

MAT,下载地址,Eclipse Memory Analysis Tools,一个分析Java堆数据的专业工具,可以计算出内存中对象的实例数量、占用空间大小、引用关系等,可得知哪些线程阻止垃圾收集器的回收工作,从而定位内存泄漏的原因。


  1. OutOfMemoryError时,触发Full GC,但空间却回收不了,引发内存泄露
  2. Java服务器系统异常,如load飙高,io异常,或线程死锁等,都可能通过分析堆中的内存对象来定位原因


  1. 修改启动参数MemoryAnalyzer.exe -vmargs -Xmx4g
  2. 编辑文件MemoryAnalyzer.ini添加-vmargs – Xmx4g


简单来说使用jmap -dump命令可以生成堆转储文件。首先需要执行进程ID,即PID。通过topjps命令拿到Java进程pid

具体执行命令:jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.hprof <pid>


Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded.The -F option can be used when the target process is not responding

则执行命令:jmap -F -dump:format=b,file=heap.hprof <pid>

可通过-d64来解决:jmap -F -J -d64 -dump:format=b,file=dump.bin PID

一般dump下来的文件有几个G,如果dump下来的文件只有一两百M,说明jmap命令执行有问题,需多执行几次才能得出正常结果,这个时候可以选用gcore把整个内存dump出来,然后再使用jmap把core dump转换成heap dump。

做法就是用gcore 1234命令来生成c版的core文件,再用命令jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.hprof /bin/java core.1234.


Shallow Size

Shallow size就是对象本身占用内存的大小,不包含其引用的对象。常规对象(非数组)的 Shallow size 由其成员变量的数量和类型决定。数组的 shallow size 由数组元素的类型(对象类型、基本类型)和数组长度决定。

在 32 位系统上,对象头占用 8 字节。int 占用 4 字节,不管成员变量(对象或数组)是否引用其他对象(实例)或赋值为 null 它始终占用 4 字节。对于 String 对象实例来说,它有三个 int 成员(34=12 字节)、一个 char[] 成员(14=4 字节)以及一个对象头(8 字节),总共 34 +14+8=24 字节。

注意JDK 版本区别:

public final class String implements java.io.Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence {
    /** The value is used for character storage. */
    private final char value[];

    /** The offset is the first index of the storage that is used. */
    private final int offset;

    /** The count is the number of characters in the String. */
    private final int count;

    /** Cache the hash code for the string */
    private int hash; // Default to 0

Retained Size

对象的 Retained Size = 对象本身的 Shallow Size + 对象能直接或间接访问到对象的 Shallow Size。即,Retained Size 就是该对象被 Gc 之后所能回收内存的总和。即,该对象到其他对象有引用关系并且该引用对象到 Gc Root 节点是不可达的。总之,Retained size 是一个整体度量,能反映内存结构和对象图的依赖关系,还可以找到根节点。在进行GC时,如果实例对象到 Gc Root 是不可达的,那么该对象会被回收。

Heap Size

堆的大小,当资源增加,当前堆的空间不够时,系统会增加堆的大小,若超过上限(如 64M,阈值视平台而定)则会被杀掉 。


堆中已分配的大小,即 App 应用实际占用的内存大小,资源回收后,此项数据会变小。

建议:若单一操作反复进行,堆大小一直增加,则有内存泄露的隐患,可采用 MAT 进一步查看。


Java heap space


The HPROF parser encountered a violation


The HPROF parser encountered a violation of the HPROF specification that it could not safely handle. This could be due to file truncation or a bug in the JVM. Please consider filing a bug at eclipse.org. To continue parsing the dump anyway, you can use -DhprofStrictnessWarning=true or set the strictness mode under Preferences > HPROF Parser > Parser Strictness. See the inner exception for details.
The HPROF parser encountered a violation of the HPROF specification that it could not safely handle. This could be due to file truncation or a bug in the JVM. Please consider filing a bug at eclipse.org. To continue parsing the dump anyway, you can use -DhprofStrictnessWarning=true or set the strictness mode under Preferences > HPROF Parser > Parser Strictness. See the inner exception for details.
(Possibly) Invalid HPROF file: Expected to read another 3,458,508,632 bytes, but only 125,883,023 bytes are available for heap dump record 0x21 at 0x8114f34a.
(Possibly) Invalid HPROF file: Expected to read another 3,458,508,632 bytes, but only 125,883,023 bytes are available for heap dump record 0x21 at 0x8114f34a.




