
        for (int g;;) {
            ForkJoinWorkerThread[] ws;
            if (((g = scanGuard) & SG_UNIT) == 0 &&
                    UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, scanGuardOffset,
                            g, g | SG_UNIT)) {
                int k = nextWorkerIndex;
                try {
                    if ((ws = workers) != null) { // ignore on shutdown
                        int n = ws.length;
                        if (k < 0 || k >= n || ws[k] != null) {
                            for (k = 0; k < n && ws[k] != null; ++k)
                            if (k == n)
                                ws = workers = Arrays.copyOf(ws, n << 1);
                        ws[k] = w;
                        nextWorkerIndex = k + 1;
                        int m = g & SMASK;
                        g = (k > m) ? ((m << 1) + 1) & SMASK : g + (SG_UNIT<<1);
                } finally {
                    scanGuard = g;
                return k;
            else if ((ws = workers) != null) { // help release others
                for (ForkJoinWorkerThread u : ws) {
                    if (u != null && u.queueBase != u.queueTop) {
                        if (tryReleaseWaiter())

2.13 顺序锁 + 循环注册新线程


  • compareAndSwapInt操作成功,扫描workers数组,找到一个为空的项,并把新创建的线程放在这个位置;如果没有找到,表示数组大小不够,则将数组扩大2倍;

  • compareAndSwapInt操作失败,需要循环重新尝试直接成功为止,从代码中可以看出,即使是失败了,也不忘做一些额外的事:通知其他线程去执行没有完成的任务


     * Unless terminating, forks task if within an ongoing FJ computation in the
     * current pool, else submits as external task.
    private <T> void forkOrSubmit(ForkJoinTask<T> task) {
        ForkJoinWorkerThread w;
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        if (shutdown)
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        if ((t instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) && (w = (ForkJoinWorkerThread) t).pool == this)

     * Arranges for (asynchronous) execution of the given task.
     * @param task
     * the task
     * @throws NullPointerException
     * if the task is null
     * @throws RejectedExecutionException
     * if the task cannot be scheduled for execution
    public void execute(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
        if (task == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();

2.1.4 与ExecutorService的联系

  • 其一,继承、重载了ExecutorService


  • 其二,既可以执行Runnable任务,还可以执行ForkJoinTask任务。
    ExcuteService不同的是,ForkJoinPool除了可以执行Runnable任务外,还可以执行ForkJoinTask任务; ExcuteService中处于后面的任务需要等待前面任务执行后才有机会执行,而ForkJoinPool会采用work-stealing模式帮助其他线程执行任务,即ExcuteService解决的是并发问题,而ForkJoinPool解决的是并行问题

ForkJoinPool与其他类型的ExecutorService的不同之处主要在于使用了工作窃取:池中的所有线程都尝试查找和执行提交给池的任务和/或由其他活动任务创建的任务(如果不存在则会最终会阻塞等待) 。当大多数任务产生子任务(大多数ForkJoinTasks都如此),以及从外部客户端向池提交许多小任务时,均可以实现高效处理。特别是在构造函数中将asyncMode(异步模式,默认值:true)设置为true时,ForkJoinPools也可能适用于不会join的事件形式的任务。

2.2 ForkJoinWorkerThread


2.2.1 重要属性


* Capacity of work-stealing queue array upon initialization.
* Must be a power of two. Initial size must be at least 4, but is
* padded to minimize cache effects.
private static final int INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1 << 13;

* Maximum size for queue array. Must be a power of two
* less than or equal to 1 << (31 - width of array entry) to
* ensure lack of index wraparound, but is capped at a lower
* value to help users trap runaway computations.
private static final int MAXIMUM_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1 << 24; // 16M

* The work-stealing queue array. Size must be a power of two.
* Initialized when started (as oposed to when constructed), to
* improve memory locality.
ForkJoinTask<?>[] queue;

* The pool this thread works in. Accessed directly by ForkJoinTask.
final ForkJoinPool pool;

* Index (mod queue.length) of next queue slot to push to or pop
* from. It is written only by owner thread, and accessed by other
* threads only after reading (volatile) queueBase. Both queueTop
* and queueBase are allowed to wrap around on overflow, but
* (queueTop - queueBase) still estimates size.
int queueTop;

* Index (mod queue.length) of least valid queue slot, which is
* always the next position to steal from if nonempty.
volatile int queueBase;

* The index of most recent stealer, used as a hint to avoid
* traversal in method helpJoinTask. This is only a hint because a
* worker might have had multiple steals and this only holds one
* of them (usually the most current). Declared non-volatile,
* relying on other prevailing sync to keep reasonably current.
int stealHint;




2.2.2 添加任务/pushTask(ForkJoinTask<?> t)

