Connect WM5 emulator to the network

Windows Mobile is not so easy with setting up a network connections. Recently I tried to use the Windows Mobile 5 emulator that ships with Visual Studio 2005. A .NET Compact Framework application on this device has to connect to a ASP.NET web service that runs on my desktop machine. For this, I needed a TCP/IP network connection between the emulated device and my host machine. This is possible, but requires some special steps.

This are the steps I performed to setup the connection:

  • Download and Install Virtual PC 2007. This installs a network component which is necessary for the emulator to access the network;
  • Start the Pocket PC emulator with Windows Mobile;


  • Click File, Configure...;
  • Switch to the Network tab;
  • Check the Enable NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter and bind to checkbox and select your network adapter from the list;
  • Click OK;

Note: If you didn't install Virtual PC 2007 you might receive an error message.


  • In Windows Mobile, Tap Start, Settings;
  • Switch to the Connections tab;
  • Tap the Network cards;
  • Below 'My network card connects to', select The Internet;
  • Tap ok;
  • In the Settings window, tap Connections;
  • Switch to the Advanced tab;
  • Tap the Select Networks button;
  • Select two times My Work Network;


  • Tap ok;
  • Soft-reset the device by clicking File, Reset, Soft

After the emulated device is booted, it should get an IP-address from your network's DHCP-server.

Hope this helps,

Connect WM5 emulator to the network

posted on 2008-05-26 12:11  Joey Liang  阅读(571)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报