  • 工具栏及Overview
  • Details:概要信息,如空间大小、类的数量、对象实例数量、类加载器等
  • Biggest Objects by Retained Size:以饼状图给出大对象,鼠标移动到饼图某个区域上方,在左侧会看到对象的详细信息
  • Atcion提供多种分析维度:
    • Histogram:按类列出内存中的对象,对象的个数以及大小
    • Dominator Tree:支配树,分析对象的引用关系
    • Top Consumers:
    • Duplicate Classes:
  • Reports:
    • Leak Suspects:分析内存泄漏
    • Top Components:
  • Step By Step:

Shallow Heap:类对象本身占用内存大小,不包含其引用的对象内存
Retained Heap:对象自己占用内存 + 关联引用对象占用大小。相对于shallow heap,RetainedHeap可以更精确的反映一个对象实际占用的大小(因为如果该对象释放,retained heap都可以被释放)。
Retained Set:指这个对象本身和他持有引用的对象以及这些引用对象的Retained Set所占内存大小的总和

Unreachable Objects Histogram

Unreachable Objects定义

Sometimes a heap dump contains objects which would be removed at the next garbage collection. These are objects which are unreachable from the garbage collection roots. By default, Memory Analyzer removes these objects as part of the parse process as normally they are not important in determining a memory leak. If the heap dump is generated as a result of an OutOfMemoryError then the Java virtual machine will usually have performed a garbage collection operation to attempt to free space for the new object, so there will not be those objects in the heap dump file. There is a chance that the garbage collection was not performed, for example if the object to be allocated was so huge that it was obvious to the JVM that no amount of garbage collection could free enough space, or if the heap dump was triggered by another event.

Sometimes however, it is interesting to investigate these unreachable objects. For example if the application is spending a lot of time garbage collecting then it may be allocating and discarding more objects than is sensible. The types of the objects which could be discarded at the next garbage collection gives a clue as to which temporary objects the application is causing to be allocated. When acquiring a heap dump for this purpose using the Memory Analyzer, do not use the live=true option as that would discard unreachable objects before the heap dump is generated.

Another reason for unreachable objects is if Memory Analyzer has been configured to discard objects on parsing to keep the number of remaining objects small enough for Memory Analyzer to handle. See Enable discard (experimental) for details.

这个结果是一个直方图,显示了不可达的对象的类名、对象实例的数量以及它们的总大小。由于不可达的对象在分析dump文件时被删除了,只存储了类名,所以没有对应的对象图表,选定一个class,右键"List objects"也无法查看其引用列表。

要想MAT在分析dump时不删除Unreachable Objects,修改一下配置即可(当然前提是dump文件中本就包含这些对象)。

1、在Window->Preferences->Memory Analyzer中选中"Keep unreachable objects",然后点击"Apply and Close"保存配置:



还可以按照对象或Class引用和被引用展示:List objects or Show objects by class:

  • with incoming references:列出哪些类引入该类
  • with outgoing references:出该类引用哪些类

多数情况下,在Histogram视图看到实例对象数量比较多的类都是一些基础类型,如char[](因为其构成String)、String、byte[],所以仅从这些是无法判断出具体导致内存泄露的类或者方法的,可以使用 List objects 或 Merge Shortest Paths to GC roots–>exclude all phantom/weak/soft etc.reference(排除所有虚弱软引用)–>查看剩余未被回收的强引用对象占用原因 等功能继续钻取数据。如果Histogram视图展示的数量多的实例对象不是基础类型,是有嫌疑的某个类,如项目代码中的bean类型,那么就要重点关注了。


  1. Overview > Actions > The Histogram
  2. 工具栏 > Histogram

Dominator Tree

支配树,分析对象的引用关系。 对象内存占用&占比

dominate_tree -> 对象调用堆栈树-查找内存占用最高对象(Retained Heap倒叙排序) -> Paths to GC Roots -> exclude all phantom/weak/soft etc.reference(排除所有虚弱软引用) -查找GC Root线程-> 定位未释放内存代码段

Actions > dominator_tree (查看堆中内存占用最高的对象的线程调用堆栈) -> 对象调用堆栈树-查找内存占用最高对象(Retained Heap倒叙排序) -> Paths to GC Roots -> exclude all phantom/weak/soft etc.reference (排除所有虚弱软引用) -查找GC Root线程 -> 查找未释放的内存占用最高的代码逻辑段(很可能是产生内存溢出代码)

Leak Suspects


  1. Overview > Reports > Leak Suspects
  2. 工具栏 > Run Expect System Test > Leak Suspects




Object Query Language,类似于SQL,能够用来查询当前内存中满足指定条件的所有对象。

Thread Overview

可看到:线程对象/线程栈信息、线程名、Shallow Heap、Retained Heap、类加载器、是否Daemon线程等信息。结合左侧的对象属性区域,可以更方便的看清线程中对象的具体情况。


Query Browser


将第一个和第二个hpof文件的Dominator Tree或者Histogram添加到Compare Basket中,之后选中2个文件对比即可


posted @ 2022-11-30 23:53  johnny233  阅读(832)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报  来源