     * Pushes a task. Call only from this thread.
     * @param t the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
    final void pushTask(ForkJoinTask<?> t) {
        ForkJoinTask<?>[] q; int s, m;
        if ((q = queue) != null) { // ignore if queue removed
            long u = (((s = queueTop) & (m = q.length - 1)) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
            UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(q, u, t);
            queueTop = s + 1; // or use putOrderedInt
            if ((s -= queueBase) <= 2)
            else if (s == m)



  • 唤醒当前线程;
  • 当没有活动线程时或者线程数较少时,添加新的线程。

else if部分表示队列已满(队头指针=队列长度减1),调用growQueue()扩容。

2.2.3 插队/joinTask(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe)

     * Possibly runs some tasks and/or blocks, until joinMe is done.
     * @param joinMe the task to join
     * @return completion status on exit
    final int joinTask(ForkJoinTask<?> joinMe) {
        ForkJoinTask<?> prevJoin = currentJoin;
        currentJoin = joinMe;
        for (int s, retries = MAX_HELP;;) {
            if ((s = joinMe.status) < 0) {
                currentJoin = prevJoin;
                return s;
            if (retries > 0) {
                if (queueTop != queueBase) {
                    if (!localHelpJoinTask(joinMe))
                        retries = 0; // cannot help
                else if (retries == MAX_HELP >>> 1) {
                    --retries; // check uncommon case
                    if (tryDeqAndExec(joinMe) >= 0)
                        Thread.yield(); // for politeness
                    retries = helpJoinTask(joinMe) ? MAX_HELP : retries - 1;
            else {
                retries = MAX_HELP; // restart if not done



  • 判断joinMe是否已完成(joinMe.status < 0),如果是,则直接返回。

  • 判断retries是否用完了,如果是,则调用pool.tryAwaitJoin()阻塞当前线程,等待joinMe完成

    • retries大于0,首先判断当前线程的任务队列queue是否为空(queueTop != queueBase),如果不为空,调用localHelpJoinTask()方法,判断joinMe任务是否在自己的queue的队首位置,如果正好在,执行该任=务;同时,由于queue不为空,则证明自己并不是没事干,无法帮助别的线程干活(工作窃取),retries置零
      • 如果自己的queue为空了,调用helpJoinTask()方法进行工作窃取,帮助其他线程干活,反正闲着也是闲着。

帮别人干活也不是每次都能成功,如果连续8次都失败了(retries == MAX_HELP >>> 1),说明人品不行,自己还是歇会吧,调用Thread.yield()让权。不过,让权之前还会做最有一次努力,调用tryDeqAndExec(),看看自己在等的任务是否在某个线程的队尾,在的话偷过来执行掉。

2.3 ForkJoinTask

2.3.1 fork() : 异步地执行当前任务,并返回结果


     * Arranges to asynchronously execute this task. While it is not
     * necessarily enforced, it is a usage error to fork a task more
     * than once unless it has completed and been reinitialized.
     * Subsequent modifications to the state of this task or any data
     * it operates on are not necessarily consistently observable by
     * any thread other than the one executing it unless preceded by a
     * call to {@link #join} or related methods, or a call to {@link
     * #isDone} returning {@code true}.
     * <p>This method may be invoked only from within {@code
     * ForkJoinPool} computations (as may be determined using method
     * {@link #inForkJoinPool}). Attempts to invoke in other contexts
     * result in exceptions or errors, possibly including {@code
     * ClassCastException}.
     * @return {@code this}, to simplify usage
    public final ForkJoinTask<V> fork() {
        ((ForkJoinWorkerThread) Thread.currentThread())
        return this;


2.3.2 join() : 阻塞当前线程,并等待获取结果


     * Returns the result of the computation when it {@link #isDone is
     * done}. This method differs from {@link #get()} in that
     * abnormal completion results in {@code RuntimeException} or
     * {@code Error}, not {@code ExecutionException}, and that
     * interrupts of the calling thread do <em>not</em> cause the
     * method to abruptly return by throwing {@code
     * InterruptedException}.
     * @return the computed result
    public final V join() {
        if (doJoin() != NORMAL)
            return reportResult();
            return getRawResult();

     * Report the result of invoke or join; called only upon
     * non-normal return of internal versions.
    private V reportResult() {
        int s; Throwable ex;
        if ((s = status) == CANCELLED)
            throw new CancellationException();
        if (s == EXCEPTIONAL && (ex = getThrowableException()) != null)
        return getRawResult();


private static final int NORMAL = -1;
private static final int CANCELLED = -2;
private static final int EXCEPTIONAL = -3;
private static final int SIGNAL = 1;
  • 如果任务状态是已完成,则直接返回任务结果。
  • 如果任务状态是被取消,则直接抛出CancellationException
  • 如果任务状态是抛出异常,则直接抛出对应的异常。


    private int doJoin() {
        int s; Thread t; ForkJoinWorkerThread wt; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue w;
        return (s = status) < 0 ? s :
                ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) ?
                        (w = (wt = (ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue).
// 执行任务
        tryUnpush(this) && (s = doExec()) < 0 ? s :
                                wt.pool.awaitJoin(w, this, 0L) :
// 阻塞非工作线程,直到工作线程执行完毕

    final int doExec() {
        int s; boolean completed;
        if ((s = status) >= 0) {
            try {
                completed = exec();
            } catch (Throwable rex) {
                return setExceptionalCompletion(rex);
            if (completed)
                s = setCompletion(NORMAL);
        return s;


