C#基本语法学习笔记 名词解释: 1、CLR---------Common Language Runtime ------------公共语言运行环境,管理着代码的执行。 2、JIT---------Just In Time -----------------------即时编译器。 作用:执行时将中间语言编译成本地代码 3、MSIL--------MicroSoft Intermedi... 阅读全文
How to: Use the Database Upgrade Tool (SQL Server Compact Edition) The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SQL Server Compact Edition) Database Upgrade tool lets you upgrade a SQL Server Com... 阅读全文
Whats different with SQL Mobile and SQL Everywhere and SQL Compact Edition, check the following: SQL Mobile is SQL Everywhere is SQL Compact Edition So, Microsoft has gone and done it. They’ve relea... 阅读全文
What's New for Developers in Windows Mobile 6 4/27/2007 Jim Wilson, JW Hedgehog, Inc. February 2007 Summary The Windows Mobile® 6 developer platform release focuses on a few core goals: simplify l... 阅读全文
Windows Mobile开发环境搭建指南 内容简介 本文描述了如何搭建典型的Windows Mobile开发环境。介绍了相应的IDE、SDK及辅助开发工具的安装及常用配置,并对Windows Mobile下一代开发环境的发展前景做出展望。本文适合初次接触Windows Mobile开发的开发人员。 Windows Mobile开发简介 Windows Mobile是微软公司操作系统产品... 阅读全文