  • 如果执行完成, 则:直接返回任务状态;
  • 如果未执行完,则:从任务数组里取出任务并执行。
    • 如果任务顺利执行完成,则:设置任务状态为NORMAL
    • 如果任务执行出现异常,则:记录异常,并将任务状态设置为EXCEPTIONAL

3 案例演示

案例1 计算1~8的累加结果


  • 需求:计算1~8的累加结果。

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;

 * @author johnny-zen
 * @create-time 2023/2/11 13:54
 * @description ...
 * @reference-doc
 *  [1] 好文推荐:JAVA基础之Fork/Join框架 - baidu - https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709429670171703195
public class CountTask extends RecursiveTask<Integer> {

    private static final int THRESHHOLD = 2;
    private int start;
    private int end;

    public CountTask(int start, int end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;

    protected Integer compute() {
        System.out.println(start + " - " + end + " begin");
        int sum = 0;
        boolean canCompute = (end - start) <= THRESHHOLD;
        if (canCompute) { // 达到了计算条件,则直接执行
            for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
                sum += i;
        } else { // 不满足计算条件,则分割任务
            int middle = (start + end) / 2;

            CountTask leftTask = new CountTask(start, middle);
            CountTask rightTask = new CountTask(middle + 1, end);

            leftTask.fork(); // 执行子任务
            int leftResult = leftTask.join(); // 等待子任务执行完毕
            int rightResult = rightTask.join();

            sum = leftResult + rightResult; // 合并子任务的计算结果
        System.out.println(start + + end + " end");
        return sum;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();// 默认创建包含 `Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()` *2 个数的并行线程
        //ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(10);// 也可指定线程个数
        //ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(false); // 显式设置 asyncMode 为 false,同步执行 (默认值:true)

        CountTask task = new CountTask(1, 8);

        Future<Integer> future = pool.submit(task);//提交任务


        /** [可选步骤]
         * awaitTermination() : false = 线程池尚未关闭 / true = 线程池已经关闭
         * @reference-doc awaitTermination配和shutdown使用实例 - CSDN - https://blog.csdn.net/Fergusonf/article/details/126965564
         * */
        while(!pool.awaitTermination(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){//直到线程池关闭,才继续恢复执行后续主线程的程序指令
            logger.debug("The fork join pool doesn't shutdown! pool.poolSize: {}, pool.activeThreadCount: {}, pool.asyncMode: {}, pool.parallelism: {}", pool.getPoolSize(), pool.getActiveThreadCount(), pool.getAsyncMode(), pool.getParallelism());

        //在执行的时候可能会抛出异常,但我们没办法在主线程里直接捕获异常,所以提供了 isCompletedAbnormally() 方法来检查任务是否已抛出异常或已被取消了,且可通过 getException方法 获取异常
        if (task.isCompletedAbnormally()) {//检查任务是否已经抛出异常或已经被取消了
            //方法返回Throwable对象,如果任务被取消了则返回CancellationException。如果任务没有完成或者没有抛出异常则返回 null
            Throwable exception = task.getException();
        } else {
            // 由于每个任务是由线程池执行的,每次的执行顺序会有不同,但是,父任务肯定在所有子任务之后完成
            // 比如1-8的计算肯定在子任务1-4、5-8之后完成,但是1-4、5-8的完成顺序是不确定的。
            System.out.println("result: " + future.get());//36


1 - 8 begin
5 - 8 begin
1 - 4 begin
1 - 2 begin
5 - 6 begin
3 end
11 end
3 - 4 begin
7 - 8 begin
15 end
13 end
7 end
5 end
9 end
result: 36

案例2 递归读取指定目录下的所有文件列表

import java.io.File;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;

 * @author johnny-zen
 * @create-time 2023/2/11 15:24
 * @description 读取文件任务对象
public class FileTask extends RecursiveAction {
    private File file;

    public FileTask(File file) {
        this.file = file;

    protected void compute() {
        List<FileTask> fileTasks = new LinkedList<>();

        File[] files = file.listFiles();
        if(files != null ){
            for (File file:files){
                    fileTasks.add(new FileTask(file));
            for (FileTask fileTask:invokeAll(fileTasks)){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool();
        FileTask fileTask = new FileTask(new File("E:/"));

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            System.out.println("主线程吃了" +(i+1)+ "碗饭");



X 参考文献

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